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Anti groaned softly as he heard Jackaboy's voice fade in and out as he regained consciousness, the demon slowly opening his eyes.

"This isn't my bed." Anti muttered as he tried to sit up, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over him and make him fall back onto the pillow.

"You're in Schneep's room, he patched you up and has been watching over you for hours." Jackaboy interjected from where he was perched at the end of the cot Anti was lying on.

"Why couldn't Marvin use his magic or something?" Anti complained, Schneep shooting the demon a glare from his chair by Anti's cot.

"He helped by donating blood to you so you didn't fucking die by blood loss after I bandaged you up." The German explained coldly.

"His fault for caring about me." Anti shrugged weakly, Jackaboy grabbing Anti by the throat and slamming him against the wall with a bang.

"Jackaboy stop!" Chase shouted pleadingly, the hero's fiery blue eyes boring into Anti's before the demon's eyes fluttered shut.

"Fine." Jackaboy spat vehemently, releasing his hold so Anti's body could slump back down onto the cot.

"Schiesse, vhat vas zhat for?!" Schneep snapped as he shot out of his chair and checked on Anti, the German sighing in relief as he felt Anti's pulse thrum faintly under his fingers.

"We just saved his fucking life and he acts like it was a crime that we did!" Jackaboy shouted angrily.

"He tried to kill himself, what do you expect? I've felt that same way before." Chase chimed in quietly.

The hero stormed out of the room before Schneep could stop him, Chase sharing a concerned look with the German.

"Vhy don't you see if Marvin is vell enough so you two can go to zhe hospital and visit Jack?" Schneep suggested with a smile that looked forced as he returned his attention to Anti, Chase nodding as he silently left the room and closed the door behind him.

Chase poked his head into Marvin's room since the door was already open, the magician passed out in bed with JJ's hat on his chest.

"I don't mind a walk." Chase murmured to himself as he left the house, walking down the street towards the hospital with his hands shoved into his pockets.

The male thought of Robbie and JJ as he walked with his gaze fixed on his shoes to avoid the gazes of other pedestrians, the defeated look in Anti's eyes flashing in his mind.

"What if I'm next?" Chase thought aloud to himself as he stopped at a crosswalk, leaning against the pole as he waited for the signal to go.

"I can't think like that, or I'll end up like Anti." Chase shook his head, stepping out into the street with the rest of the crowd around him.

Chase looked up at the hospital as he drew closer to it, taking a deep breath as he picked up the pace.

The male went directly to Jack's room and knelt by the Irishman, grasping his hand as he bowed his head.

"I don't know if you can hear me Jack, but this is Chase. You remember me, right? Well, Robbie and JJ are gone and Anti nearly killed himself, so we need you back as soon as possible. I know you're hurting, but..." Chase trailed off with a sigh as he rubbed his face with his free hand, biting his lip to keep from crying.

"I represent your caring side, which is cool, but watching everyone fade around me hurts so much. Anti and Jackaboy just keep fighting and I don't know how much more of it I can take before I break." Chase admitted, closing his eyes.

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