Chapter 7

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      Dakäe was screaming at me in my head about Brom and Eragon.  I quickly got up and dressed.  I raced outside and saw Brom carrying Eragon and telling Horst to get Garrow. I followed Brom, my head full of worry about Eragon. Then I noticed the side of Broms head caked with blood that only increased my worry.

           We entered a nice house and there was herbs on the wall and a lady hurried over to Brom noticing his and Eragons condition.  Dakäe entered my mind and felt my worry he tried to comfort me.  I watched as the lady told Brom to put Eragon in the bed and undressed him I left the house before I could see anything.  I leaned on the wall and waited for Brom.

           He walked out also worried and said. " There is nothing we can do let's get back to training. "I nodded my head and followed him to his house. We had a quick and quiet breakfast and hustled to the forest.  Me and Broms fighting session didn't last long but I landed more hits on Brom then he did me.  We went to the lady's house and checked on Eragon the lady told us that Eragon had a fever but he should heal perfectly.  We left and went to Broms and fell into a restless sleep.

        I opened my eyes and got up I had bad dreams that Eragon wouldn't wake up. I knew that they were false but it still scared me.  Dakäe comforted me. I washed and got dressed I looked at Dakäe who was up to my knee.  He was growing fast, we wouldn't be able to hide him forever. Dakäe came to my mind and we connected Desiree. He hummed in my mind you can speakI thought yes. He answered slightly amused.  I smiled and walked into the kitchen. There was food on the counter but no Brom.

           I wondered were he was? I took the food and ate it. I could feel Dakäes annoyance I grabbed him some meat and tossed one slice in the air and watched as he jumped up and caught it before it hit the ground.        Then I tossed the other slice and quickly left before Dakäe could complain.  I left the house and went toward the lady's house. I entered and asked."I never got your name what is it?"

"Gertrude. Also what is your name?" She replied

"Desiree."I said Gertrude nodded and led me to Eragon.

"His fever broke last night."She told me and sat in a chair and started knitting.  I sat in a chair and watched Eragon hoping my dream wasn't true. 

           Gertrude fell asleep and I almost fell a sleep, but Eragon started to stir and I got really excited. He sat up, I smiled and he looked at me I could tell he was thinking about Garrow and Saphira. I stopped smiling and looked at Eragon with a worried gaze. Gertrude started to wake up. Dakäe prodded my mind and said Brom.

"I got to go." I  squeaked and stood up

"Why do you got to go so soon?"Eragon questioned I couldn't help but look into his handsome face.

"I just remembered something that I got to do. " I answered I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly left and made my way to Broms house. Did I have a crush on Eragon? He'd never go out with me. I opened the door to see Brom looking sternly at me.

"And we're were you?"Brom asked

" checking on Eragon. "I answered

"Any changes? "

" He is awake" I told him

He nodded and said. " lets get training. " I nodded and we headed off. Brom and I stayed fighting as usual but I swung at Brom with my full strength. He blocked me but his stick flew out of his hands and into the forest.  I never felt so  accomplished. Brom looked pleased. "We can no longer train with sticks now you need a sword. I nodded to happy for words. We went back to Carvahall and into another shop. 

           There was swords and weapons on the wall.  I went to the sword with a clear jewel in the pommel.  I picked the sword up and took a few practice swings the sword was light and long. I smiled and said. "Brom this one is perfect." Brom looked at the sword, took it and went to the counter.  " I want to buy this sword. " Brom said and a bulky man came up and said in a musky voice" that ones fifty five. "Brom nodded and gave him the coins. The man took the sword went in the back and came back with the sword in a shealth." here you go."The man said.  Brom handed me the sword I looked at my reflection, training with Brom really took its toll on me. I put the sword back in its shealth and left the store with Brom.


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