Chapter 2: A New Beginning

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Alex pulled off the ace bandage. "Did you do this to yourself?" I hesitated for a second. "Yeah..." Alex hugged me. "Life gives you enough scars, you don't need to make your own! Your too beautiful to be hurting yourself!" "I.. I.. I don't know what to say." "Don't say anything, just promise me you'll never do it again!" "I promise." Alex hugged me again. At first I wasn't okay with it, but now I wanted his hugs. Like I needed his hugs. "You know what?" "Huh?" "We're gonna go to school tomorrow. And I'm gonna stand by your side. I promise I won't leave you. And we'll prove Melanie and Jennifer wrong, that they can not and will NOT knock you down!" "You promise you won't leave me alone at all." "I promise. So get some rest. Shower if you want. There's your own personal bathroom. Good night." Alex got up. "Uhh, Alex?" "Yeah." "Thank you." I got up and hugged him. After Alex closed the door I decided to take a shower. It was awkward taking a shower in some strangers house. I took a quick shower. I slid into some sweats and a tank top and went to bed.

I woke up to the sound of Alex. "Eboney. Wake up. We've got school." I didn't want to argue with Alex so I slowly got up. I sat myself up. "What time is it?" I adjusted my eyes to the bright light. I looked over at Alex was sitting on the edge of the bed smiling. "It's 7:30." Thank god it was Friday! I didn't have to put up with anyone for the rest of the weekend when the day was over. I hope today goes by fast. "I'll let you get dressed." Even though I had clothes in a bag I only had a clean pair of skinny jeans. "I don't know, but is it okay if I borrow one of your shirts. All my clothes are dirty." "Sure." "Alright let me put some jeans on first." Alex waited outside the room while I slid my black skinny jeans on. I just left my black tank top of from last night. I stepped out of the room and followed Alex into his room. I scanned his room. Blink 182 posters on the wall. A lap top on his bed. Clothes all over the floor. A normal room you would expect from a teenage boy. He opened his clothes. I looked through his clothes. I felt odd rummaging through someone else's closet. I pointed at a red flannel. He took it out and handed it to me. It was a little big but it would do. I slid it on and rolled up the sleeves. Alex was still in his pajamas so I went back to the guest room so he could get ready. I straightened my hair up a bit and slid on my black vans. I grabbed my bag and waited outside for Alex.

Alex stepped outside. He was dressed in a pair of blue faded, ripped up skinny jeans and a band shirt. I threw my bag over my shoulder and we walked to school. It was a silent walked until we got to the school. We were twenty minutes early so we sat on the steps out front. "So does your band play like gigs and stuff?" "Umm, no.. Well, yeah. Nothing big though. We play like some festivals." "Oh." Twenty minutes of small talk. We discussed nothing but bands. People started showing up at school and they opened the doors to let everyone in. I felt a pit in my stomach as everyone started to arrive. "Alex can we wait a bit to go in?" "Yeah but we better go soon so we're not late." "Alright." Alex and I stepped into the school. I felt nervous and Alex could tell. He grabbed my hand reassuring that it would be okay. We went to our lockers. Little did I know Alex's locker was four spaces down from mine. I put my bag in and grabbed the things I needed for my first few classes. Alex and I stepped into our first class. Of course being the bitch Melanie is. She had to say something. "Look the emo bitch has decided to come back." Alex gave her a dirty look and we went to the back of the class and sat down. I told myself not to let it get to me but, being the weak person I am it bothered me. I watched Alex. He waved hi to his friend that sat down next to him. "Hey man what's up?" "Not much." His friend stared at me. I felt tons of discomfort. "Who is this Alex?" "This is Eboney. Eboney this is Jack. My best friend I was telling you about." He waved hi to me. I gave him a small smile and I buried my head in my arms. I honestly didn't want to show my face. I never wanted to be here. But I couldn't just blow off school. That would cause even more problems that I didn't need.

The day wasn't as slow as I thought it would be. School was finally over. I raced to my locker and grabbed my bag. Melanie and Jennifer cornered me just as I was about to leave. I clutched my books. They started picking at me. Pushing me back against my locker. "Hey!" A familiar voice shouted. "Leave her alone!" Alex! I was so glad to see him. As Alex approached them they backed away. "Awe, is the poor baby gotta have her little boyfriend save her!" Alex shouted. "Shut up you stupid bitches! Don't you have anything better to do with your life?!" Alex wrapped his arm around me. I felt my face turn bright red. Jennifer shouted as we walked away. "DONT WORRY HE WONT ALWAYS HE THERE TO SAVE YOU! DUMB LITTLE EMO WHORE!" I felt like crying after I heard that. I held back the tears. "You alright?" Alex questioned. "Yeah." I bit my lip. I lied. I wasn't okay. I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I never cried in front of anyone. I was too embarrassed. Alex and I walked back to his house with his three friends. I sort of trailed behind them. I heard them discuss how they were gonna practice today. Jack the kid I met earlier told Alex they had a gig to play tomorrow. Alex turned back to me. He stopped and waited for me to catch up. "Do you wanna watch us practice? I'd be really nice to get someone else's point of view." "Umm, yeah sure." We made it back to Alex's house. Everyone left their books and stuff up stairs. I followed Alex and his friends to the basement. There was a drum set, two guitars, a bass and a mic. I sat down and waited for the boys to play. I felt odd. I was the only one watching and Alex stared straight at me. Alex spoke into the mic. "Alright this ones called 'Dear Maria, Count Me In.'"

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