Chapter 8

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The Representatives:

Four days, too long.

Khun surprised himself with how fascinated he was with this odd boy, his fingers often mistyping his words during his test due to how distracted he was. This brought upon knitted brows.

That explosion of light during the end of The Crown Game had been a massive blast of shinsu, easily naming Bam a Wave Controller. A very interesting one at that. They may have lost the game and Black March but he couldn't help worry more for the boy than that.

Since he had some spare time, he might as well do some more research.

As he hurriedly typed away, eager to know and understand, Khun sighed, unknowingly craving any light despite being in broad daylight. For some reason, the data he was searching for on the blonde and the boy was little to none.

Then how about the red haired lady?

“Don’t bother, you’ll find nothing.”

He visibly stiffened at the sudden voice and turned so quickly he almost had whiplash.

The woman blinked up at him with her singular eye, the other having been critically and permanently damaged by Bam. “Khun Aguero Agnes,” she spoke. “I heard that you just recently fought for your right to the title with success. How does it feel, being an accepted child of the Khun family out of thousands? And what of your betrayal?”

The child silently narrowed azure eyes. Of course everyone knew about the tournament held in order to determine which child was worthy of the Khun Family name. It was the fact that she was bringing it up that unnerved him.

Khun stared at her for a bit longer before hopping out from his lighthouse and stalking over to her. She was much taller than him but he wasn’t planning to let that be a factor for intimidation.

So, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and kept a safe distance between them. “I doubt you came here to only talk to me about my life story and accomplishments. What do you want?” he asked firmly.

Seemingly unfazed by his forwardness, the lady of red continued to gaze with an eye that was contradictory to his. “When The 25th Bam awakens, be wary of one named ‘Hoh.’ The boy that you have chosen to climb the tower with won't be able to see what will become of himself on his own. When the darkness eclipses the eyes of pure light, they won’t be the only thing you’ll be protecting, Son of Khun.”

It was the next day that he woke up, gold eyes hazy and limbs stiff from having laid down for some time. What welcomed him were a pair of frosty, blue eyes which slowly filled with an indescribable warmth upon seeing his wakening. Ah, he almost made the mistake of thinking they were meant just for him.

"Hi, dad," Bam greeted with a gentle smile, moving to sit up.

Khun returned the smile and reached out to gently rub his head so as to not irritate his wound. “Took you long enough, sleepyhead. You had all of us worried, you know?”

The brunette giggled at the gesture but his eyes appeared slightly more dim than usual. “I’m so sorry, we lost the game because of me.” Suddenly he gasped. “That girl! Rachel, is she okay? Oh no, how long have I been asleep?”

Huffing, he bent over and pinched both of his cheeks to shut him up, the boy writhing at the sting. “Bam, she’s alright, but that wasn’t the girl you were looking for. You must’ve mistaken her for someone else. She told me she didn't recognize you at all.”

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