Are we really done?

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Alice opend the door and got in with Fp behind her. She was laughing at something he said. A big smile at her face. But the happiness didn't last long as she saw her daughter and Jughead when they entered the living room.
- Betty hey, greated Alice
- Dad, Jughead looked at his father.
- Jug.
- What are you doing here?
- I was looking for something in the store and Alice said she had it so I came with her, he came up with a quick lie.
Jugehad raised a eyebrow knowing that his father was lying. Betty was quiet the whole time.
- What's wrong Betty? her mother asked her.
- What's wrong! She said raising her voice.
Jughead put his hand on her shoulder comforting her. She never looked at her mother.
Alice looked at her daughter shocked.
What was going on. They had a good time last time when they talked. What made them take a step back.
- Betty talk to me please, Alice said nervous.
Betty finally looked at Alice. Her blue eyes were cold and Alice could feel them bore inte her. She felt Fp look between them.
- I can't believe you! Betty said looking straight into her mother's eyes.
- I really don't know what's going on with you Betty, Alice said and put down her purse on the table.
- You really don't?
- No
- You have no ide?
- Betty how could I know, I'm not a mind reader, Alice said starting to become irritated.
Betty's eyes shot daggers at her mother. She quickly stood up took out something from her backpocked slamming it onto the table. Alice eyes widened at the sight. There were her pregnancy test. The white stick showing 2 lines.
- This isn't mine mom, so who could it be, Betty who was now sitting beside her boyfriend again spoke up.
Alice reminded quiet. She didn't know what to say. Her eyes reminded glued on the test.
- I was searching the house for some batteries when I found this.
- Betty
- What mom, what excuse do you have now.
Alice felt so stupid. Here she was, her daughter lecturing her about her "mistakes"
She finally was able to say something.
- Betty this is none of your business.
- Ohh I think it is. My mother is pregnant! Pregnant with my boyfriend's father's child! Betty snapped.
At that Fp looked at Betty and then at his son.
- What? Alice asked her eyes wide again.
- You don't think I figured it out.
- How did you? Fp asked.
It was Jugheads turn to answer.
- We had our suspicions of you, you always found excuses do be here dad, Jughead said angry.
- This only confirmed things.
- I'm sorry, Alice tried.
- Sorry won't cut it, Jughead said.
- I thought we were good again mom. I had hoped that all this time that you would have told me the truth but yet again you lied.
- Betty, Alice felt her eyes water.
Betty was facing her gaze down, her head bowed. She lifted her head and a tear escaped her eye.
- I thought the lying was done between us, she said and stood up.
She passed her mother and Alice grabbed ahold of her arm.
- No! Betty shook herself free.
She looked at her mother for a time before turning around running up the stairs. Jughead stood up.
- You messed up bad, he said with anger in his voice before following his girlfriend. Alice put her head in her hands as she made her way to the couch siting down. Fp was quick to be at her side.
- Alice, he said and tried to make her look at him.
- Baby please.
She shook her head but took away her hand to bury her head into his shoulder. He put his arms around her holding her close. He heard her crying as he pulled back, held her chin up to look at her.
- They will be okay, he said softly to her.
- They hate us
- They don't hate us
- They do Fp, they hate us, did you not see them?
- I saw but they will be okay
- I messed up!
- Alice they will get over it!
- I don't know if they will.
- Alice
- I can't lose my daughter again, I can't
- Baby you won't, we just need to give them some time.
She closed her eyes taking a deep breath.
- Maybe we shouldn't do this, she said and opend her eyes again.
- What are you saying? FP questioned her.
- Maybe we aren't meant to be.
- You aren't meaning this.
- Do you think I want this? She said while a tear rolled down her face. He wiped away the tear from her chin and cuped it. She leaned in on the touch.
- Don't do this to me Alice, he whispered.
- I have to
- You don't
- It's for the kids
- They will be okay
- You care about Jughead
- He is my world
- Then we need to do this, she forced herself to say and pushed herself from him.
She looked at his face and saw tears forming.
- Alice please
- Please don't make this harder then it has to be.
- Let's not make the mistakes we did back in the day. Let's not repeat our mistakes.
- It's not a mistake if we do it for the kids.
She stood up, wanting space between them because she knew she would easily fall into his arms.
He followed he lead and stood infront of her.
He put his hands on her cheeks.
- Fp please, she begged him.
He looked into her eyes and backed away.
- Fine, he said with a broken voice.
- I should go.
He made his way to the door and opend it. He lingered at the doorway, looked back at her before heading out to his truck driving away.
Alice put her hand over her mouth holding in a sob. She sat down again at the sofa. She put her hand other hand on her stomach. She was silently crying alone. She looked at the door where he had gone out. She wished he was here but he couldn't. Not if she wanted to have a relationship with her daughter. She needed to talk with her. She stood up and walked up to Betty's bedroom. She knocked on the door before getting in. The two teenagers looked at her. They were siting on Betty's bed, Jugheads hand on her shoulder. Alice wiped away her tears before talking.
- Can we talk, Betty? Alice asked her.
Betty looked at her mother before turning to her boyfriend then to her mother again.
- Sure
- Do you want me to stay? Jughead asked.
- No I will talk to you tomorrow.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, Betty answers and kissed him.
He walked towards Alice stopping infront of him
- Where is my..
- He went home, she cut him.
- Okay, he turned to Betty, said goodbye and left the house.
Alice walked towards Betty.
- Can I sit down?
Betty didn't say anything so she sat down.
- Betty I'm so sorry.
- How could you mom? Betty finally spoke tears in her eyes.
- It's my boyfriend's father!
- I know honey but..
- No but, she looked down at her mother's stomach.
- And now you're carrying his child, Betty whispered.
She looked up at her mother again.
- Honey I'm really sorry, I never ment to hurt you.
- I know.
- I didn't plan for this Betty
- Do you want it, do you want a baby with him.
- I, yes, she admitted.
Betty nodded her head.
- So what are you together or was it just sex?
- It wasn't only sex, It never was only that. I love him Betty, Alice said with tears in her eyes.
Betty nodded her eyes.
- But you don't have to worry now.
- What? Betty asked.
- I broke it off with him.
- Why? Betty asked shocked.
- You, I would do anything for you.
- Did you really?
Alice nodded her head as a yes.
- For me.
- I may love him Betty but I love no one as much as I love you and Polly.
- And I guess this one, Betty said referring to her baby
- Yes.
They sat in silence until Betty spoke up.
- Do you regret this mom?
- Regret what?
- This life, I know this isn't the real you, she said and looked aroud her room.
- I regret hiding my true self, yes.
- You loved him when you were in high school right?
- I think I did, yes.
- Then do you regret us, do you ever regrett leaving Fp to go with Hal.
Her question pained Alice. Was this what she were thinking. That Alice didn't want her.
- Betty no never, she said firm but soft.
- Do I regret some things that I did, yes but I don't regret getting together with Hal. Because it gave me you and Polly and I couldn't ask for more. I would do everything again if it meant getting you two.
Alice felt tears sliding down her cheeks.
- Betty I love you.
- I love you to mom, Betty said with a small voice.
She drew Betty into a hug holding her thight and close. Alice stroked Betty's hair. She later drew back to look at her daughter. Both of them had tears in their eyes and ruined makeup.
- You should talk with him, Jughead and I talked about it and we saw how happy you guys were. We figured to give you two a chance.
Alice looked at her daughter surprised.
- Really?
- Yes.
- You deserve happiness.
Alice smiled and put her hand on Betty's cheek.
- How far along are you?
- Around 10 weeks.
- 10 weeks? Betty's eyes grew wide.
- Yes
- May I? Betty asked and reached her hand out.
Alice nodded and put her hand on Alice's belly.
- I will probably show more in a few weeks.
She drew back her hand and looked at her mother.
- It will take a time to get used to but I'm happy for you mom.
- Thank you Betty.
- You should talk with him.
- I will, but I only want to be with you know. They went in for another hug not releasing each other for a while


