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"C'mon Anti, I wanna get there as soon as possible!"

The demon sat up in bed when he heard Marvin's voice, the memories of yesterday's events flooding back to him.

The fight with Jackaboy.

The car crash.

The hospital.

"Right, coming!" Anti shouted back as he put on a pair of black jeans and an Antisepticeye hoodie, combing his fingers through his hair to try and tame it as he left his room.

"Alright, lets go." Marvin stated, looking like he was barely awake as he created a portal to the hospital.

"You doing okay?" Anti questioned the magician as they walked into the hospital, his movements sluggish.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm okay, just tired." Marvin answered with a yawn, going down the hall towards Jack's room.

"He's going to need coffee." Anti murmured as he looked around, finding a small coffee shop next to the gift shop.

Anti then went down the hall towards Jack's room, becoming lost in the maze of white walled halls that all looked the same.

"Shit, um, I think it was this one." Anti decided, stopping in front of one of the doors and opening it.

"Hey Mar-"

Anti broke off once he realized that he was in the wrong room, a girl dressed in a candy patterned dress sitting on her bed playing with her long golden blonde hair.

"Sorry, wrong room." Anti apologized, starting to close the door.

"Wait!" The girl cried out, causing Anti to freeze with a confused frown.

"Our name is Melody, we want to help you." The girl told Anti with a smile, getting up off of the bed.

"The name's Anti, and what do you mean by we and helping me?" Anti countered as he hesitantly entered the room.

"You have a dark soul, we want to save you." Melody replied as if the answer was obvious, sitting back down on the bed and patting the space next to her.

Anti glances back before shutting the door behind him, placing the coffee for Marvin on the bedside table as he sat by Melody.

"Do you like baking?" Melody asked, her eyes boring into his.


"Oh, I forgot that my party is soon!" Melody exclaimed, smoothing the wrinkles on her candy patterned dress and fiddling with the flower crown on her head.

"Wait, no, that was years ago. How could I forget that it happened?" Melody murmured thoughtfully to herself.

"No offense, but what is wrong with you?" Anti retorted, throwing politeness out the window.

"MPD and ADHD, but that's just what the doctors say." Melody answered with a shrug.

"Here, you should take these." Melody added, handing Anti a plate of cookies that was lying on her bedside table.

Anti was silent as he took the gift, the demon trying to gauge how he felt about the vibrantly dressed hyper girl.

"Stay weird Melody." Anti winked, taking the cookies and the coffee before leaving the room to find Jack's room.

"And done!" Jackaboy declared, admiring his and JJ's handiwork as he looked around the now spotless house.

JJ smiles as he held up a hand for a high five, the hero complying with a victorious grin of his own.

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