Chapter 3

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"Ah, I actually don't have a parent. Sorry for that," he sighs softly, "You see, my friend, Rachel found me in a cave and took me in for a while before leaving. That's what she told me." After a whole month of being a friend he was asked if he had any parents to go home to.

The one who had asked suddenly found himself wishing he didn't ask at all. He tries to comfort him but it would seem that all of his words were clogged up in his throat. "Well if it makes you feel better... I'll allow you to call me 'Dad' or something like that." In almost an instant, the shorter one's eyes lit up and you could've actually been blinded if you stared at those amber eyes filled with happiness.

"Really? Isn't that title a bit too important? You wouldn't actually let me call you that would you-"

"Enough with the questions," Khun jumps in quickly to avoid more unnecessary words. "Yes, I mean it. It's just for now, okay? I think I can stand in as one."

Bam smiles and hugs him tightly. "Thank you so much, dad!" The other sighs but not because he was annoyed. That's surprisingly a feeling he doesn't have in him at the moment. All he knows is that this emotion is something he doesn't want to lose.


Khun stuffs his face with food to shove down his heavy thoughts. Ran or Novick aren't concerned. This is normal. Every time they'd eat, Khun always force himself to have no conversation with anyone whatsoever when eating and no one ever thought about the reason behind his gluttony.

"Sho, Khun I gotch shome mews fer yoo," says Novick with an almost overflowing mouth of noodles. He glances at him and licks the sauce off his lip. "What is it?" he answers after wiping his mouth.

"You've heard about 'The Hand of Arlene'? That's where the Devil's right arm should be according to Apple." Mid-sentence he coughs quietly. "The fight should be starting up over there. When should we head out?"

Ran groans loudly, "Let's not talk about school right now! The last thing I want is to be reminded of that boring hellhole."

The brother sighs. "That shrine is sacred. Why would the choose a place like that?" At this point, Ran sat up from the table and carried himself and his dishes away from the conversation. He continues. "Perhaps they're religious."

"Major doubt!" he says, shoving away his empty bowl. "I heard a rumor that The Hand of Arlene has always been a main place for brawls. Not that I care though."

His eyes trace the rim of his cup as he slowly washed down his food. Why did it feel like he needed to be involved in this? "If there's time, we set off tomorrow evening. We'll plan in the morning but for now..." Khun stands from his chair. "Get out. You snore too loud and Ran always punches my wall."

"I heard that," says a voice from the kitchen.

"Good," he responded, piling up the dishes. "Oh, and please learn to cook, Ran. I won't have enough money for this months rent unless you pay me. Which I know you won't."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Mr. Khun," he mocks, stepping towards the door.

Novick crosses his arm with a sigh. "Guess that means I won't be eating five star food for awhile."

"Just hurry up and leave please. I'm too tired to be dealing with you."

Once they finally left, he turned off the lights and plopped onto the couch, staring curiously at the ceiling lamp. His mind was in a ocean of thoughts about school, his position, and especially Jue Viole Grace. Who in the world was he exactly?

Just then, a shadow passed by his window and a large crash came soon after. He jerked from his spot and stared momentarily. "Authorized," he whispered, pulling out his lighthouses to examine.

It was dark outside and his lighthouses were extremely bright. Approaching cautiously, he dimmed the neon lights down. He was able to briefly see the figure's long hair but before he knew it, it shifted and launched itself off his balcony. He lived six stories high.




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