Chapter 8: Would You Still Be There?

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I woke up cold. I started to move, realizing I was naked. Remembering what happened last night. I felt sick just at the thought of it. I felt mentally and physically sick. I felt disgusted. I felt used and dirty. I pulled on sweats and Alex's hoodie. My door swing open making me have a heart attack. "Good your dumb ass is up. You better hurry whore face. Don't wanna be late to school." "Okay." "You disgust me." "Thank you." "You fucking ugly piece of shit!" My mother grabbed my arm and pulled me across the room. "I fucking hate you! I fucking hate everything about you! You stupid cunt!" She kicked her leg, hitting me in the stomach and the face. After the beating I deserved, she left me there. She slammed my door closed.

I walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was already starting to bruise. Just great! And don't forget to mention how fat you are Eboney. And look how pale you look. Disgusting. You're NOT like those other girls with long pretty hair and glowing skin. You're a fat, ugly, worthless piece of shit that no one not even Alex gives a shit about. I hung my head low. Why am I doing this? Why me? What does she hate me so much? Why? I felt a tear run down my cheek. I felt to uncomfortable to get in the shower today. So I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, boots and Alex's hoodie. Undressing I looked at myself in the mirror again only making myself hate me more and more. I quickly got rid of that disgusting sight by getting dressed. I rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed my bag and phone. I quickly left the house unnoticed and made my way to school. Lucky me. I didn't run into Alex or anyone else. Today I really didn't wanna see anyone. I didn't want the constant stares and the questions being asked, 'what happened to your face?' I made my way into the school and to my locker quietly. "Hey baby!" I kept my head low, covering my face with my hair. "Hi." I quickly grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut, just as the bell rung. The hallways that were once noisy and filled with chatty high schoolers, were now quite and empty beside Alex and I. "Baby? Look at me. Is there something wrong?" I kept my head low. "No." "Then look at me." Alex pushed my head up revealing my bruised face.

"Ebon--" "Hey! You two get to class now!" Saved by a teacher. I never thought I would say this but was I glad to see this teacher. I quickly ran off to class.

Classes were usual. Boring lectures about shit we were never gonna use in the future. But they insist we learn it to 'better' our future. The bell rang for lunch. I stayed back and left everyone pile out. I slowly made my way out of the classroom and into the cafeteria avoiding Alex at all cost. But, of course we had lunch the same period. I spotted an empty table. I sat in the middle of the table and kept my head down. Soon the table started to fill with Zack, Rian, Jack and Alex. "Hey." "Hi." "Eboney, we need to talk." "What about?" I kept my voice quiet and calm. "I think you know what." "No Alex I honestly don't. Now if you'll excuse me." I got up and walked out of the cafeteria with Alex on my heels. "Eboney! Talk to me!" "I don't wanna talk Alexander!" "Why not?" Alex pulled me into a closet. "Talk to me! There's obviously something going on and you're not telling me." "I'm telling you the truth. I'm fine. Everything's fine. There's nothing going on." "Then how did you get that bruise?" "I fell." "Oh you 'fell' right. How am I suppose to believe that when you've got an abusive mother at home." I opened the closet door and stepped out. Alex grabbed my arm. "My house. Right after school. I will hunt you down if you try and ditch." I sighed. "I'll see what I can do." Alex kissed me before returning to the cafeteria. The boring day went on. And all my classes were nothing but bullshit. I was glad to finally get out of this hell hole. But only to return to another hell hole with a drunkie mother and her rapist boyfriend. Alex stood at my locker and waited for me. I grabbed my bag and we walked out. "I don't think I can go--" "You are going!" Alex grabbed my arm, making sure I couldn't slip away. The walk to his house was filled with constant groans and me saying 'I'm gonna get in trouble'. But, Alex insisted I come to his house to talk. Once we got their Alex and I went up stairs. Even though I've only been away for one day I missed this place so much. I plopped down on Alex's bed. Alex sat next to me. He pulled me in his arms. I quickly shoved him away, remembering what James did to me. "Baby?" "Get away from me!" "Eboney it's me! Alex!" I screamed at him. "Go away!" I quickly grabbed my bag and ran for the door. He stopped me before I could swing open the door. "Baby, you're never like this. Something happened. I know something happened. Now please! Just tell me!" "Nothing, Alex. It's nothing. I have to get home before my mother gets mad. Now please move." Alex opened the door and let me out. I ran home without so much as a good bye.

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