Chapter 4

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Today was a very special day- kind of. Today Bam passed his very first test. Sure, he was also there to help him, but that didn't really matter when the small boy came jumping with joy into his awaiting arms. The funny thing was that Bam wasn't even aware until Khun told him he had passed. He thought it was impossible for those eyes to grow any brighter.

"Did you see that, dad? I passed my very first test ever!" he giggled and hopped happily in place. Khun chuckled nervously at the unwanted stares brought to him by the new title he was being called. He wasn't even sure himself if he would get used to it down the road.

"Yes, I'm very proud of you!" he exclaimed, ruffling the bird's nest that was his hair. "Let's pass more tests together in the future!" Khun ignored Rak's loud bellows as he motioned Bam over to the side for a little "talk."

The boy rose a brow as the former explained his worries. "So I can't call you 'dad' anymore?" Bam asked, sadness expressed in his features. Puppy eyes.

Khun couldn't help but groan due to his inability to say "no" to that face. With a sigh, he crossed his arms. "You can, just not in front of others. Call me 'Khun' instead, okay?"

Amber eyes stared into azure for a minute too long. The smaller turned away, pulled his knees to his chest and poked at the floor, obviously wanting to say something but terrible at hiding that fact.

"Hey, Bam, what's the matter? Do you not want to call me 'Khun' that badly?" he asked, reaching to comfort him.

In response, the boy shook his head rapidly, swaying a bit from the intensity. "It's just that Rachel told me something. Something about my eyes..."

After their conversation, Khun found himself constantly kicking at his suitcase with furrowed brows and gritted teeth. Lero Ro didn't look so fond of the kids in the slightest but at least he acted nicer when it came to Bam so that was good according to Khun.

He had told Rak to stay back from the barrier of blue shinsu just to watch what the others would do, mostly for his own entertainment. Though, he couldn't stop himself from looking back up every now and then. Coincidentally, those eyes were also looking his way. So bright and innocent.


A beautiful gold. The sunset was just as eye catching and charming as it always has been. Khun thought it was a shame that such beauty was gone within only a few hours of the day as he stared out the open window, his cheek propped up against his hand.

Almost like yesterday, Khun had his mind occupied for nearly the entire day. Rachel noticed something was amiss but hadn't pointed it out when he came to visit her. His thoughts almost interfered with the after school meeting too until Ran smacked the supporting arm away causing Khun to slam his forehead into the desk. The group wasn't laughing anymore when Khun managed to force his brother into a headlock.

"Hey, hey, calm down," chimed Dann, earning a sharp glare from Khun.

Novick came over instead to pull the two apart. "You're not setting a very good example Mr. Representative."

Khun rolled his eyes as Ran blew a raspberry behind Novick's back, acting all innocent when he turned around. "That cheeky little devil," Khun thought.

A loud ring caught their attention as Apple sent out the connections to Khun's lighthouse. "We'll start getting prepared now and will set off in two hours," she said.

Everyone nodded in unison, setting off immediately to get things ready. The school representative opened his lighthouse and began swiftly typing at blue, holographic keys, aware and uncaring of the looks Apple kept giving him. He didn't really care unless they spoke up or had something to say.

Eventually, everyone returned and when they did, Dann had a guilty look as Ran stared daggers at him with absolute disgust. Apparently, Dann had used an app on his phone to help on the test he had with Ran yesterday. One that could answer any question. Khun still thought it was bullshit.

In the end, only a few were actually able to join in on the journey to The Hand of Arlene. Gyetang had gotten sick so Micheal decided to help him, Dann took care of Rachel today, and Apple stayed to safely transfer information. Of course Khun was left with the food loving dorks.

"You break my lighthouse and I break you, understand, Ran?" he threatened.

The smaller just waved a hand at him. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Mr. Khun."

Ran, Novick, and Khun left the office after a brief retelling of the plan, draping cloaks over their shoulders and walking down the dimly lit hall. A few steps behind them, Khun gripped the device in his hand. This ridiculous app couldn't possibly be telling the truth...



This is what you asked for, isn't it? Guess who got back into Tower of God! The story is progressing (albeit slowly), don't worry. Update tomorrow!

[Reuploaded due to technical difficulties]


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