Chapter Thirty Six: A Come Back

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As crow was getting ready packing his new gear and weapon an ARX200 from nomad's arsenal, jester calls him and tells him to go back to the meeting area where welsh is on a laptop so he approaches him.
Crow: "what do we got?" welsh explains the new information from the team in germany.
Welsh: "we don't have hades locations but we know where his assistant is." he show him a photo of a female.
Welsh: "this is lara von Muller, german  scientist who works for the white mask in chemical weapons, like nerve gas or nova six which the nazi scientist worked on but was destroyed while the cargo ship sank during the 60s what the soviets were used to attack the US but failed."
Crow: "what is she doing making this, what is hades planning?"
Welsh: "i don't know, but we know her location, she is stationed in a abandoned oil rig near Africa."
Crow: "how long do we have?"
Jester: "team rainbow send a group in early, so we may be late, so lets go." they nod and grab their weapons as they left the the heli pad seeing kaid and nomad in a black hawk with mini guns on its side.
Kaid: "chopper is ready to go." as the three came in nomad questions crow about his injuries.
Nomad: "crow are you sure your ok doing this while your injured?"
Crow: "i had worst." all the sudden the heli began to float and go to their objective.

[Earlier at Rainbow HQ]

After jack and his team made it to base jack gave the information to six about a HVT knowing hades location.
Six: "is that all?"
Jack: "yes ma'am."
Six: "well then you may go and get some rest." after jack leaves the room six call the following operators.
Six: "can the following operators, mother, splicer, hawkeye, ash, and zofia, meet in my office for a mission." minutes later the operators that were called came to six's office and she brief them.
Six: "i have you five here for a mission, jack's team has the location of a HVT name lara, she is a scientist working for the white mask, her location is in a abandoned oil rig near Africa, lucky for us an US navy ship will take you and your team there where you will attack from the bottom, jester's team will be notified and they will join the attack as well, we need to capture lara alive."
Ops: "yes ma'am!" they left to the armory and left to the airbase where a helicopter is ready and after they got on they left to their destination.

[Hours later]

After waking up from their sleep they arrived flying near a navy task force landing on a small carrier for helicopters as they were givin scuba suits and left to a private room as the woe were the first to use it, as both ash and zofia put theirs on aya was having trouble putting hers on due to having her butt blocking it.
Aya: "come- on, can you both help me?"
Ash: "come on aya suck your butt in!"
Zofia: "why is your ass so big?"
Aya: "hang on, let me try this." as they were doing that dom and Hawkeye were trying not to laugh.
Dom: "so- *chuckling* hows your day?"
Hawkeye: "nnnn nothing much." after they were done gearing up and ready they were taking to a small sub and grab on then the sub dives with them and a debriefing from the commander of the navy task force.
CS: "team rainbow this is commander slone our ships will bombard the place when you finish your objective." then a familiar voice was heard on the radio.
???: "this is crow, there's multiple SAM sites around the oil rig take them out first sir."
CS: "roger that crow firing when ready."
Crow: "as the team assaults by water we are attacking from the air by heli, our mission is to capture lara von Muller alive, she is the only one that knows where's hades location."
CS: "roger  the group is under water as we speak they will be there in 30 minutes."
Crow: "roger, we may be late ground team." as the ground team is near the oil rigs pillar they let go of the mini sub swim to the surface where two white mask is guarding the platform zofia and  hawkeye grab and pull them down where they slit their throats and let go to see the bodys sink down leaving a trail of blood then resurface and take off their scuba gear and flippers then weapons equip their suppressors the.  ready advance upstairs. once they get first floor they see a terrorist leaning on a railing having a smoke.
Hawkeye: "smoke him." zofia with her Rifle fired and killed him then moved on to the second top level where they see a room of terrorists.
Mother: "i count five."
Hawkeye: "ok, mother with me, ash, zofia, Splicer take the front door we will take the door far left side."
Ash: "ok on me." as they go to their positions and set breaching charges on the doors.
Dom: "charge set."
Aya: "charge set."
Hawkeye: "3, 2, 1, blow it." they detonated and charged in killing the confused terrorists with no sight of the HVT.
Hawkeye: "all clear but hvt is not here." then a radio from the dead terrorist answers.

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