One Shot

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When Anti woke up, the silence in the house was deafening to him as he looked at all of the wounds he had created on his arms.

With Jack's depression growing stronger, Anti became stronger too and no longer had the cuts, allowing the demon to take the bandages off and stand up without feeling dizzy.

"Hey Doc, you still awake?" Anti called out as he opened Schneep's door, poking his head inside to see the German sitting at his desk.

"Anti...I see zhat you are becoming stronger." Schneep remarked as he turned in his chair to face the demon, his eyes bloodshot with bags underneath them and his skin deathly pale.

"Doc, you look sick." Anti pointed out as he pressed a hand to Schneep's forehead, his skin burning hot.

"I'm okay, do not vorry about me." Schneep muttered as he returned his attention to his computer.

"What's going on?" Jackaboy questioned as he entered the room, looking at Schneep with a concerned frown.

"Henrik, you need-"

"I'm a doctor, I know vhat I need." Schneep interrupted without looking away from his work, Jackaboy and Anti sharing a look.

"Doc, I think you're fading." Anti stated grimly, Schneep sighing as he held his head in his hands.

"I already know. I knew I vould be after Marvin, so I'm not surprised." Schneep growled.

"C'mon, you need to get in bed and rest." Jackaboy directed, the German abruptly shooting out of his chair and darting into the bathroom.

Anti and Jackaboy followed to find him throwing up in the toilet, not much coming up since he barely ate.

Anti wordlessly got a wet cloth for Schneep while Jackaboy rubbed the German's back in soothing circles as he dry heaved, Anti laying the cloth across the back of Schneep's neck.

"I can't beat zhis, can I?" Schneep chuckled mirthlessly as he wiped his mouth off with a piece of toilet paper, resting his head on the wall.

Neither ego answered as Jackaboy carefully brought Schneep back into his room, Anti bringing in a trash can and placing it next to Schneep's bed.

"How can I feel positive with everyone I care about dying around me?" Jackaboy whispered as he sat on the couch in the living room, Anti sitting next to him.

"Everything will be okay-"

"No it won't, Schneep's dying and I'll be next!" Jackaboy interrupted fiercely, Anti biting his lip.

"You can visit Jack before it's too late." Anti offered, Jackaboy shaking his head as he looked down the hall.

"Not while Schneep's fading...I would never forgive myself if I did." Jackaboy sighed, wincing as he heard Schneep dry heaving from his room.

"I think Jack's trying to hold on, which is why Schneep's still alive." Anti mused grimly, Jackaboy nodding thoughtfully.

"I'll sit with Schneep until he..." Jackaboy trailed off as he strode down the hall to Schneep's room, Anti shutting himself into his own room unable to bear watching more egos fade while he grew stronger.

It wasn't long until Anti heard Jackaboy crying, the demon looking into Schneep's room to find Jackaboy sitting on Schneep's empty bed.

"I'm going to die." Jackaboy sobbed as tears streamed down his face, Anti sitting next to the hero.

"You can't give up on PMA." Anti pointed out with a smile that looked more like a grimace, Jackaboy bowing his head in defeat.

"C'mon, we've got one last shot to try and get Seán to remember Jack." Anti encouraged the male, standing up and offering him a hand.

Jackaboy wiped away his tears with the back of his hand before accepting Anti's help, the pair walking to the hospital together.

"I'm sorry." Anti apologized as they stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the signal to allow them to go.

"For what?" Jackaboy prompted with a confused frown as they walked across the street.

"Jack had wanted me to apologize to you when we fought that day, and I never did. So, I'm sorry." Anti repeated, Jackaboy looking at the demon with eyes wide in surprise.

"Somebody mark this moment on the calendar, Anti finally apologized for something!" Jackaboy teased, Anti lightly hitting him in the arm as they approached the hospital.

"Jackaboy," Anti blurted as he grabbed the Jackaboy's arm, the hero turning to look back at him.

"I don't want to be alone." Anti admitted quietly, Jackaboy smiling sympathetically as he pulled the demon into a brief hug.

"I'm too stubborn for that. PMA FOREVER!" Jackaboy cheered as he entered the hospital, Anti following while shaking his head with a smirk.

So I'm splitting the ending into two parts, and this is part one. The characters you gave me to meet Jackaboy and Anti will be in the next part.

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