Chapter 12

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"A game of tag? We may still be kids but doesn't that seem a bit too simple to be our joint test?" Khun kicked up his feet onto the desk. "If I recall correctly, we were killing each other in the very first test earlier."

Hansung Yu just smiled at that. "It is not as simple as you think, Son of Khun. You don't even know who your 'it' is yet."

"Who is it?" piped Anaak.

The room was then filled with uncertain murmurs as the redheaded test administrator popped out of nowhere with his very obnoxious entrance, screaming things that many people filtered out. Only then did they announce the two teams for the Regulars.

Bam leaned in closer to Khun. "Are we on the same team?" he asked in a whisper, sounding a little hopeful.

In response, Khun grimaced. "Unfortunately not." The Light Bearer then silently glanced up at the person who sat at the top corner of the room before looking back down to the saddened boy. "For now, let's do our best, okay? We can't let that gator get ahead of us."

"Yeah! I'm sure you'll do great!" Bam beamed. "I'll make sure to watch you, okay?"

Hansung Yu soon dismissed everyone after a short briefing. Before the two teams officially split off, Khun had pulled Bam to the side by the tug of his shirt. The brunette tilted his head cutely, already waiting to listen to what the Light Bearer had to say. "What do you need, Mr Khun?"

He couldn't believe he was doing this.

A surprised gasp left the smaller as Khun lightly bumped their foreheads together and he cupped his face with both hands. "Bam," he spoke barely above a whisper. There had been a doubt curling in his gut ever since the beginning of the announcement, his instincts warning him that something was going to go terribly wrong during this test. And it didn't help that Hoh and Rachel were on Bam's team. "I know you don't like showing them but..." He shifted anxiously, azure eyes turning away from a gaze that he could not see. Was he allowed to seek comfort?

The boy seemed to understand, but his lips parted once before closing. Then they opened again, a nervous smile accompanying it. "Mr. Khun, I don't..." He fiddled with his braid.

What did I expect? Khun huffed and pulled away, definitely not wanting to push him further. Yeah, he'll keep to himself. That's how it should be. "I understand. I shouldn't have asked for such a favor, I'm sorry." He turned to leave, feeling a little queasy as the feeling in his stomach coiled further. His head ached and he felt terribly ill.

"Hey, Khun," called Shibisu for the third time, crossing his arms when he finally got hum for a response. "Are you feeling alright? Your silence is freaking me out. I thought you got caught already."

In response, he scoffed, flicking his blue hair. "Like I'd allow myself to get so easily captured, idiot. Did you even listen to a single thing I told you earlier?"

"Khun," Shibisu whined. "You're avoiding the question!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he relented, rubbing at his temple. "This is no time to chitchat, the Ranker could come at any moment so keep your guard up."

"But shouldn't our leader be in perfect condition for this?" The Scout relented. "Come on, father Shibisu will help you!"

Khun curled his nose. "Just please shut up. You're making my head hurt."

"But- Oh god, he's here!" cried the Scout.

Through his lighthouse, he watched as Shibisu and the Ranker scurried across the area, finding some amusement from the display. Once more, he rubbed at his temple. He could really use an energy drink. Maybe some sleep too. Yeah, definitely sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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