Her Heart Soften

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I live upstream and you live downstream,
From night to night of you I dream.
Unlike the stream you are not in view,
Though both we drink from the River Blue.
When will the river no more flow?
When will my grief no more grow?
I wish your heart will be like mine,
Then not in vain for you I pine.

Lisi recited the poem mockingly at Bai Qian and is giving her the side-eyed.

"Q, do you know who wrote that poem and what it means?"

Bai Qian hits her forearm and rolled her eyes.

"Who doesn't know that famous classic poem. Everyone of us learned it in high school.
The name of the poem is "Song of Divination" written by Li Zhiyi.
The poem expressed women and men's lovesickness. I know you're making fun of me. Come on spill it. What's on your mind?"

"Stop acting coy and give me all the details."

"Such as?"

"Did you know he would be on the Divas' show? What happened after you fainted?"

Remembering that particular event made her blush profusely.

"Somebody is guilty without being charged already." Lisi teased.

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything! Every....little....details."

"I don't know what happened after I fainted but I woke up inside his penthouse with a doctor that just finished checking up on me."

"That's it? He let you leave after that without saying anything or wanting anything? Are you purposely trying to fool me? Do you think I would buy that?"

Bai Qian ducked her head and averted her eyes.

How will I explain it to her....oh so

"I know that look. You're hiding something. Don't even try lying because I can feel it."

Bsi Qian took a deep breath....

"I woke up on his bed. He was there with his private doctor. The doctor told me I was fine. I fainted due to lack of oxygen and stress.
Mo Yuan made me stayed at his house until I was feeling like myself.
Then he demanded that I should pay him back for taking care of me. The nerve of the man when he was the one that puts me in that situation in the first place!"

"So what did he demanded?"

"He....he wanted a date."

"A date? Not a kiss? Not a one night stand? I'm surprised."

Bai Qian looked at Lisi full of wonder.

"Why would he want a one night stand with me? I mean...I don't think....he thinks of me that way. After all I'm sure he have other women besides him who is more to his liking."

Lisi move her body forward....closer to Bai Qian. She placed her palm on Bai Qian's forehead. Bai Qian pushed her hand away.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to see if you have a fever."

"A fever? I'm not sick."

"Well you might as well be. When was the last time you look at yourself in the mirror?"

Bai Qian was confused by Lisi's question. She looked at herself everyday.

"Do you know that your beauty is in your innocence and shyness? Of course your looks is not to he downplayed either.
That combination attracts powerful men because they like to conquer you and it's a challenge for them.
Especially for someone who's a beauty but doesn't see herself as such."

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