My time with Janny

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"So Keira, Tell me about your family" Janny said, we where doing a mock interview

"Well, It only me and my mum. And of course Spark and our Raichu" I said trying not to burst out laughing at Jannys pig tails

"What about friends? Tell us about them?"

"Well I know everyone in 12 they are all my friends. Me and Kellen are childhood friends. Then there is my friend John and his Oshawatt Otta Pixie and her Zoura Wizard and people around the district..." I stopped and burst out laughing "Sorry, but this is just so weird!" I said

"Keira! Take this seriously!! This interview is important!!!" Janny said. I continued laughing

"Sorry I can't help it" I said pulling myself together.

"Well, then let's stop, but we still have an hour left" Janny said and sat with her arms crossed.

After about 10 minutes. Janny jumped up.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS!!! KEIRA TALK TO ME!!" she pleaded on her hands and knees. I'm not kidding either

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"YAYAYAYAY!" Janny said jumping up and down "Tell me about life in 12!"

"Well there isn't much to tell. I get up each morning, Spark wake me up. I get up and have breakfast usually leftovers for dinner. My house is only really one room just a wall adding space for the bedroom. Then I will go around the district I can do it in less than 15 minutes I just go see how everyone is. I will go and hang out with John Otta and Spark will train and we will talk and muck about. Then I will go to Pixies House and we will talk. Sometime John and her come round for dinner. Which will be some stew with home grown vegetables and gravy which Suzanne makes. She always gives some to everyone every 2 weeks. And if we are lucky the baker son Sam will get his dad to give him some old bread which is a bit stake and he can't sale and give some to everyone. It not like people can really buy stuff we help each other out with what we got. I see Kellen sometimes, we muck about. He always pulls pranks with Puff-Puff making everyone in the district fall asleep. Its hard but that's life really" I looked at Janny and she was crying "what's wrong?"

"It's just so sad!! Yet you still carry on!" Janny said before bursting into hysterics her many layers of make up pouring down her face. I went over to her, attempting to comfort her.

"It's fine, everyone's happy in 12" I said, but Janny kept crying for over an hour till Kellen came in.

"Dinners re-" he started to say but halted seeing the scene unfold before him "Do I dare ask?"

"Later, Janny dinner" I said leading her through like a small child. But she ran into her room and shut the door. I went and sat down. Gabriel looked at me. "Don't ask" Dinner was quiet, and I went into my room and fell asleep straight away. Tommorow is the last day before being flung into the arena...


Oh Janny how you amuse us all!! What are your thoughts???? Comment below and vote above. And add to your reading list if you haven't. SPREAD THE LOVE!! Quite inronic as seem as there will be killing soon but you know!! ♥

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