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Being one of them felt completely natural for some strange reason. It felt like I had been born into the family and had been born a vampire. The fangs had become more comfortable and I had learnt how to hide them. It seemed that Zach's parents and siblings had known before me what had happened. For the few days that followed my transformation Zach took care of me, refusing to leave my side, keeping up the soothing tone. I just ached for a while, not to mention the fact that I was hungry. Those first few days I wasn't allowed to feed. I was told I wouldn't be able to stop and I'd probably go crazy and kill quite a lot of people. Somehow with Zach being there I managed to not die of starvation between getting my fangs and my first feed. That first feed was difficult. I didn't really know what I was doing and I was scared the whole you might go crazy and kill people thing might happen. I was coaxed into it somehow and was surprised how I wasn't repulsed by it. Now its a regular thing, well it has to be.

The night Blaine found out was pretty bad. He freaked out and started verbally attacking Zach. The only thing stopping him from beating him to a pulp or killing him was the fact that I had fangs. I could kill him quite easily and he knew that. He eventually decided to not kill my boyfriend and what felt like my family. After we had quite a heated discussion, which resulted in me telling him that he no longer felt like my brother after all the things he had done since I found out the truth, I said I never wanted to see him again. I know it sounds harsh but it was the right thing to do. My parents weren't worried as you'd imagine. Zach had already explained it to them.  Except he hadn't really, he'd made up something that convinced them I was fine and that living with the Belcourt's had been my decision. Speaking of my family, Felix. He had his blood transfusion and came out of the hospital and back to his normal life thinking he had been mugged by a group of guys that were now in prison.

So, a year later and everything seems normal to everyone else. It feels normal to be living where I am and being a vampire. Me and Zach want to get married soon. I know it sounds soppy but its not as if there's plenty more fish in the sea. Not fish that have two extra pointy teeth and the ability to drain the blood out of a person. That's beside the point, we're happy and we want to be together. I don't think I'd change anything if I could because that would mean I wouldn't be with a guy I love and have done for a lot of years. There can't really be a definite end to my story because its still only the beginning. Maybe I'll have to fill you in in a couple of years.

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