A Run in with the careers...

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Today we are taking a huge risk. As good as Arcanine may be at hunting and stuff, but a human guide is a lot better. So we are hiding William with Spark while me and Arcanine go hunting. If William gets into trouble, Spark shoots a thunder bolt up and we come.

"Are, you ok with this?" I ask William for about the hundredth time
"I'm fine Keira, really" he replied looking me square in the eye
"Ok, please be careful you have Spark if anything happens" I replied
"I guess what ever happens is meant too... Thank you Keira" William said, I gave him a hug and I really noticed how weak he is. His heart beat was so small, so slow, his breathing, it seemed like a struggle for each breath...

"Bye William" I said, before I got on Aracanine I gave William a quick hug and Spark a pat on the head. Arcanine set off with a small grunt. He was fast and I mean really fast! I held on as tight as I could just to avoided slipping off. If it wasn't for the fact I had to keep quiet so I don't get killed I would have been screaming with joy! But instead I kept my mouth shut. Arcanine halted to a stop, and the force almost flinging me off.
"What's up?" I ask, but he turns his head and looks at me sharply. An indicator I had to be quiet. It wasn't till a few deadly silent minuets later I heard voices getting louder. I froze with fear, people ain't gonna let me go free, or Arcanine...

"Damn the kids face! Classic, it was worth letting him go. Just to see that and he pathetic voice! Don't know about you but it was a right laugh!" I heard a male voice nearby. And then I saw them the career pack. Onyx, Farren and Steelix, Claude, Xavier, I'm gonna die.
"Of course, but they did put up a fight, it's gutsy trying to beat us. But can't a kid learn when he's gonna die!" I'm guessing this voice as Onyx as its a female voice and she is the only girl career left.
"Oy Guys, I think I found someone!" I heard a different male voice say and I knew I was found, I could almost feel his eyes starring at me through the bushes. There is no point in running, they will throw a weapon and hit me straight on. The best we can do is fight.
"Awesome! We're coming Farren" said the first voice. Farren cut through the bushes and the other careers joined him.
"Awesome it's 12, but where's her rat?" Claude said
"Yeah, where is it?" Onyx demanded
"Spark, is not a rat! And he is somewhere else! Ok so back off!" I said a unexplainable confidence in me.
"What did you just say?" Onyx demanded. I stayed quiet. "I said what did you say!?" she demanded again
"I said back off!" I was right in front off her so I pushed her back

"I don't know you think you are, but you're going down!" Onyx said she pulled out her knife and lunged forward. Arcanine jumped I'm front of her, but managed to give me a nasty cut on my arm.
"Oynx chill just leave her" Xavier said pulling her back
"What's this dude? Gone all soft?" Claude said mockingly
"Yeah, I can fight my own battles so Onyx where were we?" I said
"Oh good so 12 let's see what you've got" Onyx said
"Look she is not worth it, just leave it off" Xavier said he seemed determined to stop our fight.
"Fine than you go off with 12 but when we see ya I'm gonna slit your throat" Onyx said "Come on let's go" she walked off and Claude, Farren and Steelix followed.

"What's that about?!" I said
"Look you wouldn't last, she would have killed you"
"Like you care!"
"Look please trust me" Xavier begged
"Fine, what bout you" I said looking at Arcanine and he gave Xavier a sharp look but that was it.
"Thanks" Xavier said. Than I don't know what it was, Spark I felt he was in trouble, like a static shock.
"Guys, we need to go William, Spark there in trouble!!" I shouted out. Both Xavier and Arcanine looked at me. I jumped on Arcanine so did Xavier and he ran as fast as he could. But we where to late. We found, William laying on the floor wheelchair on top of him. Spark trapped fighting to get out. The careers made a visit....

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