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There was a point between starving and hungry, a point where Andy didn't personally have a word for it, but knew intimately at this point. She was eating constantly still, no matter how many animals she and Lynn had brought back with them yesterday, and they were dwindling through the food quickly with the three wolves, her ravenous hunger and Bella's continued attempts to keep something down.

The vampires in this house were going to continue being thirsty until they had the chance to properly feed.

And Andy wasn't sure what exactly they were going to do about it. They were getting antsy again, unsettled, and she couldn't help them if she couldn't help herself.

She couldn't risk leaving the house again, though, not with the wolves out there waiting and Bella needing her around at every moment just in case.

It brought her hands to shake, fingers twitching with a need to do something, to keep herself steady and distracted. She couldn't help the anxiety that crawled through her chest, her own fears and worries that couldn't be helped. There was just so much to feel, so much to understand, and Andy was just so overwhelmed.

Her personality shown through in spurts of wild emotion, of strong spikes that ripped through her and seized her muscles -- tearing at her limb from limb until she felt like some kind of game avatar or like the main character of a crappy teen novel.

Feelings were... feelings were so much stronger, so much more important than a lot of people gave them credit for regardless of how small or insignificant that they might seem. They were powerful things that couldn't be mimic or falsified when they were felt deep and true in your heart.

Nothing could mask the raw emotions in your heart and Andy knew that better than anyone, better than most. She was in tune with everything that happened in this house and the longer that she stayed surrounded by them, the longer that she kept feeling the same thing stronger and more important than her own pain -- she was only going to suffer when her feelings came back tenfold once the coverage of nerves and anxiety flickered and faded away.

Andy was losing herself within herself and she wasn't sure if it was a blessing to be away from the tormenting heartbreak that ripples through her when the fog of pretend emotions lift or a curse that she might actually fade away.

She could only sit and listen as Jacob and Edward spoke near a snoring Bella, and even then she didn't stop to listen as she ought to.

It was like she was drifting on that same cloud as her sister, flickering in and out of focus in a waking sleep.

Sleep was hard. Staying awake was hard. Her heart hurt.

A lot of things hurt, a lot of things were blurry and out of focus, yet everything was so sharp, so intense.

They were saying something about the treaty, talking about what they were planning to do once Bella finally had the... baby.

Turning her as soon as they were no longer connected, a difficult and risky feat, would really bank on the outcome of this conversation -- rather, the fallout would bank on the conversation. Jacob was an Alpha, the true Alpha of the tribe, and if he gave his approval then the treaty wasn't likely to be broken over the fact that they were just trying to save her sister.

Andy had no doubt that they would get the boy's approval, not when he was still so obsessed with Bella. He wouldn't want anything to happen to her even if it meant that he couldn't have her.

It was more than Sam would have been willing to give them right now. If it was up to him, then he would tear the fetus from her this instant and be done with it all, wouldn't care for the damage and pain that he would unto the world in such an action -- the chaos and destruction that would strike through her, killing her heart at the sight of her sister murdered.

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