Just Lending A Hand

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"Your" POV:

I laid back on my bed, enjoying the cooling breeze my fan gave off, as I slowly watched the light outside my window fade. It was well past sunset, and my energy level matched the dark appearance of the sky.

I've felt this way nearly all day. When I woke up this morning, remembering it was Saturday, I fell back into bed and slept for another three hours. I was even tempted to not get up for breakfast, but my stomach managed to convince me. I just...felt so inexplicably tired. More than usual.

It's probably because I just went through a full week of school. The first of many to come...I miss summer already. At least the homework hasn't been that bad so far, I already finished my assignments due Monday and Tuesday.

I removed my gaze from my window, and up to the ceiling. Around an hour ago, Dad said he was going to bed, so it was only me awake in these late hours. I knew I should try to get some sleep, but at the moment, I was strangely...restless. I felt lethargic enough to not want to move much, but my mind was still active enough to where I couldn't doze off. It was weird.

Seeing as I was probably going to be awake for at least another hour or two, I decided to do something to pass the time. I adjusted the headphones around my head, and made sure the cord leading to the radio on my nightstand wasn't twisted in a damaging way.

I'm surprised this police scanner still worked. Dad bought it years ago, but he stopped giving it attention within a year, and left it in the garage to collect dust. I however, find it very useful and kind of priceless, for reasons Dad doesn't thankfully know about.

Tonight seemed like a quiet one so far. Nothing interesting was going on, which was good, considering the kinds of things I listen for with this radio...but I wouldn't mind something coming up.

I did eventually start dozing off, my eyelids dropped and my body relaxed...until the radio came alive again.

"Officers be advised, we have received an emergency alert at the Metroville Bank. A heist has taken place. The getaway vehicle is reported to be a brown 1957 Chevrolet. All available units, please copy."

That made my eyes snap open.

A bank robbery? The thought made suspense quicken my heartbeat, and I sat up from the sudden rush of adrenaline.

A big crime like that isn't something I've tackled yet...it was a little too spicy for my blood. But at the same time, I felt compelled to go. At least try to see what I can.

With my mind made up, I took off the headphones and got up. I opened my door and tip-toed as quietly as I could to my parents' bedroom, and opened the door. Luckily, Dad fixed the creaking hinges a while ago.

I could see the shape of his body in the king-sized bed. Good, he was still asleep. I closed the door and went back to my room, closing my door and moving toward to my closet. On the shelf above my hanging clothes and jackets, I reached for a box. I then leaned down and pick up a pair of black shoes.

Placing the box down on my bed, I took the cover of it off to reveal my super suit.

Calling it a "super suit" was an exaggeration in my opinion, since it was nothing like the fancy costumes all of the other Supers wore. It was way more unsophisticated; homemade with my own hands, with a few clothing items my parents discarded.

The centerpiece was a blue & black full-body wetsuit Mom stopped wearing, after she quit water sports. It fit me comfortably enough, and I made sure to cover or color over anything that people could use to identify it. Next, were old black water shoes Mom also stopped wearing.

Out of A Shell (Dash Parr x Fem!Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now