First Encounter

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The social atmosphere, full of gaiety suddenly suffocates her. The song that was playing got louder, pulling her in and wouldn't let go. The harsh scent of alcohol can be smells from her breath and something else.
Fresh air....she needs fresh air....

She can see and feel herself struggling to keep her balance. Her legs doesn't want to move when her brain tells it to. As if the connection between the two is suddenly unplug.
Somewhere deep inside.....she knows her brain is sending warnings, telling her something isn't right with the drink that she had consumed a few minutes ago.

She looks around and found herself in an elevator. How she ended up there she can't recall, the elevator slowly move up....higher and higher. She wanted to stop the elevator from moving further from her destination, but her body is doing what it pleases.
Which is nothing at the moment.
She closes her eyes, her hands grips the metal rail for support. The loud sound of the elevator notifies the rider that it has arrived at the pointed destination....jars her brain. Her body sways left and right as the heat rises within her.
She walks out of the elevator, her vision blurry as she looks down the quiet corridor. She staggers on wobbly feet as her body slams to the walls. Her vision unfocused as she slump down on the carpeted floors. Her arms flaps down on the thick carpet hard, her head spinning in a way that makes no sense.

Hands came out and wrapped itself around her waist. Instinctively her eyes opens....the person that picked her up in his arms is unfamiliar. That her muddled brain knows as much.
Unwilling to go wherever he was taking her, she tries to slumps down so her dead weight would hinders him until someone comes to her rescues.
Who, she hadn't a clue. She just knows that this is a high end five star hotel....there got to be some workers that would see her in this uncompromising position....right?

The man gripped her slim arms, which was weakly pushing him away at the moment. She tries to loosen his grips on her, as her arms flailing in all directions.

Mo Yuan (Mark) leans his hand on the wall for support while his other hand dig inside his suit jacket. He took out a gold card, after a few minutes of trying to jabbed the card into the thin slot....he finally succeeded.
The beeping sounds notify his intoxicated brain that it's unlocked. He shakes his head slightly as he turns the knob on the door.

With each step he discarded an item of clothing on himself. Once he made it to the big king size bed, he was already naked.
Unthinkingly he collapses on the bed with a sigh and begins to close his unfocused eyes.

Bai Qian (Mimi) felt strong arms draped around her waist. Someone....a man....rested his forehead on her shoulder. His breathing faint as he relaxed his entire body against hers.

She bit down on her lower lips, trying to think of what to do in her foggy mind. She roughly lifts his arm around her waist and using whatever energy she have left....flings his arm away from her body.

His nearness is heating her core. A feeling that she never felt before consumes her. Her body starts to heat up as she felt his lean muscular body rubs against hers.

She turns to look at him in the dim room. Trying to make out who this man intimately entwined with her.
Why are they naked in bed together?

His eyes stares intently back at her....examining her.....
His eyes travels down to her soft pink lips....gazing at them in absorption....which is slightly parted at the moment.
Slowly he reach forward and pushes away her loose strands of hair back.
He grits his teeth and fought the strong temptation next to him. The veins on his manhood bulged out, showing his intense lust that boil inside him for the beautiful unknown woman next to him.

A shift in her brain activity by his touch accompanied a host of peculiar sensations had her mind run wild.
A need so powerful suddenly consumes her.

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