The Contract

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The majority of the people that live in Beijing may not know who their mayor is, but they surely have heard or seen pictures of Mark Mo.
The business world knows that he ran one of the most sought after business conglomerate in all of Asia.

A black Maserati Birdcage 75th stopped in front of MT International Group. The head of security quickly ran over to awaits the owner of the car.

Shiny, spotless brown leather loafer shoes appear....follow by a pair of long legs and a lean figure.

His navy plaid suit was exquisitely cut to precision, it fitted nicely across his broad shoulders, gentle lines hug his trimmed waist, and it enhance his suave manners.
The tailored suit precisely match the contours of his body. He radiates an air of quiet confidence....arrogance.

"Good Morning Mr. Mo."

He tossed the key to the waiting man as his hands reached up to button his suit jacket.

The doorman opens the door for him as Secretary Le waited at the entrance of the building.

"Good morning Sir."

"What's on my schedule for today?"

The secretary clip clopped heels pounded across the glossy tiles as she tried to keep up with her boss's long strides.

"Mr. Mo you have a meeting with the advertising department at ten this morning, at noon you have a lunch meeting with Silver Ladder Construction company in regards to the new mall that the company is developing in Shanghai."

The clattering noise of the secretary heels came to a halt as the elevator door opens. The two walked in as Secretary Le press the button to the very top floor.

"After the lunch meeting you have a conference call with the PR team in Hong Kong at three in the afternoon.
Oh right, Madame Mo called for you here thirty minutes ago since you couldn't be reached on your cell phone."

"Did she left a message?"

"No Sir, she just asked that you call her back."

Mo Yuan nodded his head as the elevator door opens. He briskly walk into his large office as Secretary Le follows from behind.

"Sir, there are a few documents that need your signature and there's also contracts that you need to look over. If there's nothing else, I will go and retrieve those documents for you now."

She paused and looks at the impeccable man sitting behind the glass desk.

"Black coffee with one cube of brown sugar Sir?"

Mo Yuan nods his head as his eyes focus on the documents on his desk.

Secretary Le footsteps echoes sharply as she turns to exit the quiet office. The sound of her heels hits her ears like the booming heartbeat inside her chest.

She has been working as his secretary for the past four years, but with one look from him....he can still make her feel so nervous and inadequate.

The sudden shrill ringing of his phone cut the silent air. It startles him as he peer down at his phone. The phone rang and rang....he hesitantly picks it up.

"Hello grandma." He whispered softly.

"You still know who I am?"

"Of course! How can I forget my beautiful grandmother. I'm sorry, I've just been a bit busy at work lately."

This kid thinks I'm a fool. Just because I'm old doesn't mean I could be fooled or easily manipulated.
He's been staying with that no good model Xing Wen (Stacy) as if I don't know.
Fine....if that's what he thinks I will certainly indulged him. It's better for him not to know anything rather than knowing everything.

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