Old friends

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Alice was sitting on her bed holding her phone. Her hand hovered over a name. She missed Hermione, she missed her friend. She looked at the name and were tempted to call her. But they hadn't really been friendly in a while. What if Hermione didn't want anything to do with her. She closed her phone and threw it on her bed. She sensed someone looking at her so she looked towards the door and saw Fp standing there. He walked towards her and took a place beside her.
- Hey what's going on?
- Nothing, nothing, she said and put some hair behind her ear.
- Alice
She looked up at him before speaking.
- It's just when I was with Hal and was the nasty Alice Cooper no one liked, I didn't have any friends really and I miss having friends. But Hal didn't want to focus I'm that.
-  I still want to kill him.
She smiled up at him.
- Is it friends you miss or someone special.
- Hermione, I know we haven't talked much since High school but I miss her.
- Then why don't you go talk with her?
- Talk to her?
- Yeah go to the pembroke.
- I don't know.
- Come on, I will drop you off on my way to work.
- You sure? She asked.
- I am
- Okay then
- Good!
- You're to sweet, Alice said and leaned in for a kiss. He kissed her back before he drew back.
- I think you should get ready, I need to leave soon.
She nodded and got up. She stood infront of her mirror. She took her pajamas shirt of and was left in her bra. He looked at her body before his eyes rested on her stomach. You could now see a small bump starting to form. He walked towards her and put his hand in her belly. She smiled at him and took his hand in hers. He dropped to his knees and kissed her stomach. He stood up again and kissed her on the lips. He looked at her before making his way out of the room to leave her to get ready. She stood infront of the mirror holding her stomach. She opend her dresses and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a soft black sweater that coverd up her belly. You wouldn't be able to tell that she was pregnant if you didn't already know or saw her bare stomach. She brushed her hair and put on some makeup and made her way downstairs. It had been 3 weeks since Jughead and Betty had figured our their secret. She saw them sitting close together eating breakfast. Fp was sitting infron of them. She made her way to him and took a seat beside him.
- Good morning kids
- Good morning, they said even.
- You have something planned today? Alice asked them.
- No probably only hanging here.
- Okay,
- Are you going somewhere?
- Me and Fp are heading out..
- Please don't say that you are going somewhere to get some alone time, Betty said.
The kids may know that their parents are dating but that didn't mean they liked seeing them together. Jughead had come up with th rule that the adults had to keep to them self when they were in the same room and they accepted it.
- No Betty, Alice said and rolled her eyes.
- I will just go to work and drop of your mom at Hermiones.
- Are you going over to Miss Gomez?
- Yeah I want to talk to her and I see she changed her name.
- Veronica says she doesn't want to have anything to do with Hiram anymore.
- That's understandable, Alice said.
- Al, we kneed to get going
- Okay she got up.
- Have fun kids but no funny business, she warned them.
They walked out of the kitchen but heard Betty shout.
- The same goes for you!
Alice rolled her eyes and Fp smirked at her. They left the house and got in Fp's truck. He started the engine and started to drive. He dropped her off infront of the Pembroke. She kissed him before she went out of the car. She watched him drive of and made her way to the door. She drew in a breath and rang the doorbell. It didn't take long before the door opend and a raven haired girl opend the door. The younger version of the woman she was looking for.
- Miss Smith? Veronica said confused but put on a smile.
- Hello Veronica.
- Can I do something for you? Veronica asked polite.
- Is your mother home?
- She is, come in, Veronica said and moved out of the way to let the older woman in. She closed the door and started to walk. Alice went after her until they went into the living room. Hermione was sitting and talking to a black haird boy.
- Mom, you got a visitor, Veronica said and made her way and sat beside Reggie and played with his hands.
- Alice, what a surprise.
- Trust me it was a surprise I made it here.
-Mom, we will go out to pops, you don't need anything right?
- No but don't stay out to late.
- I won't.
- Bye mom, miss Smith
- Bye Miss Gomez, Miss Smith the teenegers said. Veronica took her boyfriend's hand and led him out of the house.
- So to what do I own the pleasure? Hermione said and gestured Alice to take a seat. Alice took a seat infront of  Hermione.
- Nothing really.
Hermione raised her eyebrows.
- So you aren't here to get some information, then why are you here?
- To be honest Hermione, I only want to talk. I missed our time in high school, Alice confessed.
Hermione's face soften up.
- So have I.
- You have?
