Chapter 10: Tattoos And A Switch Blade Attuide.

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U P D A T E!!

Ps: it's been forever. Sorry.

*2 weeks later back in Baltimore.*

Sorry guys just trying to speed things up.

Eboney's P.O.V

"Stop fucking killing me you ass!" I yelled as Jack killed my character in the game for the 9th time. "You suck!" Jack yelled as the screen said game over. I tossed the controller in frustration. "When's Lex coming back with that damn food?!" "I don't know!" Jack and I had been sitting in Alex's basement for almost 2 hours waiting for him to get back. I got up. "Shhh. I'm gonna call him." I pressed my phone to my ear. "Hello?" "Lex! Where are you?" "Home. Where are you?" "Don't play games." "I'm not. I'm home." I hung up. "Well, where is he?" "He said he's here." Jack and I went up stairs. The smell of Chinese food came through out the house. I went from hungry to I'm gonna fucking puke. I ran straight to the bathroom. "Baby?" As soon as I got to the toilet everything that I consumed was out of my stomach. After I knew I was done I wiped my face off with a cold towel. "Eb, are you okay?" I turned around to see Alex's mom. "Yeah. That food just... It's smell really hit me. And I felt this urge to puke." "Oh god." "What?" "Oh god. Oh god." "What?!" "This is an awkward question but, did you get your period?" "No I was suppose to start yesterday." "Come with me." I followed Alex's mom into her room. I watched as she rummaged through drawers. "I want you to take this." A pregnancy test! Fuck! I better not be pregnant! I'm too young. "Okay." "In here though. I don't want Alex to know yet." I did my business in her bathroom and stepped out. "15 minutes be back in here. Okay?" "Kay." I was feeling fine until she mentioned I might be fucking pregnant! And now I'm scared as fuck! I don't wanna be a mommy now. I'm too fucking young, I'm still in high school. "Everything okay babe?" I looked at Alex for a second. "Babe?" "Yeah. I'm fine." "Eboney come here. Eboney!" "Baby my mom wants you. Hey! Babe." "What?" I tried my hardest to hold back my tears. I quickly walked into Alex's moms room and locked the door behind me. Once I got in there I broke down. "Hun, it's gonna be okay." "No. It's not! I'm only 16! I'm too young to be a mommy!" "Well, your a mommy now." I felt the tears rush harder and faster. "I think you and Lex need to have this conversation together. Alone. But, I'll be here if you need me. Trust me honey. It's may seem like a terrible thing now but once that baby comes it's gonna be the best thing ever. I know, the same thing happened to me." I attempted to pull myself together. "Well, I might as well tell him now."

I made my way out to Alex. "Where's Jack?" "He left." "I need to talk to you about something." "I know." "You know? You know what?" "That you're pregnant." "How.." "I was listening. I found it suspicious when my mom called you to her room, so I kind listened through the door." "Are you mad?" "Mad? Why would I be mad? I'm gonna be a daddy. That's the best thing ever. It means I get to spend the rest of my life with you and our beautiful baby." "I'm not sure I wanna keep the baby." "What?! Why? Why wouldn't you wanna keep something so precious?" "I just.. I don't think I'm ready for a baby. Lex, I know it's hard. You just found out you're gonna have a baby and then your stupid girlfriend takes it away but it's for the best. For the both of us." "I don't understand how you could be so selfish. Taking an innocent, precious little baby's life! How could you be so stupid to consider abortion?!" That hurt. But I deserved it. I deserved all of it. Everything. It's all my fault. If I wouldn't have been stupid and just stayed with my mom from the beginning none of this would've happened. I most likely would've been dead. And that's all I wanted to be right now. Dead. Six feet under. I should just leave. I should just get out of everyone's lives. I got up and went through the house packing up all my things. Once I got a bag of clothes and at least $300, I left. I didn't say good bye. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing or where I was going. I didn't even know where I was going. Once I got off the street I called Austin. "Hey." "Hi. Are you back in Baltimore?" "Yeah. Why?" "I left Alex. I'll explain later. Can you please come get me and can I please stay with you? I don't wanna be with Alex right now." "I'll be there in a minute." "Okay." I sat on the curb waiting for Austin. Alex called my phone. After the 10th time I answered. "Where are you? Are you okay? Please come home." "Bye Alex." I hung up. At this point I had not a clue where my life was going. I probably was better off dead. Alex's mom called me. I didn't want to be an ass and ignore her, she did let me stay at her house. "Hello?" "Where are you?" "I'm outside." "Where?! Why would you leave? What happened?!" "I left because I didn't want to be there and bother you guys anymore. It's better that I'm out of your lives. I've caused enough problems for you and Alex." "That's the worst thing you could do! Alex needs you! It's better that you ARE in our lives. You're apart of our family we would never want to get rid of you." "I'm not ready to come back. I told Alex I didn't want to keep the baby and flipped out on me." "You got to understand where he's coming from, it's his kid too." "I know. I'm just not ready and he doesn't even care." "He cares. You guys just need to have a calm conversation. No yelling, arguing just a civil conversation." "Okay, I'll be there in a little. Austin's gonna come and try to make peace." "Okay."

