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If we hug a little tighter,
Our hearts will be a little closer....


Lisi sits in front of her vanity table. She dazed off in space, her brows furrows together, and her teeth bites the inside of her cheek over and over again.
How long has she been sitting there she haven't a clue. Anxiety eats up inside her as she thought of her tormentor.....
Her gaze comes into focus as she anxiously looks at her watch.

What to do....? If she goes, her reputation will be ruins. Everyone will think they're in a relationship and the chances of her meeting a good man will be slim....if not zero.
That man is full of charms. How many of his ex lovers will she have to fend off in this game of pretense? Wouldn't that be tiring for her? Talk about digging your own grave!

All the reasons not to go come flooding in. She feels the panic grow the more she thinks about this dreadful situation.
This time she really put a knife to her throat.
She raises her hand and slaps her mouth gently a few times.

Stupid mouth....! Argh....what was I thinking or not.....

Another quick glance at her watch....her stomach knots up.

The doorbell rings. She turns her head at the sound. Her breathing becomes rapid and shallow....
She can feel her pulse speeding up. She gets up from the chair slowly....her legs shaking. She glances down at her watch for the third time....6.30pm....

Calm down....it's not him....he couldn't possibly be serious.....right?

She seems to have aged a decade or more within the last few hours.
Fate is mysterious and likes to pull unexpectedly. To say that her life has been turned upside down within the last twenty four hours is an understatement.

She has act out most roles but to think that her life is like those current popular Korean dramas was astounding.
Surely the god of love and relationship is having a good time messing with her right now. This time she truly regretted opening her big mouth!

Tersely her eyes flickers to the bed. A beautiful pastel yellow evening gown laid next to a pair of nude strappy heels.

As if to awaken her up from a dream, Lisi gently slaps her face a couple of times and she pinches her cheeks.

Ouch! Nope....! I'm not dreaming....dammit!

Each steps forward feels like she is walking towards her doom. Her legs feels heavier and heavier as she closes the gap between herself and the door. She takes a deep breath and opens it.

She was grief stricken when she saw who stood in front of her door. Her life is truly over....taken away by this man.

Damien eyes moves from Lisi's face down to her feet. His right brow arched up.....

"Is that a new trend that I'm not aware of?"

Lisi's face burns with embarrassment. She still has her bathrobe on. The difference from how she looks now and how she look this morning is that her face is fully made up and her hair is styled.

Lisi rolls her eyes and close the door. Before she knows what has happened his hand and foot comes out to stop her.

"What....what are you doing?"

His arms wrap around her waist as he loudly wails from the top of his lungs. He drags her out into the hallway as the elevator door opens. Three set of eyes zoom in on them. The security guard, the buildings maintenance guy, and the receptionist girl stood staring at them....uncomfortably.

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