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She wouldn't have called it hiding so much as taking a break to settle her thoughts and her mind. It was a tactical retreat that only made her looked like it was cowardice.  

How was Andy meant to face the Cullen's when she couldn't stand anything that was happening? How could she face Quil and the pack that she was only just starting to form a bond with knowing what she did? Because that fetus, the baby, wasn't normal, wasn't right. 

Maybe this time she could stay out of it, could keep to herself, because ever since she arrived home in Forks it was like the supernatural world had recruited me into this double life that was just some never-ending flow of bad and terrible and disaster that just continued to pile up poisonously no matter how much she actually loved all of it. 

Hell, Andy had put off her dreams of college because she had somehow convinced herself it was a good idea to put it off for a while. True, she can always go back, would always get another chance, but staying here, staying close to the Cullen's and the pack had seemed like a much better idea at the time. It was like she had faded into somehow she couldn't recognize, and sure, it was alright to change and grow into someone different, but it wasn't right to give herself up for everyone else -- and she could see that she had done that now, the distance and normalcy of time spent with her father in the regular human world had done wonders to clear her mind. 

"They called again," Charlie gruffed, flipping through letters at the table. 

She hopes down the last few steps, swinging into the kitchen to snatch an apple from the fruit bowl she insisted that they keep full at all times. Crunching into the juicy red sweetness. "Who?" 

"Quil and Lynn."

Pausing in her steps for a moment, she blinks before continuing on, leaning against the counter by the kitchen sink. "I know. I texted them back so hopefully, they'll stop calling so much."

"Why aren't you seeing them again?" 

Andy sighs. "I just needed some space. It's not healthy to be with the same people all the time." 

"That's what happened with Alice and Jasper?" Charlie asks and she shoots a sharp look at the side of his head. 

"Dad, it was time that I get some space anyway. It was getting a little weird," She fibs, biting the inside of her cheek. "Speaking of, have you heard from any of them? The Cullens'? You said that she left you that weird voicemail." 

He swallows, clearing his throat. "Carlisle called me yesterday. Bella's sick." 

"She's sick? Did they say with what? Why didn't you say anything?" 

"I didn't want to worry you, Ands. You were getting back in touch with all your old friends again." 

Smiling bitterly, her hand tightens on the apple, squeezing it terribly, and for a moment it seems like she could crush it in her hand. They weren't her friends. She wasn't talking to her friends. Because they were either trying to use her or were going to start a blood feud due to the fetus. 

Really, how could things have turned into some awful, terrible mess? Just thinking about it made her want to burst into tears all over again. 

"You should have said something. Did they give you any details?" Andy presses, fishing for what she already knew. Nightly updates always found her no matter how clear she made it that she didn't want to be involved (she was immensely thankful for that). 

"She isn't coming home yet. She's not even in the country and they won't tell me where she is." She could hear the anger in his voice and she had to turn away, the guilt bleeding through her skin, his anger turning into something that was rightfully hers. 

Empty Veins | Quil Ateara [4]Where stories live. Discover now