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Alice woke up in her bed in the morning. She stretched her arms out before letting them fall down on the mattress. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 10. She stood up to make her way downstairs when she felt an urge to pucke. She rushed to the toilet and got there in time to empty her stomach. She sat there a while before getting up to watch her mouth and face. She looked herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess but she couldn't really care right now. Morning sickness was a thing she didn't miss about being pregnant. She put her hand on her stomach rubbing it.
She went out the bathroom and went downstairs not bothering to fix herself. She went down and made herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. She wasn't in the mood to eat but knew she had to have something as she was eating for two right now. She made her self a sandwich and sat down again. She heard Betty coming downstairs and smiled at her daughter.
- You really are sleeping in now days mom.
- Well I haven't been able to do that in a long time, it feels good.
It's true. She was always up early but liked sleeping in and she was pregnant and thought she deserves it. Not that her daughter knew.
- Shouldn't you be in school?
- I'm going but out first lesson teacher called us yesterday and said she was sick.
- Well you better get going before you get late.
- Okay mom, Betty said and grabbed an apple before heading out for school.
Alice eat and drank her breakfast before getting up and sitting down at the couch. She grabbed her computer and started to work on an article. When Hiram had gone to prison Hermione got the Register. She sold it to Alice in a really cheap price. Alice was now the owner to the Register. She got ride of everything and everyone who was connected to Hal and Hiram. She was only writing what was going on in town. She never bashed on the serpents or the southside, the opposite she was helping the southside however she could. She was writing the article when she heard a nock on the door. She got up to open it and found a smiling Fp.
- Hey baby.
- Hey, she said and dragged him in to the house before closed the door.
- What are you doing here?
- I just wanted to se how you were, he said and bent down and kissed her.
- I have missed you, Alicd smiled at him.
- I missed you to, so much Ali!
- Oh really
- Yeah
- She smirked at him.
He put his hand on her stomach.
- How are this one?
- Good, giving me some sickness thats all.
She saw his face change into concern in a flash.
- Are you okay?
- Yes Fp, it's only morning sickness, nothing I haven't dealt with before.
- Okay, I trust you.
She could see the relief on his face.
- You're so sweet, she put her hand on his cheek.
They closed the gap between them self and started to kiss. Out of nowhere Alice could feel a strong smell. She pulled back and put her hand on her mouth. She rushed to the sink in the kitchen. She felt a par of soft hands pull her hair back and rub her back. She washed her mouth when she was done and turned around to Fp.
- Well that's a turn off, she laughed.
Fp smiled at her.
- Could you do me a favour.
- Yeah.
- Can you please not wear that cologne when you visit me.
- It was my cologne?
- Yeah it started it.
- I'm sorry, she could see the guilt on his face.
- Hey, it's okay, like I said it's just morning sickness its normal.
- Sure
- Fp
- I just hate seeing you getting hurt.
Alice face soften up at that.
- It's okay, why don't we go and sitt down at the couch?
He nodded and she dragged him there. She sat down and he took the place beside her. She put her head on his chest and he brushed her hair with his hand, the other hand found it's way to her belly. She felt so comfortable there with him.
- We have to tell the kids soon Alice
- I know
- Alice
- I don't want to destroy this, you and me, Betty and I are finally getting along.
- And if you won't tell her, and keep it a secret she will just be more angry.
Alice got up from her warm place and sat facing him.
- How do I tell her, them that I'm pregnant with her boyfriend's father's child? How am I supposed to say that.
- We won't be able to hide this forever.
- I know, she said with a sight and layed back on him.
- We can wait a little bit more, Fp then said.
She smiled at him and he kissed her head. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a while.
- Do you have an appointment?
- Yeah I booked one for thursday this week.
- Do you want me to come with you, I could If you want it.
- Of course I want it. I want you to be with us, always.
- Okay.
- You weren't there with Charles, you couldn't, so I want you here now, she said in a sad voice.
- I will, of course I will, he assured her.
They layed there in each other arms for a few hours until Alice spoke up.
- I think you should go, Betty will be home soon.
- I don't want to he complained.
Instead of leaving he sat up and crached their lips together. Alice didn't take long before responding. He hoverd over her, her back against the couch. He started kissing her neck. Alice were enjoying it but remember that anytime her daughter could walk in that door. She used her hands to push him away.
- I would love to Fp but we can't, she said while fixing her hair.
- Fine, Fp said and got up.
She followed him to the door. He opend the door and looked at her. He kissed her soft on the lips before walking away. Alice sighted. She was tired of hiding this but she knew they didn't have another choice. And as Alice knew it didn't take a long time before her youngest came home.
- Hey mom
- Hey honey
- I'm going to go do my homework, we have a test tomorrow.
- Okay, dinner will be ready in a few hours.
Betty nodded and headed upstairs. Alice went into the kitchen to prepare for dinner. She seatled on spaghetti bolognese, she knew her daughter loved it. A hour passed and she sett the food on the table. She went to the stairs and called for Betty.
It wasn't long before both were sitting and eating.
- How is it going in school?
- It's good, me and Jug are still working on the paper.
- Good, I don't want to to quite the thing you love.
They continued their meal and having small talk. Betty then excused herself to go study more. Alice went to countinue writing her article.


