Chapter Four

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I put my luggage in my aunts car and sit in the front with her. We drive the dreaded forty five minute drive to her house. We drive into her driveway and walk into the house.

" Juniper your room is down the hall to the left then a right, its the one with the soft mint green colored walls." She says "Okay thank you again for taking me in as one of your own." I reply.

I take the left and then the right and find my room. The walls are barren without any posters or pictures. There is a queen sized bed with a grey doona/comforter set in the corner of the room. My room is quite big. Its probably two times bigger than my old room. I take my open luggage bags and hang everything in my closet. I change out of my dress into grey sweatpants and a pink v-neck. I take my hair out of my ponytail and wrap it into a messy bun.

After I hang my clothing in my closet I walk back into the kitchen where everyone is getting prepared for dinner. I wash my hands and start cutting the carrots and peppers making sure that they don't touch the meat.

After we prepare we sit down and eat the dinner. We are having grilled kangaroo meat with a side of vegetables. Looking around seeing everyone happy and talking to each other is so weird to me. I am so used to making something for myself and not eating as a family because my father was always at work or at the pub/bar down the street from my old house.

"So Juniper, how do you like Sydney so far?" My uncle Marcus asked. "It has been amazing since I have landed here." I replied back. "When you lived in US you graduated right?" "Yes, but I graduated two years early. I am supposed to be in year 11." " Really? Our neighbor has a son going into the same year!" he says.

We finish our meal and put them in the sink. I walk back into my room and open up The Fault In Our Stars. I am at the part where they are visiting Amsterdam and Hazel Grace is walking up the many flights of stairs.

I look at the clock and see that it is midnight already. I close my almost finished book and climb into the covers of my new bed.


I wake up with half of my covers on the floor. I walk into the kitchen and see that everyone is gone except Marcus. "Hey Hun, your aunt left for work about fifteen minutes ago to beat the traffic and Layleigh and Larson went to school early to finish a project. I am sorry, but I am just leaving for work. I asked our neighbors boy if he could take you to school with him." he says while walking out of the house to his car. I walk back into my room to decide what I am wearing today.

I have to wear something that is my style, but it will also impress the teachers.( I know that the real school has a dress code, lets pretend that it doesn't...) I put on a lace strapless crop top, I grab the pink skirt that fell on the ground and put it on. I grab a sleeveless jean jacket and put in on over my top. I walk into the bathroom quickly knowing that I have ten minutes max to get ready before the guy picks me up. I put my hair up in a cute but messy bun. I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth. I decide on putting foundation, eye-shadow, eyeliner and mascara.

I walk back to my room and put on a jagged necklace over my usual necklace. I put my black ballet flats while walking out of my room. I grab a piece of toast left on the plate with Vegemite on it. I walk to the front door and pick up my grey backpack with lace at the bottom of it.

I walk to the door and wait for the honk to happen. I look out the door to see if he is here yet.

A knock finally happens and I open the door.

" Hello, I am Calum Hood, your new neighbor." " Hey, I am Juniper Bale.( I was going to leave it at this point, but I wanted you guys to have a longer chapter so juniper will meet calum lol)

I get out of my house and lock the door. We walk to his 1969 black convertible mustang. He opens my door and I sit down in the comfortable seat.

We drive to the school and park in a parking spot. " So Juniper, I am going to walk with you to the office to get your schedule and then I will walk with you to your first class, is that alright with you? He asks. " Yes! That would be so helpful!" I say with enthusiasm. 

I walk with Calum to the office and wait in the line for my schedule. "Next!" the secretary says. "Hello, my name is Juniper Bale, I am new here, can I have my schedule?" She looks through the folders and stop at the letter B. She finds my schedule and hands it to me.

I looked at my schedule and Calum's and notice that we have the first four classes together. We walked in our classroom which is Biology and greet our teacher. He walks to his friends leaving me alone in the middle of the class. I decide on sitting by myself in the front of the class. 

I look to see who I sit by. There is a girl to the right of me with straight brown hair and glasses. To the left of me is another girl, but she has red hair and multiple piercings in her ears. 

"Hey my name is Harper Stewart, whats yours?" the girl to the right of me says. "My name is Juniper Bale." We talk to each other until the bell rings for class to start. I found out from Harper that the other girls name is Ivy and that she is really shy before you get to meet her.

After the class Calum finds me and we walk to our next class together. We walk into Mrs.Lee's English class. He walks away from me again and sits with his friends again. This time I decide on sitting in the middle of the classroom. I look out the door waiting for everyone to walk in to the class.

I see Ivy walk in and sit by me. "Hey, Juniper right?" She asks. "Yeah, why does everyone know my name here even though this is my first day?" I ask. "Who doesn't know you! Everyone knows you because you were in the car of Calum Hood, the star soccer player of our school! He never lets anyone in his car. You're so lucky that he even talks to you!" she says back. 

The bell rings making everyone sit down in their chairs.

I walk with Ivy to lunch and sit down with her and Harper. We start eating and talking about how school is for everyone.

"Juniper. Lets go." Someone behind me says. I look back and see Calum. "So are you just going to stay there and stare at me or are you going to go to lunch with me?" he says. "Do you really expect me to go with you even though you're acting like a total douche?"

Who talks to me like that. He is the soccer star but he has no right to talk to me like that. "Yes,you should come with me. Most girls would die to be at your position right now." " Well then ask one of them." I say back.

"Well, you're going with me." he says. He grabs me by the waist and puts me on his shoulder. "Get me off of you now!" I scream. " I will let you go if you go to lunch with me." he says without any emotion. "No I don't go to lunch with people that act like they are better than everyone." I tell him back with more attitude.

I finally give up and just let him take me wherever. 

He slowly puts me in the passenger's side of his car and shuts my door. He walks to his side and sits in his seat.

He looks at me and quickly looks away.

Then he quickly places his soft pink lips on mine. I know that I shouldn't let him and that I shouldn't kiss back, but I do.


Hey guys I don't know what to say but happy halloween to the people that celebrate this.

Question of the day: If you do celebrate Halloween, what did you dress up as?

My answer: I dressed up as mario and my friend dressed up as Luigi. We were the girly versions of them though. We had blues tutu's on, it was so much fun!


(Btw its a Monday in this chapter)

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