- I have, having Hiram Lodge as husband didn't really make people like you, whatever or not you are the mayor.
- How do you think it was being married to Hal Cooper and later the black hood.
- I'm sorry we haven't talked about that, how are you?
- I'm fine, dealing with some help, Alice smirked at her.
- With some help? Hermione raised her eyebrows.
- Yeah
- Who is it? Hermione asked.
- We know him really well.
- Don't tell me it's Fred?
- What no! Alice made a face.
- Oh good.
- And I know you two still like each other.
- We don't.
- You can't lie to me.
- Okay but who is this guy? Hermione changed the subject.
- We were together
- No! It can't be! Hermiones eyes widened.
- Fp Jones! she exclaimed.
- Yes! Alice smile was big.
- I can't believe it!
- Well it is.
- But your kids?
- They know, they didn't really like it at first so we broke it of but the kids said they were okay with it.
- They are really okay with it?
- I mean it's still a little bit awkward but yeah they are.
- That's great!
- It is.
- That calls for celebration!
- No not needed, Alice was quick to say.
- Of course it is, what do you want, wine? I have red and white, whiskey, you can choose.
- No I can't have alcohol, Alice said and shook her head.
- Okay, do you want coffee?
- I prefer not to drink that.
- Why? Hermione eyed her suspicuely.
- Oh nothing, Alice said to quick.
- You know you weren't the best liar when it came to me.
Alice reminded silent. Hermione looked her in the eyes.
- What aren't you telling me.
Hermione stood up and walked towards her. She took the seat beside her. She looked her up and down.
- It can't be? Hermione said and looked into Alice eyes.
- Are you pregnant Alice? Hermione asked.
Alice reminded silent before speaking.
- I am!
- You are! Hermione shouted and had a huge smile in her face.
- Is it Fp's?
Alice tilted her head and raised a eyebrow.
- Of course it is.
- Does he know?
- He does.
- Al I'm so happy for you! Her old nickname for her friend rolled out easily.
- How far are you?
- Around 13 weeks.
- This is amazing!
- We will finally raise a child together, Alice said with a sad smile. She would never forget her first born. Her little baby boy. Hermione put her hand on Alice back for comfort.
- You will raise him or her perfect together.
- What if I do mistakes like I did with Polly and Betty.
- You won't because you are with Fp, he isn't controlling like Hal or anyone else you were with. And it's okay to make mistakes Alice, we all are humans.
- Thank you.
Hermione nodded.
- It's starting to get like high school, you pregnant, you and Fp, both of us having our names back. Sierra and Tom's wedding isn't far away.
- The only thing is you and Fred, Alice said.
- No Alice
- Why not? If you are worried about Veronica you shouldn't, she seems to have fun with Reggie.
- It's not that
- Then what?
- He probably hates me.
- He doesn't.
- We almost destroyed his life and he knows everything.
She had told him about everything including the october surprise. They hadn't talked since.
- Hiram almost did that, he controlled you, don't beat yourself up for that.
- Doesn't mean he doesn't hate me.
- Fred Andrew's doesn't hate easily especially if that person is Hermine Gomez.
- I don't know, we already tried once last year.
- Love doesn't have count, and again Hiram was still in your life.
- You are a smart woman Alice Smith.
- I am.
- May I? Hermione asked and lifted her hand. Alice nodded and took Hermiones hand putting it on her stomach. Hermione smiled up at her.
- A little one is baking in there.
- Yeah, Alice laughed.
She pulled away her hand.
- Are you sure you don't want anything?
- Actually do you have pickels?
- Pickels? Hermione raised her eyebrow.
- Baby wants
- I think we have, let me check.
She got up and went to the kitchen. It didn't take her long before returning with a pickle jar. She sat down and handed Alice the jar. Alice opend the jar and took a pickle and took a bit of it. She had never really liked pickles but she had always craved them, in all 4 of her pregnancys. Hermione was watching her eating.
- What?
- Nothing
Alice took another bite of her pickle looking up at Hermione.
- I always craved peanut butter when I was pregnant.
- Don't you hate peanuts?
- Yeah I might doesn't mean Veronica didn't like them, she said with a smile.
- Fp always looks at me weird when I want something, she said and finished her pickle picking up a second one.
- I mean to be fair I have asked for some wierd stuff. I once wanted a pickle and melt chocolate combined.
He may have seemed wierd out but at least he gave it to me.
- That's good.
