Last minute preparation

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Alice was now around 35 weeks pregnant. She was in the car beside Fp. They were going for a last shopping tour for their little baby boy. He was scheduled to arrive in about 5 weeks. Fp was driving with on hand and the other was on her leg. They were soon at the store and Fp parked the car. He went out of the car and walked to Alice side. He opened the door and helped her out. It was getting harder and more painful to move.

They slowly walked to the store. They almost had everything they needed but they had ordered a crib and it arrived at the store today. They walked into the store.
- Will you be okay alone while I go grab the crib? Fp asked her.
- Yeah, I will walk around.
He gave her a kiss before heading off.
Alice slowly walked around the store. She saw a lot of cute things and couldn't help herself and took a few. She blamed it on the hormones. She walked alone for a few minutes until she saw Fp approach her. He was carrying a box she assumed was the crib.
- Really Alice, he said when he saw the toys and clothes in her arms.
- What we need them.
- I think we have enough.
- Well I disagree.
He smiles at her. She couldn't be cuter.
- Okay, okay sure you win.
- Thank you, she smiled at him.
- Now come on let's go home, I know you're tired.
She nodded and grabbed his arm and they slowly made their way to the cashier. They waited in line until it was their turn and paid. They then made their way back to their car. Fp put the thinge in the luggage and then went to help Alice get into the car. He then went into the driving seat and started the car and drove away. The drive home wasn't long and they were soon home.

Fp parked the car and want out to Alice side to yet again help her out. He then went and grabbed the stuff from the luggage and carried it. Alice opened the door and they walked into the house. He walked up the stairs and went into the nursery, the guest room back then. He put the box on the floor and waited for Alice to come.

She came up to the room and stood beside him.
- This room is going to be perfect, Fp said.
- Of course, it will, I renovated it.
Alice rolled her eyes and stood so she was facing him. He wrapped her arms around her and gave her a kiss. He held her tight.
- Well, let's pretend the guys didn't help you at all.
- What guys? Fp asked innocently.
Alice smiled up at him and gave him a sweet kiss.
- Now you need to build this crib and I will go lay down in bed and take a break.
- Do I need to do it now?
- Yes
- But I can come and lay down with you and snuggle.
- Fp no, this needs to be done before the baby comes.
- Sure, he said and sighed.
-Good, she patted his cheek and went to their bedroom.
Fp sat down on the floor and opened the box. It felt like the crib was in thousands of piece. He took all of the pieces out and lay them down on the floor.
- Now how do you do this?
He took the manual up and tried to understand what the hell it meant.
He took 2 different pieces and tried to build them but they clearly didn't fit together. The pieces were made of wood and were painted white. There were a lot of screws and nails that Fp didn't know what he would do with. He sat there trying to build the crib for around half an hour but didn't get one piece right.
- Great, he sighed deeply.
He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Fred's number.

- Hello, Fred answered his phone.
- Hey Fred
- Fp
- Yeah, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?
- What favor? Fred could feel Hermione look at him.
- Yeah, I need your help.
- With what?
- Building a crib.
- Seriously?
- Yeah
- Fine I will be there in a few minutes.
- Thanks.
Fred closed the call and turned to Hermione.
- It was Fp.
- What did he want?
- Does he need help? Fred said and smiled.
- Help with what exactly?
- Building a crib.
Hermione lifted her eyebrows
- Really?
- Yeah
- That man, she said and chuckled.
- You want me to come with you?
- No there is no need if you don't want to see Alice?
- No, I think Alice needs her rest.
- Okay, Fred took his jacket from the chair and put it on. He walked to the couch where Hermione was sitting. They had been snuggling before Fred got the call.
He bent down and gave her a long and passionate kiss.
- I won't be gone long.
- Just go help that hopeless man, Hermione said and kissed him again.
- Bye
- Bye Fred.

