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"Top of the morning to ya laddies, my name is Anti and I'm taking this channel over."

"Get the fuck away from my computer Anti!"

Anti rolled his eyes as he stood up out of Jack's chair and poked his head out of Jack's recording room, Jackaboy striding down the hall towards him.

"C'mon, you heard Jack, get outta here." Jackaboy shooed Anti, the demon growling as he left the room.

With Jack's body still healing, he was confined to bedrest with Schneep watching him while the other egos took care of the house and occasionally stopped by the hospital to visit the kids they had befriended.

"Jack, get zhe fuck back in zhat bed!" Schneep sighed in exasperation as Jack rolled off of the bed, landing on his feet with a wince as he limped towards his recording room.

"I told my family and friends already, but my fans are probably freaking the fuck out about me." Jack grunted as he used the wall to help him stand, Jackaboy hovering close by to make sure he wouldn't fall.

"Robbie help." Robbie mumbled as he laid out on the floor, acting as a pillow to cushion Jack slightly if he were to fall.

"You broke four of your ribs, have a head injury, and can barely walk. Just rest, your fans can wait for an explanation." Chase soothed Jack, guiding him back towards his bed while Robbie crawled after him.


"Relax, we got this. Would it make you feel better if we made a video or something for the fans?" Marvin interrupted.

"I mean....yeah, but I don't want to stress you guys out with it." Jack admitted, Anti letting out a snort of amusement.

"How hard can it be?"

"This is fucking impossible!" Chase exclaimed in frustration, the egos gathered in Jack's recording room to try and come up with a video idea.

JJ brightened as he signed an idea to Chase, the male shaking his head.

"I've already done a trick shot video on Jack's channel. Besides, I think we should do something with all of us in it." Chase replied.

"If I'm being dragged into this, I at least want to play a horror game." Anti chimed in, JJ hastily shaking his head.

"With all four of us?" Marvin spoke up with a frown, Anti exhaling slowly as he shot the magician his infamous "you're an idiot" look.

"We'd take turns playing a game." Anti explained as if talking to a child, Marvin glaring at the demon while Anti innocently smiled back.

"Boys boys, put the rulers away and zip up." Jackaboy teased, earning a laugh from the others while Anti's expression changed.

"Hey, so I was thinking-"

"That's pretty dangerous." Chase joked, high-fiving JJ with a smug smirk while Anti rolled his eyes.

"I was thinking...what does it feel like to fade?" Anti continued, glancing between his counterparts.

JJ's face paled as he looked away, Chase fidgeting with his hands, Schneep hugging himself tightly and Marvin biting his lip while Robbie whimpered softly and Jackaboy let out a slow sigh.

"We can talk about something else." Anti offered hastily.

"No...it's fine." Chase assured the demon, shooting him a weak grin that looked like a grimace.

"Robbie remember sleepy, like Robbie sleep long time." Robbie supplied, the zombie curling up close to Anti and rubbing his head against the demon's hand.

JJ hesitated before he signaled his response, his hand briefly resting on his throat before he shook his head.

I remember suffocation, it was as if I couldn't be creative ever again.

"I remember being alone, feeling like I was abandoned by those I tried to help." Chase chimed in, his gaze fixated on his feet.

"I remember betrayal, sharp like the knife that hurt me." Marvin muttered coldly, Anti looking away from the magician with a wince.

"I remember pain, feeling like I couldn't help anyone." Schneep confessed quietly, the German swallowing hard.

"I remember darkness, feeling like no matter how positive I tried to be, it was never working and that there was no point of me being around." Jackaboy stated, his uncharacteristically serious blue eyes boring into Anti's.

"Why couldn't Anti have faded instead? Everything would be better without him anyway." Marvin muttered under his breath, Anti tensing as he fought to keep his expression neutral.

"What the hell Marv?!" Jackaboy blurted furiously, surprising Anti as the hero looked between the two.

"Marvin kinda has a point though." Chase pointed out, Anti lowering his head as he felt tears begin to form in his eyes.

JJ didn't dare move as everyone argued around him, Robbie moving to sit beside the mute as their voices escalated.

"He does represent Jack's anxiety and depression, so if he vas not here-"

"Then Jack wouldn't be the same Jack!" Jackaboy cut in, Schneep falling silent with an apologetic expression.

"You guys have fun recording, I gotta go." Anti lied, hiding his face and leaving the room before Jackaboy could stop him.


Anti turned when he heard Jack's voice, the demon cautiously creeping into the Irishman's room.

Jack propped himself up in bed and patted the empty half of the bed next to him, Anti sitting beside him while hastily swiping his tears away with the back of his hand.

"They don't understand how hard it was to watch them all disappear. I thought-"

Anti broke off as he struggled to restrain a sob, Jack smiling sympathetically as he looked at the demon.

"I know. I fear being alone every single day, which is why I'm so glad to have you guys here." Jack admitted.

"Even when we're assholes?" Anti countered.

"Even then." Jack laughed, his laugh turning into a wheeze as he wrapped an arm around his injured abdomen.

"They think that they have to be positive all the time, so they don't understand you." Jack reasoned, closing his eyes.

"So, should I be more like them?" Anti questioned with a confused frown.

"No...they need to be more like you. No one can be happy all of their life." Jack countered, drifting off to sleep as Anti stood up.

"I guess that works the same way with negativity." Anti mused, rejoining the egos in Jack's recording room.

And for the first time in years, Anti remembered what it was like to be truly happy as he talked and laughed with everyone, feeling like he belonged with them.

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