Austin picked me up and we went back to Alex's. This is gonna be fucking terrible. It's gonna be the opposite of what Alex's mom said. I'm sure it will involve yelling, arguing, crying and a possible break up. I'm so not ready for this shit.

Alex, his mom, Austin and I all sat at the kitchen table. Alex's mom spoke the most. "Okay, I understand Eboney said she's not ready for a baby and Alex is totally against it and wants to keep the baby." "I'm not totally against, I just think it's fucking ridiculous to consider abortion. Of course I wanna keep the baby. And I understand you're not ready, but we have a great family to help us out. Obviously everything is not gonna be peaches and cream considering it's our first child. But, I know it'll get better once the baby's born." "And I understand it's your baby too, but I've already decide I don't wanna keep the baby." "That's bullshit!" "Alex!" "Look! It's in my stomach! It's coming out of MY vagina! I'm the one who will have to go through nine months of hell! Okay! I'm not keeping it!" I stated, crossing my arms. "Why do you have to be so fucking selfish?! It's my baby too! I helped you create the fucking baby! I think I should have a say in this too!" "Were you the one who got abuse? Were you the one who got raped? Were you the one who got their ass beat everyday at school? Were you the one who got locked up for attempted suicide? NO! Okay! I'm not mentally stable to take care of a baby! So fucking drop it Alexander! I'm not. Fucking. Keeping the baby!" I screamed. "Guys calm down." "No, Austin I wanna leave." "No, Eboney you can't just walk away from all your problems! Fucking face it! I wanna keep the baby but, you're just being a selfish bitch!" "Fuck off!" "Guys!" "We're threw Alex! Done! It's over between us! Austin let's go please!" "No, we're not done. Guys, can you please give us a minute alone?" Alex's mom and Austin left the room. "I'm gonna be calm as possible. Why don't you believe me? We can do it together. We can raise this baby and be a happy family. You can be the best mother ever. And I can be the best father ever. And you can show everyone that you're better than your mother and you didn't turn out like her. I wanna help you every step of the way with this, we can be a happy family. Isn't that what you want?" "Yeah.... But, I'm..." "Eb, I know you're not ready. I know that you think you're not mentally stable to take care of this baby. But, that's what I'm here for. To help you, I'll be here to help you get through it. And I won't leave. I promise I will never leave your side. Ever!"

Alex's P.O.V

I was really hoping my speech would change her mind. I really want this baby and I really want her in my life. I didn't want to lose her or the baby. I want to be a happy family and spend the rest of my life with her as cliché as it sounds. But, it's true. "Alex, I need time. I need time to myself. Time to think. I just need to be alone." "Okay, can you stay here and be alone? You can have the basement. You can stay in your room. Just please stay here so I know you're safe." "No." "Please." "No, I need to get away from all of this. Just for a couple of days." I grabbed Eboney pulled her into a hug. I didn't care if she tried to pull away. I felt Eboneys arms wrap around me. I heard her sniffle. "I'm sorry. I'm such a terrible fucking person." And here's her breaking point. All she needed was a hug. I let Eboney cry into my shoulder. I didn't say anything. I didn't move. I was enjoying every second of this. "I'm sorry." Eboney cried her heart out. I felt so bad. "It's okay. We're gonna get through this together." I rubbed circles in her back. "It's okay baby." I picked Eboney up and she wrapped her legs around me. I walked out and my mom and Austin stared at me. I gave Austin the okay to go home and he left. I laid on the couch with Eboney. I let her lay on top of me. "I'm going to go shower and go to bed. Let me know if you need me." "Alright night mom." "Night." "Baby?" "Mmmm." "We're gonna go to the doctors tomorrow to make sure the test isn't a positive negative okay?" "Mmmm." "Mmmm to you to babe." I pulled a blanket over her and I. "Mmmm." Eboney kept moving. I find her adorable when she's sleeping. It's the cutest thing. The way she mumbles in her sleep.

I was waken when I felt Eboney get up. "What are you doing?" "Going to the bathroom." I stretched out. "What time is it?" I yawned. "Like 10 in the the morning." She called. "Shit!! Babe we gotta go to the doctors appointment." "I know. That's why I got up." She said as she walked back into the room. Eboney and I left as soon as we were done getting ready.

The car drive there was silent. Eboney broke the silence by saying. "I'm scared." "Why are you scared?" "Because their gonna have to stick that thing inside me." I couldn't help but laugh. "It's not funny." She whined. "Babe. You're not a virgin. It's not gonna hurt. It might feel like having a dick shoved inside you with lube all around it." "Stop! I don't wanna hear that." "Why? It's gonna feel like sex." "I'm sorry. But, I don't know what sex is." "You're funny. But I'll hold your hand the through the whole thing." "I'm nervous because someone else is gonna be looking at me naked." "Did you get a girl doctor." "No I'm sure it's a guy." "Would you feel more comfortable if it was a girl?" "It doesn't matter. Someone is still gonna see my fucking vagina!" "Well tell them to do the belly ultrasound." "They probably won't." "They will." "Shh."

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