Our New 'Home' and A Capitol View

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Tributes started to get off there carriages. The careers talked, bosting a lot. Me and Kellen stepped off our Pokèmon on our carrige. Then Gabrial walked over smileing, Dotty and Janny not far behind.

"You two were amazing!" he said, giving me and hug and Kellen a pat on the back.

"Thanks, but it was you and Dotty really..." I said

"You are too modest Keira my dear!" Dotty said in a high pitched posh voice. More annoying than Jannys

"Yes, Keira you have to admit you and Spark did really pull it off. Stars of the show" Gabrial said

"Well, come everyone! Let's head to our floor! Dinners ready!" Janny said, before skipping of dragging a confused Kellen behind her.

"There is something wrong with her" I muttered before reluctantly following

We all stood in a glass lift. I have never been in one before. So I was shocked as it lifted us into the air. Like flying sort of. I smiled, we had to go to the top. As it went in order for numbers. 12 is the highest number, so we are the highest floor. Spark looked shocked his bright eyes widening as the ground got further away. And the people below looked like scurrying ants. And as the lift grinded to a stop Spark fell on the floor due to the force. I picked it up before patting his head, messing up his fur.

The floor had all Capitol furniture. And the hallway was larger than my whole house. There was a huge living area with a TV resting against a wall which had a window covering it so you could easily look at the rush of what is the Capitol. There was a large corner sofa, which looked very comfy. There was a dining area with a large table. Then there was rooms. Janny lead me to mine. It was empty a bed and a chair with a desk. More than what I have in the bedroom at my house but with the small space it seems more homey. This was just a big empty space. I sat on the bed, while Spark ran about. Investigating the room, I didn't want to take off my outfit but I knew that it will be worth tons of money when I'm dead and maybe my mum will get it. So I got changed into some cargo trousers I found and a black top. I left the bandanna round my neck and kept on the gloves. I sat on the bed just thinking, about what will happen. 3 days training, interview, arena. Not long now, and the excitement of the parade has left me. Spark came and joined me on the bed his head tilted. He wanting me to talk to him. So I picked him up into my lap.

"I'm sorry Spark, it just.. Just I'm so scared. I don't want to die, I don't want you to die, I don't want Kellen and Puff-Puff to die. I don't want anyone to..." I said

"Pika.." Spark said

"We will be together to the end. Right?"


"Thank you" I said I picked up Spark and held him close curled up on the bed trying to calm myself down. As I know soon Janny will come knocking and screaming. And as almost if I jinxed it she did just that.

"KEIRA! COME ON DINNER!!!" she said, well shouted. I left the room still holding Spark in my gloved hands. And I had and idea. Once we where in the dinning room with Kellen and our Stylists. I held out my hand to Janny.

"Thank You for being so helpful to me the past couple of days" I said and patted her on the shoulder realising a jolt of energy. And Jannys reaction was brilliant. She jolted and flinched for about a minute. I looked at Gabriel who tried to look strict but couldn't hold back a smile. "Sorry about that, guess the gloves had a bit left in them" I wasn't planning in letting her know holding Spark charged them.

"No, it fine" Janny said sitting down.

Dinner was ok, but I didn't really eat. So I just went to bed, and fell asleep. Nervous for training...


Short chapter! But don't worry I'm starting the next one rigt away. Just felt like having a little filler chapter for you guys cause Im nice like that ☻

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