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Fingerprints blossomed over her skin before she felt the squeezing, itching pain that accompanied them. A pretty purple that looked far too much like a hand to be anything wrapped around her wrist like some odd bracelet, a matching set marking her upper arm and it took a great deal for her to remain calm so that Quil wouldn't notice from where he was letting Renee lead him in some silly dance that didn't seem to have any actual steps.

Andy was very disconnected from the odd, random bout of pain as she slowed in her own dance to look at the marks curiously. Edward frowned where he was dancing with her, his leading never faltering as he lead them slowly to the edge of the dancing pairs by the tables where he left her without a word as he disappeared - there sibling dance ending almost as it had just begun and Andy figured that it had to have been something to do with Bella to make him react this way. Not taking any offence in the slightest, she picked her way through the crowd in search of Lynn to see if the girl could hear something that she couldn't.

Standing with Sue and Charlie, Lynn was watching Seth dance around with Billy, the two waving their arms in these jerky motions that had her friend pressing her lips together tightly to keep from bursting into laughter. Her protector was never this easy going on the reservation, something about the other wolves making Lynn nervous, or perhaps it was just the separation from Andy that made her testy around them.

The shifter looked to her as she sensed her approach, Andy raising bruise free hand and waved her friend forward, pointing to a table back near where Edward had disappeared.

It didn't take long for Lynn to reach her side, eyes already narrowed as she looked her over, sensing something wrong but not quite knowing where to look.

She wasn't sure if she would ever get used to this awareness that Quil and Lynn had towards her due to the bond they shared. It was like a sixth sense, a prickle in there mind as it had been described like they were always going to notice everything about her in a way that only increased the closer they were. She wondered what it would be like, later, after years. Would they just know? Did they need to literally just be close? Really, Andy still had too many questions when it came to the imprint and the bond that she was subjected that she wasn't entirely certain that she wanted answers to. 

Hands reached out gently searching with a delicate brush, feathering over the marks that were found and Andy gasped at the sudden spike of anger that she sensed from the girl, a perfectly beautiful snarl forming on Lynn's carefully painted lips. 

"Who did this?" the girl breathed, voice controlled and dangerously low as she didn't spare a glance at the looks that made the hairs raise on Andy's neck. 

"It's not mine," she answered soothingly, "But someone close. I need your help to figure out what's going on." 

Lynn nodded, head raising as she looked around with narrowed eyes, tilting one way or another as she listened for something over the music, nose wrinkling in distaste when she caught something. 

"Come on, quick, before one of the others get there before us," Lynn urged her, tugging her along in a way that made Andy stumble slightly as she rushed to keep up, thankful for the way that her friend was forced to slow down as she weaved through guest and tables. 

Andy shot a look behind her to where Quil had found himself being spun around in an intricate dance by Alice, the psychic sending her a knowing look when she caught her eye and easily turned her boyfriend away that drew his attention to Renee that was ready to cut in once more with a smile, Edward laughing with a strained smile as he handed her off. 

Forcing Lynn faster with a shove, Andy rushed to beat Edward to the scene, a sense of disbelief sitting in her chest once she realized that he must have planned something for Bella once she felt that distinct taste of emotions that truly belonged to only one person. 

Empty Veins | Quil Ateara [4]Where stories live. Discover now