What you get him for Christmas

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Steve: You get Steve some tickets to see a Car race, because by now everyone knows Steve loves cars and repairing them.

Soda: Soda doesn't ask for much so it was hard knowing what to get him. You finally decided on taking him out to eat.

Darry: Darry works long hours and also takes care of you and his brothers so you, Soda, and Pony save up and get him a new car.

Dally: You get Dally a new house with the money you've been saving up ever since you guys started dating, which was two year ago. You hated how Dally lives so far from you and Dally hated how Everytime you would go to visit him at his little room in bucks guys would hit on you.

Ponyboy: it's no secret you and Pony are book warms so you get him his favorite limited addition books he's been rambling about for weeks.

Twobit: you weren't the richest yet not the poorest and you couldn't afford a lot for twobit. You ended up just spending time with him as a present. He didn't mind at all because that's all he wanted for Christmas was to spend every minute with you.

Johnny: just like twobit Johnny didn't mind getting nothing. All he wanted was to spend time with you. He tried to convince you to not buy him anything for Christmas and you agreed but little did he know you were just lying. You got him his favorite book and read it to him as he fell asleep on your lap.

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