- Yeah. She said smiling.
- How long have you been together?
- We started to date around 2 months after the revel of the black hood.
- Really?
- Yeah so around 6 months now.
- I love him Hermione.
- I don't think you ever did.
- I guess I never did.
- And he never stopped loving you.
- I know you never stopped loving someone, Alice said smiling.
- Alice not again.
- Oh come on, you like him, he likes you just talk to him.
- No
- Please
- No
- Come on Hermione
- I said no.
- Please
- no
- Please for me, Alice begged with big eyes.
- How can I say no to a pregnant woman, Hermione sighed in defeat.
- Yes! Alice exclaimed.
- Okay don't be so happy.
- Why don't you come over to mine sometime and that would give you an excuse to talk with him.
- Sure Alice.
- Good.
The two woman sat their talking like old friends until the door opend. They turned their heads to the door and saw the kids walking in. Veronica and Reggie holding hands, Jughead and Betty after them and Arche was walking behind them all. He didn't like Veronica anyone but it was still a little bit awkward seeing her with someone else so he keept his distance from them.
- Hey kids the two woman greated.
- Hey, Veronica said.
- You are still here mom?
- I am.
- Is that a jar of pickles, Jughead pointed at the jar in Alice hands.
- It is, you want some.
Jughead shrugged his shoulder but took one and began eating on it. The kids sat down around them.
- What are you still doing here mom?
- Just talking with an old friend Betty.
- Of everything pickels? Jughead asked.
- The baby wants it, don't ask me why.
- The baby want it?
- Yeah reminds me of you Betty, you made me crave all kinds of stuff combined with pickels.
Veronica giggled at that.
- Oh you weren't better Mija.
- What? Veronica asked.
- You were a peanut butter monster. I hated peanuts but ate them for you.
- I'm pretty sure you Archie ware a ice cream monster, especially tastes like cherry and chocolate.
Just as she said that the door bell rang and Veronica got up.
- I will get it, she walked away and returned soon with two other people.
Fp and Fred. Fred walked and sat beside his son.
- Hey kids
- Hermione, he looked at her.
- Fred, Hermione said and smield.
Fp looked around until his eyes landed on a certain blondie. He walked towards her.
- Hey, Alice said and smiled up at him.
- Hey, he leans in and kissed her. Their kids were grimacing in the background but they didn't really care. But they had also forgotten that there were other people in the room.
The kids looked at them surprised.
- Miss Smith and Mister Jones? Reggie exclaimed confused.
- Yes they are together get over it. Betty said.
- I mean them being together isn't the bigges, Jughead said.
- I mean mom being pregnant is big.
- Wait what? Veronica exclaimed
- Now I'm confused, I had seen Fp borrow my ladder to get into your room Alice so that I had figured out but you are pregnant?
- yes I am.
- Wow, Archie said.
They all looked at Betty and Jughead but the kids just shrugged their shoulders.
- You know what? Alice asked.
- No, Fp smirked at her.
- You weren't supposed to answer that.
- I know,
Alice glared at him.
- Okay love birds enough, what is it? Fred asked.
- I just thought that all of us could celebrate Christmas together, it would be fun!
- That's a great idea, Hermione said happy.
- Yeah I like that, Fp said soft and looked at her.
He only wanted to spent Christmas with her so this was an amazing idea.
- Okay then we have a plan, Alice said.
- Should we do it at your place? Hermione asked.
- I don't know I was thinking at either yours or Fred's. I don't really want to be in that house.
- We could do it here, Hermione said and smiled at her.
- Yeah thanks, Alice said, she put her hand on top of Fp's who had put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
- Okay then here it will be, Hermione said.
- You can come to if you want, Veronica said and squeezed Reggies hand.
- No it's okay I don't want to intrude.
- No it's okay you wont intrude Reggie, Hermione said.
- Then okay, he said and smiled at Hermione and then at Veronica.
- Could we ask if Cheryl and Toni would want to come? Jughead asked.
- It's just with Cheryl's mom and everything, he continued.
- Yeah why not if they want to, said Hermione.
- Thanks.
- It's been a long time since we sat down and talked like this, Hermione said.
- To long, Alice said.
Fred and Fp nodded their heads in agreement.
- Let's keep in touch, Alice said.
The others smiled at her and they stayed like that just talking with each other. They were happy again. They got their old high school friends back and they loved each other a lot.


So this was a little longer chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!

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