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Alice knocked on the door to the Pembroke and waited for it to open. She and Betty had decided to go and help Hermione and Veronica prepere for the Christmas dinner. It didn't take long for Hermione to open the door and let them in. They went in to the living room. The Lodge women had already decorated the house with a tree and other Christmas decoration.
- You didn't need to come, said Hermione.
- It was my idea so of course we will help.
- Hey Miss Smith, Veronica came into the room.
- Hello Veronica.
- B, Veronica said and hugged her friend.
- So what's left to do? asked Alice.
- We just need to prepere the last food and put the turkey in the oven.
- Then let's go to the kitchen Alice said.
They walked into the kitchen.
- Fp would had come if he wasn't at work.
- And Jug is with the serpents, he said he wanted to help but couldn't.
- It's okay, you are enough and it would be crowded with to many people.
They started to prepere the dinner. Hermione put the turkey in the oven and started to bake some brownies.
- Girls could one of you make the an applepie?
- I can, Betty said and started to prepere for the pie.
- I will do the eggnog, Veronica said. They all started to make something and were soon done. They waited for the turkey and the brownies in the oven to be ready. Veronica and Betty went to prepere the table. Alice and Hermione took out the turkey and the brownies when they were done. The four of them helped each other and put all the food on the table and waited for the others.
- We should dress, said Alice and realized that they still were in their everyday clothes.
- You are right, Hermione exclaimed and got up.
- We can get ready in our rooms, said Veronica.
Veronica and Betty went to Veronica's room while Alice and Hermione went to Hermiones room.
They all changed to beautiful dresses and got back to the livingroom. Some minutes later there was a knock on the door. Hermione came back with Fp, Fred, Jughead and Archie.
- Well that would leave 3 guests left to arrive.
Just as she said that the door rang and Reggie came in.
- Hey everyone, he greated them.
- Hey Reggie, Veronica went to him and gave him a kiss.
The kiss was interrupted by the door again. Veronica opened the door and there were Cheryl and Toni.
- Hi girls come in, Veronica moved out of the way and the two girls went in to the house. The group all went into the livingroom and sat down by the table to start eating. Cheryl and Toni went up to Hermione.
- We didn't know if we needed to bring something so we baked these cookies, Cheryl said and handed Hermione a box of chocolate chip cookies.
- Thank you girls, you didn't have to, she smiled up at them.
They smiled at her and sat down beside each other. Jughead and Betty were sitting beside each other as were Reggie and Veronica, Fp and Alice. When Hermine returned from the kitchen she took the seat beside Fred who were sitting beside Archie.
- Dig in everyone, Hermione said.
They all filled their plates with food. Hermione opend a bottle of wine and asked the adults if they wanted. She filled hers and Fred's cup.
- No thanks, I'm staying sober and if my lady can't I won't.
He smiled at Alice and gave her a kiss.
- Your lady? Cheryl asked shocked.
- And why can't she? Toni asked confused.
- You didn't tell them, Fp asked his son.
- No, It's not my place to say.
- Me and Fp are together, Alice said.
- Together? Cheryl looked at them.
- And we are awaiting a little one, Fp continued.
- You are pregnant? Toni asked.
- Yes
- Congrats! Both girls said and smiled.
- Well I can't say I'm surprised, the part were you are together.
- How so? Fp asked.
- Well, there were talk of a blond woman spending a lot of time with you Mr Jones and you were over at the Southside a lot more then before miss Smith.
- And you weren't as sneaky as you think, Cheryl said.
- That's true, I lost count of how many times I saw Fp borrow our ladder to climb into Alice room.
- And the sexual tension, I mean you could cut it with a knife, Hermione smirked up at her friend.
- Okay it's enough, we weren't sneaky, we get it.
- Well like father like son, I guess, Fred said.
- What, Jughead looked up at him.
- Fp isn't the only Jones who climbs into the Cooper house, Archie said and smirked at his friend.
Jughead gave him a glare while Betty's face got red.
Alice looked at her daughter but keept quiet.
- No snarky comment Alice, Fred said.
- I mean I can't blame him, It wasn't as Fp was the best when he was a teen.
- You climbed into her room? Reggie asked.
- Yeah but it was a lot easier before when she lived in a trailer.
- You dated when you were in high school? Toni asked.
- Yes, as well as Hermione and Fred, Sierra and Tom, Alice answered.
- Wow.
- Yeah
- There were good times and bad.
- Can you tell us? Cheryl asked.
The adults looked at each other before telling the story about how the midnight club started and ended.
