Chapter Five

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We stop kissing and just look at each other. I quickly look away feeling awkward.

We drive to a little diner up the street from school. We walk into and sit in the closest booth.

"Welcome to Sydney Diner, what would you want on this fabulous day?" An enthusiastic older lady with bright red curly hair says to us.

"I'll have the number two with Vegemite on the toast and without the hash browns please." I tell her. " And you honey?" She asks Calum. "I'll have the same as her." He says back.

She leaves us alone to get our food ready.

"So how has your day been so far?" Calum asks. "It's been fine." I tell him. He doesn't deserve any emotion from me. He picked me up in a skirt! In front of everyone. My underwear was probably flashing everyone!

"We only have two more classes after lunch. Meet me by the front doors after your last class."

We eat our lunch in silence until our check comes. I grab my wallet to pay but Calum already has.

We get out of the booth and walk to his car. We drive back to the school and make it just in time.

I walk to my last period, which is health. I sit down in the middle and wait until the bell rings.

"Didn't know you were in this class." A familiar voice says. I look back and see Calum. "I thought you were in another class Mr.Hood" I say back. "Well a little bird told me that there was a beautiful new girl in this class and I just had to switch in." He says with his deep Australian accent. "Oh really? Who is the little bird?" "I can't tell you but it was Mikey. But don't tell him I told you."

After the long and horrible class I walk with Calum to his car.

We drive to my house again in complete silence. We finally get to my house and we walk up to the door.

We give each other or numbers before I walk inside. He kisses my cheek and walks to his car. I open my door and drop my backpack on the ground.

"Honey! How was your first day of school?" My aunt asks. "It was really good! I actually have some good classes." "Was Calum nice to you and showed you your classes?" "Yes he was so sweet!"

I open my door and pay on my bed. I check my phone and see that I have a text message from Calum

'My parents want to meet the new girl in the neighborhood. Come over at 7 if you want to come. Bring your family'


'I would love to (: what should I wear? Is it going to be a fancy dinner? I can't wait to meet my new neighbors, see you at 7'


I tap on my music app and put it on shuffle. I connect to my little speaker and walk to the bathroom. I get unchanged and walk into the shower.

After washing myself up I wrap a towel around me and walk to my room. I look at the cost still deciding what to wear. I don't know if it is going to be a fancy dinner or just a usual family dinner wearing jeans. I finally decide that it's probably going to be fancy. I grab a couple things and walk back into the bathroom.

I change into long sleeved gold and black dress. It his right before my knees. I put on black heels and strap them on. I grab my leather jacket and a black necklace so I don't forget them.

I let my natural curls do it's thing and put it into a high ponytail. I brush my teeth then put on my makeup. I spritz myself with my new perfume. I walk out of the bathroom and go to kitchen to wait for everyone.

"Okay I think everyone is ready." My uncle says. Larson and my uncle are matching, wearing nice black dress pants and a grey jumper over their plaid button up shirt. My aunt is wearing a simple black dress with lace sleeves, having her hair in some cool kind of braid. Layleigh is wearing a short pink shirt with a puffy kind of blouse. Her hair is in a messy bun.

We all walk to the Hoods house. I knock on their door waiting for one of them to answer.

"Welcome. I'm Mali, Calum's older sister. You must be Juniper. Just walk in and out your coats on the table."

We take our coats off and put them on the table.

"Hey babe." I look back to see who it was. Calum. "Hey Cal." We walk holding hands towards the kitchen. I didn't know that we were at this part of this relationship. But I don't mind at all.

We sit down with everyone while Mrs.Hood puts everything on the table.

Once she sits down we all dig into our food. She prepared perfect lamb chops with a side of salad and steamed vegetables.

"So Juniper, has Calum been treating you right? Has he been showing you around Sydney?" Mali asks. "Yes, Calum has been a sweetheart. He has been showing me around the school, but not around Sydney. Maybe he can show me around?" I say while looking at Calum.

Calum laughs while talking to Larson.

We all finish our meals and clean them off of the food. Everyone walks into the living room to watch the big soccer match between Liverpool and Australia.

"Babe lets go. They could be here the rest of the night." I walk up to Calum and grab his hand. We walk to the park just down the street.



I finished it there for the chapter because I didn't know what to write after that. Sorry I didn't post this chapter earlier. I had really bad writers block. But here's the chapter!

Question: favorite holiday?

Answer: Christmas!

What's yours?


(Same day as previous chapter)

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