Fred walked out and made his way to the house next door. He knocked on the door and waited for Fp to open it. He waited a minute until the door opened.
- Hey Fp, Fred greeted the other man.
- Hey Fred, thanks for coming.
- No problem.
They went into the house and up the stairs to the nursery.
- Here, Fp said and pointed at the crib.
- Okay, let's get started.
Both men sat down at the floor. Free read the manual once and started to get build. With the help of Fp who would find the pieces, Fred asked for they managed to build the crib.
- We did it, man, Fp said.
- We? Fred looked at him.
- Okay, mostly you but it's finally done.
- It wasn't that hard, was it.
- Not for you
- You just needed to read the manual.
- I did, this thing was harder then Ikea's furniture.
- Don't exaggerate Fp, It wasn't that hard.

- Yeah don't exaggerate Forsythe, a voice behind them said.
- They turned around and saw Alice standing in the doorframe.
- Alice, Fp said
- Fp, Fred
- Hey Alice, Fred greeted her.
Alice looked at Fred for a while.
- I think I should head home, he said and started to move.
- Wait now, don't leave me Fp begged.
- Sorry, you got yourself into this situation.
Alice walked into the room and made way for Fred to pass by.
- Really Fp, you needed help?
- Yeah It was harder then it looked.
Alice walked up to Fp and stood in front of him.
- Did you do anything here or did you call Fred?
- Hey, I actually did things.
- Or did you call Archie, Jughead and Tom?
- I did not.
Alice couldn't keep a straight face anymore but smirked up at him.
- Hey, that was not funny.
- It actually kinda was.
- How should I know you were faking it, I don't want to fight with pregnant Alice.
- You are a dork
- Yeah but I'm your dork
- That's right.
He leaned down and captured her lips. He put his hands on her stomach and could feel his son's kicks.
- He is a kicker
- Yeah, a fighter like his dad.
He stood on his knees and pulled up her shirt. He places kisses all over her stomach.
- I love you baby, he said to her stomach.
He felt the baby kick when he said that.
- He can hear his dad, Alice said.
Fp looked up at her and smiled big.
- He does, doesn't he? He stroked her stomach before standing up again. Fp put his hand around Alice's shoulder and she leaned into him. They watched the beautiful baby blue room with white furniture and teddy bears.

It was late at night and they were laying in each other's arms. Alice had her head on Fp's chest and he had his hands on her stomach.
- What about Leo? Fp asked.
- Yeah I don't know
- David
- Too original, Alice said.
- Harry?
- No
- Ron?
- We aren't in Harry Potter baby, Alice said.
- Then Alex
- No
- How about Rex?
- Fp seriously?
- Come up with something better then.
- Dante? Alice suggested.
- No
- Then Sam?
- No
- Lucas?
- No
- Fp we need a name.
- I know, he said and sighed.
- We can't just name him Baby.
- I know but you have said no to all my suggestions.
- I just want his name to be perfect.
- I know baby, I know.
- We can't name him just whatever.
- Well, we still have some time left, We don't need to decide yet, Fp said.
- Are you sure?
- I am he said and kissed her head.
- What matters now is that his family will love him so much, isn't that right, he said and stroked her belly.
He felt a strong kick and he smiled widely. He felt Alice move.
- Is something wrong baby?
- I know how much you love it when he kicks but it's starting to hurt.
- Is everything all right? He felt his panic rise.
- No, no baby, she said and squeezed his hand.
- It's normal, it happened to my 3 other pregnancies.
- Are you sure?
- 100%
- But If anything would be wrong you would tell me right.
Alice then slowly got up and laid against the headboard. She placed her hand on his cheek.
- Of course, I trust you more than anyone.
She leaned in and kissed him. She then put her forehead against his and closed her eyes.
- I trust you and wouldn't have anyone else besides me with this, you know that right?
- Yes I know, he whispered.
He kissed her again before drawing her in so she would lay against his side. They stayed like that until Fp could feel Alice breath slow down. He looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep. He kissed her head and slowly sat up. He took the covers and tucked her in. He laid back again and turned off the light. He laid his hand against her and held her tight. The love of his life. The woman he trusted more than anyone on this planet.

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