Chapter 10

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Before Dawn:

"Bam?" Shibisu had gone out to get a midnight snack but was surprised when he found a little ball curled up in the corner of the hallway. If he didn't know any better, he would've thought it a ghost and ran off as fast as he could. "What are you doing out here? Isn't this where Khun's room is?"

"M-Mr. Shibisu?" The boy's voice was shaky, hoarse from what Shibisu assumed was crying.

He knelt down to the ball, worry in his tone as he asked quietly, "What's wrong? Was Khun being mean to you?" Shibisu rubbed his back comfortingly. "I'll kick his butt if he hurt you."

The brunette shook his head and sniffled, burying his face further in his knees, a habit he had grown to develop whenever he was distressed. "I...It's nothing, Mr. Shibisu. I just d-didn't want to bother Mr. Khun s-so I was hoping I'd get to talk to him in the morning... I had a very bad dream and I don't want to go back to my room."

"Nightmare? Hey, don't worry about bothering Khun, I'm sure he'll jump at the opportunity to help you out. Same with everybody else. There's no need to feel scared." He put on a smile despite knowing it couldn't be seen in this darkness. "Besides, you'd feel better talking to someone about it."

"But I..." The two sat silently aside from the occasional sniffles emitting from the younger boy. It broke his heart to see their ray of sunshine like this, so he made a decision as he stood up and faced the door, knowing deep down he wouldn't be enough to comfort and bring light back to the boy.

Three knocks echoed in the hall, causing the one still on the floor to jump. "Mr. Shibisu, y-you'll wake up Mr. Khun like that," he said a bit frantically. "I-I can wait until tomorrow, really!"

But Shibisu kept knocking, willing to pay for the consequences of waking a Khun up early. He put on a welcoming smile as the door slowly creaked open, revealing an unkempt and tired Khun Aguero Agnes. Blue eyes bore into him before finally noticing the little bundle next to his door. "Bam..?"

Shibisu leaned in to whisper. "Long story short, Bam had a nightmare and unconsciously came here for your comfort but decided against waking you up early because he's too nice. You better make him feel better or I'll get Hatz on your tail." He moved to poke at Khun only to have that finger violently twisted, causing him to release a silent screech.

He waved his hand when the finger was released and blew on it. A curse became stuck in his throat when he found that Khun was no longer in front of him but instead, knelt down next to the brunette with fingers combing through their hair in a seemingly soothing matter, he was kind of left speechless. Shibisu could see the tiredness that lingered in cobalt eyes, so seeing as he put Bam before himself really warmed his heart.

Having accomplished something, Shibusu went over to return to his room, the thought of a snack having completely left his mind.

"Bam," whispered Khun, brushing a finger over the hair at his cheek. "We should head inside. You must be cold."

That was when Khun fully realized that the boy's headband had been shifted to his forehead, showing teary, golden eyes when the boy looked up at him. Although a little embarrassed, he nodded, taking the hand Khun offered to bring himself to his feet. With his help, they made it over to the couch placed at the side of the room.

Bam sat and wiped puffy eyes with the heel of his hands, surprised when they were suddenly taken away by another pair. Cold. Always cold but forever bringing ease to him. Khun held the smaller hands between his and crouched in front of Bam with eyes expressing something Bam didn't even know was possible. It was concern. Concern over him? Rachel never looked at him like that before.

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