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" Dad please stop. Please stop!" I scream to my dad as he hits me over and over again. I run to my room in a hurry trying to stay far away from him. I lock my door and jump in my bed hoping that he doesn't bust open the door open.

"Juniper June! Where the hell did you hide off today?!" He screams while trying to find me. He walks up to my room and tries to open it. He tries again to see if it really is locked. He starts pounding on my door multiple times trying to get me to open the door. Ha! He thinks that I will open it up to him just so he can hit me more?

He finally leaves my door and walks back on the creaking wood floor to his room. After ten minutes of waiting if he is finally gone I stand up and go to my bathroom. I put my hair up in a scrunchy. I pour the warm water on my face while putting the cold face soap on my face rubbing the suds into my pores. I wash it off and walk back into my room, I change into a simple blue tank top and black running shorts. I walk into my small twin bed and cuddle into my covers. I close my eyes happy that the day is finally over. Then it finally goes black.

*dream* ( she's five years old in the dream)

"Mom! Mom! Where are you?" I scream while running around the house. I run from room to room trying to find her. I run out to the front yard looking to see if she is there. I find her sitting on the driveway just laying and starring into the sky. "Mommy! I found you! Why are you outside? Are we playing hide and seek? Mom?" I ask her while she still stares into the sky. She finally stands up and starts walking.

She starts walking off the driveway towards the road. I run up to her trying to shake her so she realizes that she is walking towards the road. I run back inside to find my dad to see if he can wake her up. I find him drunk on his bedroom floor passed out from too much alcohol he had tonight.

I run back outside to see if I can wake her up. I open the front door trying to get to her. Irgun unto the wet grass.

She's still walking into the road until she stops in the middle of the road. I see bright lights coming down the street. I finally notice that it is too late. The car hits her and doesn't stop after hitting her. I run down the driveway to see if she is okay. With tears in my eyes I run up to her. I hold her in my weak child arms seeing all the scratches and bruises on her body.

She finally wakes up and looks at me with sympathy in her eyes saving her last breath to say something to me . "Juniper June, I will always love you."


Okay, idk why, but when I wrote "Juniper June, I will always love you." I cried for like 10 minutes lol. I'm actually really excited to write this book. I've been wanting to write about this for a long time and I finally decided to start writing it! Hope people like it!


(The picture above is of Amber Heard, she's the girl I imagined as juniper

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