Jughead opend the trailer door and went in. He saw his father sitting on the couch. He walked towards Fp and took a seat beside him.
- We broke it of, Fp was the first one to speak.
- What? Jughead asked.
- Me and Alice, she didn't want to ruin it for you. Fp finaly looked at his son.
- And she has a point, I want you to be happy and you are that with Betty.
- That doesn't mean you have to break up.
Fp looked at his son confused.
- What?
- Betty and I talked and figured out that you deserve a second chance. It will be wierd but maybe we can work this out.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I mean we aren't the happiest that our parents are together but we se that you are happy.
- Thanks Jug, Fp said and smiled at him.
- Can I ask you something?
- Sure
- Did you ever regret getting with mom instead of Alice.
- Never, Fp said firm.
- You and Jellybean are the world to me. I wouldn't trade you for anything. You understand?
- Yeah
Fp gave him a quick hug before standing up.
- Are you going to talk with her?
- I am.
- Good luck
- Thanks, Fp smirked at his son before walking out of the trailer in to his truck.
He wrote her a quick message.

Fp: Ali can we talk?
Alice: Yeah I want that.
Fp: See you at sweet water river in 30?
- I will se you there.

Fp stared the engine and drove to the river. He parked his car and walked on the sand. He was early so he sat on down and waited fonrher. He watched the water and got lost in his thoughts until he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw her sitting next to him.
- Hey
- Hey, he looked at her.
- I talked with Betty and she said she and Jughead are okay with this.
- I know, I talked with Jughead.
- Fp I'm sorry
- I'm not angry at you, I know why you did it.
- I don't want to lose what I have with Jughead either.
- So what are we going to do now?
- I don't know Alice.
- Do you still want to try this out.
- Do I still want to try it out? She looked down when he said that.
He put his hand under her chin lifting it so she would look at him.
- Of course I want, how could I not.
He looked at her lips and kissed them.
- I'm crazy about you Alice Smith , he whispers into the kiss.
She kissed him again, soft but filled with lust. Alice drew back and put her forhead against his.
- I love you so much, she whispered.
- I love you to
- So we are doing this again?
- Yes, Alice answered.
Fp looked down at her stomach and put his hand in it rubbing her stomach. He then put his head on her lap, his hand still on her stomach. She stroke his hair, kissing his head once in a while. They sat there in silence just enjoying each other presence.

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