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Humming as she dances around the kitchen, holding a mixing bowl in hand and stirring with the other, she lets the old school pop blare through the house as she works the pancake batter, Mr. Darcy trailing behind her every step as though it was a game, and Andy grins as she moves around him -- careful of each step, because her kitty was crazy enough to slip under her foot just so he had a reason to bite at her toes when she gets too close. 

It was late in the morning when she finally finished up, calling softly upstairs to get Charlie's attention, and she sets a stack at the center of the table, happy with her work despite the wonky shape and slightly burnt edges. She couldn't cook quite as well as Bella could but she knew what to do, knew how to not poison them, so she figured that was more than enough. 

Charlie came lumbering down the steps in a plaid shirt and jeans, casual close for his day off, and Andy could tell he had brushed his hair. He must have been going to see Sue today. 

"Here's yours," she points to his plate, enjoying the way he eyes the two extra stacks at the table. "Quil and Lynn are coming. They should be here any second."

The bell rings as soon as she speaks, their emotions playing at her awareness, and she rushes to answer the door, throwing it open and moving out of the way. Their reaction is predictable as they both fight their way into the kitchen, dicing for the food, and Andy wonders how she ended up cooking for them nearly every day since Bella left. 

It was this shift in the dynamics, a settling as her time was split between the Cullen's and the pack, her instincts and abilities being trained and tested by both, if only subtly, and Andy wondered if they truly believed her so stupid as to not realize what they were doing. It wasn't as though she minded that much, finding she truly enjoyed the control it granted now that she wasn't feeling so . . . enslaved by the negativity of others, but it was hard at times when she felt uncomfortable in the presence of Sam, Paul, and Jared, or simply struck with a sudden horrible mourning around the Cullen's when she remembered that Bella was one of them now, that they were capable of being with her sister forever when she would lose her prematurely.

Perhaps it was selfish of her to pick favourites as she did, calling so as to spend time with the people she wanted to see only, but Andy couldn't find a reason to care. 

The two shifters were shoveling food down like animals when she came to her seat and Charlie sat there watching them with his nose slightly wrinkled. 

"Manners," she corrects, cutting the two pancakes she had on her plate before she started eating them opposed to the mess they were creating. 

Lynn smiles sheepishly and cuts her foot, still eating as quickly, but without a mess. Quil doesn't listen so well and just takes to putting less food in his mouth. 

Rolling her eyes, she gives her father a 'what you gonna do look,' and returns to her breakfast, casually eating as she ignores the events around her. At some point, Charlie finishes and leaves the table to wash his plate, clearing his throat in this way he does when he's preparing to say something. 

"Going to Sue's?" Andy asks, not looking up from her plate. 

"Uh, yeah. She's making Harry's famous fish fries."

"Have fun," she tells him, sending him a quick smile. "Bring me back a few if there are any leftover." 

"With Leah and Seth there? As if," Quil scoffs around a mouthful of food. 

Andy ducks her head to hide her fond look from her father. 

"I'll try," Charlie says. He leaves with little ceremony, locking the door behind him by habit.

Empty Veins | Quil Ateara [4]Where stories live. Discover now