Chapter 1

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I was reading Inheritance when my phone started playing my ring tone 'Im Bleeding Out' I sighed, closed my book, and tossed it on my the bed. I picked up my phone and answered it. I started heading toward the kitchen knowing exactly what my best friend, Laura, was going to say.

"Do you want to come over and spend the night?" Laura questioned.

"Hold on, one sec." I responded


"Hey mom!? Can I spend the night at Laura's?"I asked

"Sure honey, but be back at three tomorrow."my mom replied.

" I'll be there soon."I returned to Laura then hung up.

I quickly went to my room and packed my computer,phone,book, and clothes in my chestnut satchel. I changed out of my soft purple pajamas into my plain blue shirt and my slightly ripped jeans, combed my long black hair, brushed my teeth, and made my way to the front door. For some odd reason it felt like I needed to leave my house I ignored it.

"Bye Mom!"I said

"Bye sweet heart! Have fun!"My mom told me.

"Oh I will!" I agreed and headed out the door.

As I walked out the door I noticed that the sky was darkening and I started walking faster I didn't like being alone when it was dark.As the houses passed by I thought I heard foot steps and turned around.There was nothing but the barking of a dog off in the distance. I turned back around and started to walk faster toward Laura's house. The footsteps started up again and luckly Laura's house was just around the courner I slowed down and went on their concrete path.The second I touched Laura's property the foot steps stopped.Weird I thought.

I walked into Laura's house and said hello her parents and went though the long brown hall into Laura's bedroom on the right.Laura was wearing her pink eevee shirt, pink pajama pants,and her long blonde hair was in a braid.

"Desiree! What took you so long? It felt like hours!"Laura exclaimed

"oh shut up. It was like three minutes."I remarked

"Hey you know what? We should play outside I got a weird temptation to."She said her eyes darting toward the window

"That's wierd but you know what we should stay inside, just because."I suggested

"Whatever you say" She said

"We should play a game on our computers" I said ignoring the urge to go outside

"Sure why not?" She said pulling out her and my computers.Laura and I spent many hours playing on our laptops completely engulfed.

"Girls!Go to bed its nearly twelve!" Laura's mom Hillary said. Laura and I groaned at the exact same time. She went and turned of the lights and we both went to the couch and extended it. I got comfy and pulled out my book and started reading I really wanted to finish this book tonight.I still had a few pages to go till the end of the book when sleep drifted my way and I finally closed my eyes.

I woke with a start I swear I could hear someone saying my name.It was still dark outside so it was probably one or two.The calling wouldn't stop so I slapped my head a couple times but it still wouldn't stop. The urge to go outside was stronger than ever so I carefully got up, grabbed my phone and carefully went outside.

"Hello?" I cautioned

"Desiree."It seemed to be calling

I stepped away from the door and headed down toward the street.When I got to the street I looked right then left.On the left side their was a dark figure in the space with no street lights I headed toward him or her saying"Sir or Ma'am were you calling my name?" I started walking toward the figure when a distant sound of flapping came to my ear and I stopped and looked up.Nothing their was absolutely nothing so were was that flapping coming from? I looked at the figure and started heading toward him/her again.The closer I got the louder the flapping was, I must be going crazy.

"Ma'am or Sir are you alright?"I asked.When i was only a couple feet away I had to look up.A enormous red dragon was above me my mouth dropped its eye was watching me.The mysterious figure darted forward grabbed my arm and started talking in a language I didn't know I looked at him with my mouth agape. He finished, smiled, and looked down. "Hello i'm Morzan." Then everything went black.

I promise that the next chapters will be way better than this one plz keep reading :)

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