Chapter 5

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I woke up to Dakäe jumping on the bed.  I groaned and sat up, Dakäe continued to jump on the bed.

"Im awake." I grumbled as I got out of bed and went to the dresser and looked at the clothes. I frowned and started digging for some colorful clothes. I found none all there was is brown, grey, and black.  I picked out a brown shirt and very thick pants. I combed my hair and put on my very colorful tennis shoes which did not match my outfit and we're way ahead of this places time period.

        I opened my door and Dakäe shot ahead of me. I smiled and started to walk down the hallway.  I went into the trashy living room and frowned why does Brom always disappear when I wake up? I asked myself. Brom taped my shoulder and I spun around and said" stop creeping up on me like that! It's very alarming!"

      "Time to get going." Brom replied. I stared at him with cold eyes he ignored me and proceeded to walk out the door.  I followed him and Dakäe climbed to my shoulder I patted his head. Brom led us to the spine forest. Once we were a few leagues in the forest Brom bent down and picked up a sword like stick and tossed it at me I instantly caught it. I knew me and Brom were going to fight.  I didn't know how to fight so I stood there watching Brom. 

          He suddenly jumped at me and my first instinct was to jump so I jumped sideways. Brom landed on the ground and swung the stick towards me and I tried to block him but he hit me right in my side. I wasn't used to pain so I stood there and Brom swung at me again I forced my arm up and blocked the other stick. Brom quickly pulled his stick back and began to swing at me I instead of blocking went for Broms side he reacted instantly blocking me. We kept fighting until dark and I only landed one hit on Brom in the arm.

        We started walking to Broms house Dakäe safely in my arms. When we got to Broms house Brom asked." Can I make mind contact with Dakäe its his lesson now." I nodded my head and Dakäe glided to a chair and Brom sat down too. I went to my bedroom thinking of strategies to at least land more than one hit on Brom. Once I was satisfied I made contact with Dakäe telling him that I was going to bed. I sauntered over to the bed climbed in and instantly fell asleep.

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