It was thursday and Alice was feeling nervous. She hadn't gone to an appointment in almost 16 years. She was waiting for Fp to pick her up. She looked at the clock and saw it was 09:35. He should be here soon. And just as that she heard a knock on her door. She went to the door and opend it.
- You're here, good, she said and grabbed her purse. He quickly kissed her lips before walking to his truck. They got in and started drive. They got to the hosbital and got in to the baby sektion. They waited until it was their turn. The doctor called them and they got in to a room.
- You can lie down Miss Smith.
Alice did as she was told. They started to check her stomach and baby. He turned the screen on and they could see their baby. Or what whould one day be a baby. Fp didn't really know what he saw. He had done this 3 times now and was still clueless. You're 6 weeks ahead and this little one seems fine. Fp kissed the top of Alice head and were holding her hand.
- There is nothing more left here, your baby is fine and healthy, you should go to the nurse so that they can give you another appointment in a few weeks he said and smield. He then left the couple to have some alone time. Alice sat up and Fp stood infron of her.
- Our baby is healthy and good he smiled down at her. He bent down and kissed her. He could feel her smile against the kiss.
He drew back and put his hand on the bed still standing infront of her.
- We should go, Alice said.
- Okay he said and Alice kissed him before jumping of the bed. Fp grabbed her hand before leaving the building and getting into his truck.
- You want to go to pops? He asked her before turning on the engine.
- Sure, she smiled and pulled on her seatbelt.
They started to drive and talked on the way. They were soon pulling in the dinners parking space. They got out of the car and made their way inside the dinner taking a booth at the far end. It was a risk being out in the open like this. Anyone could se them but they wanted to celebrate in a way and pops was the perfect place.

Pop saw them enter and made his way to them.
- Hey pops! They both said and smiled up at him.
- Hey, it's a change seeing you here alone.
- It is, Fp said and took her hand.
- You two back together, he asked them seeing their hands.
- We are, Fp answerd his question.
- But please don't tell our kids or anyone for that matter.
- I won't, he assured them.
- So what can I get you, your usual?
- You still remember? Alice questioned him.
- How could I forget, you were my favorite and usual costumer before your son took your place.
- Like father like son, Alice patted his cheek.
- Yes our special will do.
- I will be right back with it.
He left the couple alone to get their food done. There weren't many people there so they were keept alone. Pop came with their food. Two burgers, one basked of fries and 1 chocolate milkshake for Alice and one vanilla for Fp.
- I can't believe this Fp, we are having a baby.
- Well, I won't lie and say that I haven't dreamed about this.
- Me too, she peeked him on the lips before stealing one of his fries.
- You always steal.
- That is the fun, she said and took another frie.
She sipped on her milkshake and feelt him looking at her.
- What?
- You're just cute.
- She rolled her eyes but was failing with hiding a smile.
He squashed her cheek before kissing it.
He then went for his milkshake. Took a sip before finishing his burger. He went to drink his milkshake but saw Alice taking it from him taking a sip, looking up at him playing innocent.
- And you still steal my milkshakes, like always.
- I'm feeding your child, don't complain.
He smirked at her as he saw her finish his milkshake.
- Dork
- Take that back, she threatened.
- Can't do.
She narrowed her eyes at him pretending to be angry.
- Come on Al.
She turned from him feeling him closing in to her.
- Come on I know you like it.
She remind silence.
- Baby
- Baby
He sighted and hugged her from behind, putting his hand on her belly.
He kissed her cheek and saw her turn to him smiling.
- You are evil, he said.
- Awww don't be sad baby.
He smiled as they went in for a slow kiss.
- I love you
- I love you more, she said
- Not possible.
- Let's not start that, she said and finished his milkshake. They sat there a while before heading out hand in hand. Pop looked at them smiling remembering those two as teenagers. They were in and out this place constantly for weeks either with friends or alone. He was happy that they were together again. He knew they belonged together. He saw them drive away and went back to his work.


So I have no ide abour pregnancy and stuff only the small things I Google so sorry if anything is wrong.
We may see bugheads reacting in the next chapter. Ether the next one or the one after that.

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