Part Two - Chapter Twenty: Back in Rosario

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Lionel sighed in relief as he carried the two suitcases into his apartment, he looked behind him at Lucia who was carrying a grumpy Maia, who was in desperate need of a nap.

The flight from Barcelona to the couple’s home town had been a long one especially since Maia hadn’t liked flying; she had refused to sleep even for a moment much to her parents’ dismay.

“Do you want me to settle her in the nursery?” Lionel offered put down the two suitcases down, they were only going to be in Argentina for a week and they had come for Lucia’s father’s funeral.

Lucia nodded her head flashing her husband a tired smile, she was suddenly glad that they had opted to come to Lionel’s small apartment instead of going to his parents’ house.

Lucia gingerly handed over their five week old daughter, she was grateful for Lionel’s offer since she wanted time to collect herself before her mother arrived.

Annabelle had insisted on coming to see her daughter and granddaughter as soon as they had arrived, it barely gave the couple time to even take a nap to refresh themselves.

Lionel offered Lucia a small smile as he hurried to the nursery that he’d had set up in the apartment for Maia; he was glad he’d had it done now.

Lionel wasn’t sure why Annabelle couldn’t wait a couple of hours to come over, he wanted to rest and he knew Lucia wanted the same; they’d had a very long flight.

“Are you going to sleep now?” Lionel asked carefully preparing Maia for bed, he was grateful that his mother had dropped some clothes off for her.

Lionel yawned turning on the mobile in an attempt to settle Maia down for a couple of hours; he wasn’t sure what was going to happen when Annabelle arrived.


Annabelle forced a smile stepping into her son-in-law’s apartment, she hadn’t wanted to waste a moment in coming to see her daughter after she had discovered something that worried her.

Annabelle eyed Lionel knowing that after what she had found, she wasn’t going to trust him with her daughter and granddaughter; she wanted them both safe and protected.

“Madre,” Lucia greeted standing from her place on the couch, she shared a look with Lionel knowing that there was something different about her mother and it wasn’t just grief.

The look on Annabelle’s face told them that she was on a mission and that they were in for an interesting talk with her.

“I always knew there was something odd about your marriage, your padre did as well,” Annabelle said softly pulling out the piece of paper that she had discovered in Jorge’s office when she had been using it to organise Andres’ funeral.

Lionel froze at the sight of the paper, it was a part of the contract that had originally been used when he had married Lucia; a contract that he no longer cared for and wasn’t involved in his marriage anymore.

“Madre, where did you get this?” Lucia whispered looking at Lionel, she had never wanted her parents to know that she had been married to Lionel in such a way.

The couple had moved past that part of their relationship and had put that contract to an end; they had no use for it now that they were happily married and in love.

“It doesn’t matter… what matters is that this can end,” Annabelle said smiling at Lucia, she wanted her daughter to come home and she knew that Lionel no longer had any hold over Lucia now that Andres was gone.

Lionel stared at Annabelle frightened of what she planned to do, he didn’t wish to lose his wife and daughter and there had to be some way of putting her mind to rest about that contract.

“Lo siento?” Lucia said confused about what her mother was talking about, she had no intentions of leaving Lionel; they were finally happy and she knew they would be okay in the future.

Lucia sat down as she stared up at her mother knowing that this was her place, she wasn’t going to change her mind and she hoped to explain that.

“I’ll find you a good lawyer… we’ll file for divorce then you and Maia can come and live with me,” Annabelle said simply smiling at Lucia, she ignored Lionel completely as she sat down as well.

The house seemed so empty without anyone living there with her now and Annabelle wanted that to change; she was sure that Lucia would be able to find work at home again with no problems.

Lionel made a small noise of horror as he stared at his mother-in-law, he had never thought that this was going to happen when she had insisted to come over.

“Madre… I’m not divorcing Leo,” Lucia said carefully taking her husband’s hand, she gave it a squeeze of comfort knowing that she would never leave him unless he cheated on her again.

Lionel held her hand tightly, he wasn’t sure what Annabelle thought of that page of the contract that she had but he knew it didn’t matter anymore.

Annabelle blinked as she took in her daughter’s words, she huffed as she looked between the couple as she realised that there was something very different about them.


Lionel offered Annabelle a small smile as he led her to the front door, she’d had dinner with the couple after they had explained what had happened between them and he knew it had been a lot to take in.

“Gracias,” Annabelle said quietly looking at the man that her daughter had married, she knew that Lucia had chosen well and she was so happy for her.

Lionel was a wonderful husband to Lucia and the perfect father to Maia, he did everything for them and Annabelle knew she couldn’t ask for more; she knew Andres would have been so happy for them.

“Look after them,” Annabelle said peeking back into the living room where Lucia was fussing over Maia, she smiled knowing she loved getting to know her granddaughter.

The little girl was so adorable and it was clear she was going to look just like her mother; Annabelle had a feeling that it wouldn’t be long before they had another baby running around.

Lucia looked very much in love and she knew that while Maia was only five weeks old, that there was going to be a couple more children for the couple.

“I will,” Lionel promised giving Annabelle a hug, he knew that she was alone and it was going to take some time for her to adjust to the change in her life.

Annabelle nodded her head as she smiled at Lionel one last time, she didn’t want to keep him from his family and after all that had happened today that he deserved a break.

Lionel watched as Annabelle left before he quietly closed the front door and walked into the living room, he leant against the door frame as he watched Lucia with Maia and smiled.

Lionel wanted this moment to last forever and he knew that one day he would wanted more children; he wanted three or four with Lucia and he knew that Maia was just the start of their family.

Lucia peeked at her husband wondering if everything was okay, she knew her mother was only being protective of her after losing her father and she hadn’t meant to upset him.

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