Part One - Chapter Sixteen: The Contract Signing

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Lionel took a deep breath as he helped his wife from the car, he was a little nervous about today and he knew that once he had signed the contract that he would spend the rest of his career at Barcelona.

Lucia was wearing a white pencil dress with black lace raglan and waist paired with black heeled sandals, she had surprised Lionel when she had come downstairs that morning; he truly hadn’t been expecting her to dress like that for his contract signing.

“Stop it,” Lucia said as she looked at Lionel annoyed, she didn’t understand why this was making him so nervous; she was sure that this would be so easy for him, she smoothed out the shirt that he was wearing since she had forced him to dress up slightly for this.

Lucia had been a little horrified by the original outfit that her husband had wanted to wear for the signing, she had automatically refused to leave the house with him dressed in the brown leather jacket, old worn jeans and trainers with a neckerchief.

Lionel eyed his wife as he picked up his plain black suit jacket, he was a little surprised that Lucia had found the suit in his wardrobe; she had wrinkled her nose at his other suits and muttered about throwing them out, she didn’t even care that they were Dolce & Gabbana.

“You have nothing to be nervous about,” Lucia said as she smoothed out her dress, she made sure that she had her nude front strap clutch bag with metal tab; she had sorted through her own wardrobe and had gotten some new clothes at Lionel’s insistence.

Lionel smiled as he looked at his wife, he still felt a little speechless and he was glad that she was finally getting comfortable; he knew that in a couple of months that he would like to start trying for a baby, he wanted a small family.


Lucia smoothly crossed her legs as she took a deep breath and watched her husband, she knew that a couple of people had stared at them when they had walked in; she was still unused to the attention that she got now.

Lucia was a little surprised at how many people with cameras were at the signing even though she knew that it was a big thing; she nibbled on her lip as she wondered how long it would be before everyone knew who she was.

"You must be Lucia,” said a voice making Lucia look at who had spoken to her before she squeaked in surprise, she blinked at the sight of Shakira and Gerard Piqué as they moved to sit next to her.

Lucia hadn’t really considered that she would be meeting any of Lionel’s team-mates especially without him by her side; nodding her head she wished that she hadn’t been left alone.

“I’m Shakira… this is Gerard, it is nice to finally meet you,” Shakira said as she smiled at Lucia, she knew that this must all be a bit of a shock for her; she had questioned Lionel about his wife since no one had known that he was even engaged after what had happened with Antonella.

Lucia nodded her head, she hadn’t expected everyone to be so welcoming and she guessed that was because that they didn’t know about why Lionel had really married her and about the agreement.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Lucia said as she glanced at Lionel, she knew that he probably didn’t want anyone to know what he had done; she doubted that anyone would warm to her if they knew that she had married him because of a contract.

Lucia doubted that Lionel would be able to admit why he had gone and asked her to marry him in such a way; she knew that it was going to take some getting used to.

“I take it the suit was you’re doing?” Gerard asked as he eyed his team-mate, he had to admit that he often wonder who dressed his friend when he saw him at award ceremonies and official things.

The older footballer thought that whatever stylist told Lionel to dress in his weird suites needed firing, he often worried what his friend was wearing and he was glad that Lucia had been able to stop him wearing something questionable.

“It was he wanted to wear a brown leather jacket, old worn jeans and trainers with a neckerchief,” Lucia said wondering why anyone would allow Lionel to dress like that, she knew that people surely talked about his strange choice in clothes; she bit her lip knowing that it was going to be something that she would work on.

Lucia took a deep breath as everyone focused on her husband, she knew that the sooner that this was over the better; the seats were so uncomfortable and she hoped that they wouldn’t have to stick around for long.

Lucia watched as Lionel quickly checked through his new contract, she wasn’t sure what he was expecting but she had a feeling that she was included in it; she was the defining detail in his decision to resign for the club.

Lucia doubted that anyone would ever learn that, she hoped they didn’t since she knew it wouldn’t look good on her; she had known Lionel for years and had loved him since before he had left to come here.


“Congratulations,” Gerard said nodding his head at Lionel as his friend approached them, his blue eyes watching him as he wrapped an arm around Shakira; he was happy for Lionel and he hoped that soon his friend would have more in his life.

Lionel nodded at him as he wrapped an arm around Lucia knowing that he needed to keep up pretences; he didn’t need anyone discovering why he had married Lucia.

“Cesc says he is sorry that he couldn’t come,” Gerard said knowing that their friend had wanted to be here but with Daniella in London, he was looking after Lia for the day; he wondered how their friend had gotten himself into that messy situation.

Lucia glanced at Lionel, she hadn’t meet a lot of his friends and even now that she had meet Gerard; she felt a little nervous about meeting others.

“You are such a cute couple,” Shakira gushed as she smiled at Lucia, she could tell that the blonde wasn’t used to being the centre of attention but she was sure that with her help that Lucia would shine; she just needed the right person to help.

If the wrong women got their sharp nails into Lucia then they would surely make her look a gold-digger; Lucia just looked to innocent for her own good and she knew that she could make that work for her in the right way.

“What are you doing next week?” Shakira asked as she stayed focused on Lucia; Daniella had been a close friend of Antonella’s and would automatically dislike Lucia because of it and she wanted Lucia to at least feel welcomed in her new life.

Lucia blinked confused about why the singer wanted to know, she felt Lionel’s fingers tighten slightly as he too wondered what Shakira was up to; she shook her head knowing that she didn’t have much to do right now.

“Great I’ll see you Tuesday then,” Shakira promised, she was going to make Lucia feel welcome and she was sure that Lucia would needed a friend right now.

Lionel was wonderful but he clearly still had feelings for Antonella and if the other woman came back then there was going to be trouble.

Lucia stared at the Columbian, she wasn’t sure what was going on but she was going to be glad of the company.

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