Family Feud

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"Ha, Jack's voice cracked so bad on the intro again!"

"Shut up Anti, Jack's trying to make a video!"

"Fuck you Jackaboy!"

Jack let out a long weary sigh as he cut the recording, making a mental note to tell Robin to edit that part out as he ran his hands through his fluffy chocolate brown hair in exasperation.

Jackaboy-Man, usually called Jackaboy for simplicity's sake, and Anti were fighting once again like they usually did, Jack praying that they wouldn't destroy anything like last time.

"I love having the egos here, but sometimes I wish I could have some fucking peace for once." Jack growled under his breath.

Jack was startled out of his thoughts by a thump on the door that Jack guessed was supposed to be knocking, the Irishman getting up out of his chair and unlocking the door of his recording room before swinging it open.

"Robbie no like fighting, Robbie want fighting stop." Robbie whined, the zombie sitting on the floor looking up at Jack as he reached out to hang on the Irishman's leg.

"Have you talked to Chase, JJ, Schneep, or Marvin yet to see if they can help? I'm kinda busy right now bud." Jack grunted, the zombie clutching onto Jack's leg as he managed to slowly limp out of the room into the hall.

As soon as he left his recording room, a familiar black handled kitchen knife whizzed by his head, missing his face by mere inches and embedding itself into the door at the end of the hall.

"The fuck is happening?!" Chase shouted as he opened the door, noticing the knife stuck in his door and darting out to grab Robbie, ducking back inside his room with the zombie to avoid getting involved in the conflict.

"For fucks sake you two, stop fighting!" Jack shouted down the hall at Anti and Jackaboy, the pair currently wrestling each other in the living room and knocking down furniture in the process.

"It's like dealing with children, but worse since they're powerful adults." Jack muttered under his breath as he started to walk towards them, Marvin finally noticing the commotion and opening the door of his room.

"Let me help Jack, I can take care of this." Marvin spoke up helpfully as he poked his head out, the magician leaving his room with his wand in hand.

"Thanks Marv, you're truly magnificent!" Jack called out as he stepped back into the recording room while Marvin strode down the hall towards the fighting duo, his black cape fluttering out behind him.

Jack could hear Anti storm down the hall and grab his knife out of the door while Marvin, Jackaboy, and Anti yelled at each other, Jack shutting himself into his recording room to try and record a video once more and muffle their voices.

"Okay, take two." Jack cleared his throat, warming up his voice so he didn't have another voice crack in his intro.


"Jack, I can't get them to stop!"

Jack shut off his camera again with an exaggerated eye roll, the Irishman turning in his chair to look at Marvin with his hands clasped in his lap to keep him from tearing his hair out in frustration.

Marvin had a shallow knife wound that ran from the top of his his chest to his stomach, his arm wrapped around the wound with crimson droplets of blood dripping onto the floor.

"Go talk to Schneep and have him patch you up." Jack directed gently, the magician nodding weakly as he staggered off to Schneep's room.

By the time Jack emerged from his room once more, Chase and Jameson were struggling to hold Anti and Jackaboy away from each other, Chase holding Jackaboy back by the hood of his red jumpsuit while JJ held Anti back by keeping his arms behind his back.

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