- wow you have history,
- You both really fought with my mother.
- Yes we did and I'm not sorry about it.
- Alice! Hermione exclaimed.
- No it's okay I know how my mother is, Cheryl said and smiled at Hermione.
They continued to eat and talk to each other. When they were finished they all went and sat down at the couches. Fred and Hermione sat beside each other infront of Alice and Fp.
- Hey look up, Alice said to them.
They both looked up and saw a mistletoe above their heads.
- Really Alice? Hermione lifted her eyebrows.
- Come on it's tradition, you can't break it.
- It's okay, Archie said.
- If it's about us, we are okay, Veronica said.
Hermione then turned and gave Fred a kiss. He kissed her back and they pulled apart.
- Finally, Alice exclaimed.
- I don't need a mistletoe, Fp said and gave Alice a passionate kiss.
- Okay you are worse then us teens, Betty said wich made them pull apart.
Alice rolled her eyes at her daughters comment.
- So anyone want to watch a movie? Veronica changed the subject.
- Sure, they argued about what movie they should watch and ended up watching The grinch. They had popped some popcorn and prepared some other snacks and drinks.
The couples were snuggling. Hermione had put her head on Fred's shoulder, Veronica was snuggled up at Reggie's side, Cheryl was sitting on Toni's lap, Betty had her head on Jughead's chest and his arm was around her. Alice head was on Fp's legs and he was stroking her hair with one hand while he had put the other on her stomach. By the end of the movie the group was asleep. Archie was curled up alone in a couch while the rest of them had company.
They slept until the morning. The sun shined on the group and many of them woke up. The movement of their partners made them all wake up.
- Did we fall asleep? Alice asked with a tired voice.
- Yeah, Hermione said and stretched out her arms.
- Anyone want breakfast? Jughead asked the group.
They all laughed at his love for food.
- We will prepare breakfast, Veronica and Hermione went into the kitchen. It didn't take them long to prepere the breakfast and the group were eating. They were eating at a comfortable silence.
Cheryl looked at the clock.
- We should probably head home Toni.
- yeah okay,
- You don't need go yet, Veronica said.
- No, it's okay, I really want to go home and take a shower and spend some alone time with Toni. She smield at her girlfriend and they got up.
- Thank you for everything miss Gomez. The girls said and walked out of the house.
- I should also head out. Reggie said and stood up.
- Really? Veronica pouted.
- Yeah my mom is probably worried sick right now.
- Okay
He kissed her and walked out of the house. The rest of the room continued to talk until the Jones and Smith decided to head back home. Fred decided to stay and spend some time with Hermione.
They drove home to the cooper house and walked in. Jughead and Betty went up to Betty's room while Fp and Alice went into Alice room. They just got into the room when they heard Betty's voice.
- Mom, we will go to pops, we will return later tonight.
- Okay honey just don't come to late.
- Okay mom, they heard the door close witch meant they were all alone.
They went and sat down at the bed.
- You know I didn't give you your gift?
- Yeah you didn't! Alice exclaimed.
- I thought you forgot about me.
- I could never forget about you baby, he said and kissed her. He took out something from his jacked and gave it to her. She teared away the paper and slowly opend the box. Inside the box were a beautiful golden heart necklace, there were a snake around the necklace.
- Open it, Fp said.
She opend the box and got tears in her eyes. Inside were a picture of them when they were in high school. There also was a ingraved message on on the other side of the heart.
You are my everything Ali,
Love you loads, your Fp.
She kissed him before he could say anything. She pulled back.
- Would you help me? She said and pushed away her hair.
He took the necklace and helped her put it on.
- I love it, I love you.
- I love you to baby, he said and kissed her neck. She tiled her head to give him better access and she moaned. She turned around and crached her lips against his. The kiss was heated and she was soon on his lap. He made his way down her neck again. She tired to pull away but he keept kissing her neck.
- Baby wait a second she said between breaths.
- what? He said and looked at her.
- I want to ask you something.
- Yeah?
- Would you want to move in here? She asked.
Fp looked at her before smiling wildly. He flipped her over so her back was against the mattress. He kissed her long before pulling away for breath.
- of course baby! He said out of breath.
- She smield and pulled him down to her and kissed him long.
- Good.
He kissed her again and they stayed in that room for a very long time.


So I was wondering who you would want Archie to end up with? If will obviously not be Veronica or Betty?
Idk maybe Josie? Name whoever you would want. I'm aiming for Josie but I still want suggestions.

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