Chapter 1

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"Hey, do you wanna be friends with me?"

The small boy hugging his knees smiles while asking the simple question. Looking around, the older kid with vibrant azure blue eyes points at himself. "Me? Why me? I don't even know you and that makes me a stranger. Didn't your mom tell you not to talk with strangers?" The 9 year old brunette craned his neck forward to look at him but still gives off a signature smile. "Of course I don't know you. You can't make friends without talking to strangers after all, silly! It's nice to meet you! I'm Bam."

What is this thing? It's so pure yet so stupid! "I guess I could work with you, Bam. You don't seem so bad anyway and I wouldn't want to be one that was eliminated so quickly. I'm Khun Aguero Agnes. Just Khun is fine."


When he opened his eyes, the blaring of beeping echoed excessively within his head. He had tried to use the pillow to silence it but he couldn't avoid the fact the he still had school that day. A low groan towered over the sound of the flashing clock as he smacked the alarm making it the third he had to replace this month.

Like another day after the other, he tugs on his vest and straightens his tie lazily. "I should get the notes for the club meeting after school," he snickers and stuffs the folder into his book bag then sets off for the day.

As he walk down the path towards the school he pops a piece of hard candy and doesn't necessary savor it. He crunches the small ball of sugar between his jaw and slides his fingers into the pockets of his jeans. What catches his eye today is a small group walking close. Delinquents. They stop, noticing his gaze. No one says anything. They don't need to because body language says everything.

Don't think about it.

The air was so tense yet all it took was calm voice to shatter the disturbing silence. "Wangnan, we shouldn't slack," says the voice. He wanted to take a look at where the voice had came from but all he spotted behind the bodies was a certain vest. "So you kids are from the lower school? I don't even think it's worth it to pity you," he scoffs.

The kid named Wangnan glares at the wealthy high school kid and turns away. "Let's go. We don't have time to waste on this guy."

For the rest of first period he couldn't stop smiling. A delinquent not wanting to fight? Ridiculous! By second period everyone had noticed his strange behavior during math class all the way through lunch. "Now what could've made you so happy?"

A familiar figure with the same blue hair and azure eyes sits on the table, seemingly bored as always. "Ah, Ran, you wouldn't believe what happened on the way to school. You see, I came across a group of delinquents-"

The sound of a loud crash explodes faraway. Seems to be another fight. He sighs, quite disappointed that he didn't get the chance to finish his little short story. As the school representative, everything must be resolved by Khun.

"Authorized," he mutters and lifts his foot. A lighthouse forms between his foot and the floor and lifts him off. "I'll tell you later, Ran. Maybe at the meeting." With that, he took off to the other side of the school building.

It were those kids from earlier. "Wow, I didn't know they had such a strong Wave Controller." He uses his lighthouse as a staircase to dramatically intercept the battle. One had a blindfold and very long hair. It wasn't the strangest thing he's seen a kid like him have. The other one was shorter than him. It seemed to be an instructor of his school. "Now why is a staff member fighting a student out on the street? Shouldn't this be taken up inside the arena?"

The staff adjusted his blue and orange baseball hat and began to speak until he was intercepted by another person again. "I started this. I was ready to head to the next section by myself but it seems the rules say otherwise."

"And the rules apply because you got the wrong card. It seems your little friend swapped it out while you weren't looking. Might I say, you fight well without sight."

Khun jumps off his blue lighthouse and they shrink into two small little cubes within his hand. "Well I need you to clean this all up. You don't want to get fired now do you?" When he glanced towards the direction of the kid, he wasn't anywhere in sight. "What was that kid's name?"

"Jue Viole Grace, the slayer in F.U.G."

His eyes widen with disbelief. How could he have left his one and only chance to take down the Viole? He felt like pulling out his hair. "Damn it, I'll get you next time, you slum!"


So what did you think? Short and simple? Might as well get used to it because this story won't have as much attention as the other one and chapters will be quite short. Forgive me if I type "Agnis" instead of "Agnes". Keeping track of the difference is hard considering that both translations are "correct". I'll try sticking with the translations from the webtoon.

P.s. Merry Christmas (if you celebrate)!


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