Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Four: Welcome to Brazil

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Lionel grinned checking his mobile to find a message from his wife, he was relieved that she had landed in Brazil and had just checked into the hotel with their three and a half month old daughter.

Lionel had been a little on edge since he had left Barcelona behind to come and train with his national side, the domestic season had ended badly for his club with no wins and the sad passing of Tito Vilanova.

It had been hard on Lionel and he was glad that Lucia had arrived safely even if she would probably be asleep when he got back to the hotel.

“You look happy,” Sergio Agüero said looking at his room-mate for the tournament, he knew that his friend was missing his family and he didn’t blame him.

Lionel nodded as he pocketed his phone, he couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel now that he knew that Lucia was there; he had missed her and he knew she hadn’t been well recently.

Lucia had tried to cover it up but Lionel had heard that she had picked up a bug while he had been away; it worried him a little and he was glad that Maia hadn’t caught it.

“That’s it, hit the showers,” Alejandro Sabella called the training session to an end, the team were due to play Bosnia and Herzegovina in two days’ time and he wanted everything to be perfect.

Lionel sighed in relief hurrying towards the showers knowing the quicker that he washed up, the quicker he could be with his wife and daughter.

Sabella watched the captain go, knowing that he really hoped that Lucia’s presence in Brazil wasn’t going to distract Lionel and cause Argentina to lose.


Lucia yawned climbing out of bed and peeked at Maia, who was sleeping soundly through the knocking on their hotel room door.

Lucia didn’t have to guess to know that it was Lionel, she had known he’d show up as soon as he had gotten back from training.

Lucia took a shaky breath as she pulled on her mint trim dressing gown over her navy heart print viscose chemise, she knew that she couldn’t just ignore him no matter how tired she was right now.

Lucia barely opened the door before Lionel had her in his arms, he cuddled his wife content for a moment as he revelled in the fact that he finally had her with him.

“Are you feeling better?” Lionel asked pulling back from his wife and looked at her concerned, he closed the hotel door knowing that he didn’t want his friends to see her in her dressing gown.

Lucia nodded her head as she smiled weakly at Lionel, she had almost forgotten that he had been told that she hadn’t been well; she had hoped to tell him herself.

“I’m fine,” Lucia said as she flashed him a smile, she knew that she was going to have to tell him sooner or later; it was something that neither of them had really planned.

Lionel watched his wife, he didn’t believe her for a moment and he wished that she wouldn’t hide things from him; he carefully took her hand and pulled her close.

“Leo… I’m fine really,” Lucia said resisting the urge to rest a hand on her stomach, it would give the game away and it was a little early to be even talking about all of this.

Lionel shook his head as he continued to stare at his wife, he had heard enough about her illness and he needed to be sure that there wasn’t anything seriously wrong with her.

“What did the doctor say?” Lionel asked recalling that Daniella had said that she had been to see their doctor; he had been so worried and his team-mates had been forced to stop him flying back to Barcelona to be with her.

Lucia swallowed cursing Daniella in her mind, she knew that her friend should have just minded her own business especially since she had wanted to surprise him when she was ready.

“Leo… I’m pregnant,” Lucia said carefully watching her husband, she had wanted to wait a while before she told him but she could see that Lionel wasn’t going to let this go.

Plus Lionel would probably worry when she had a bout of morning sickness, that was the last thing that Lucia wanted and Lionel had a lot on his mind right now with the tournament.

Lionel stared at his wife as her news sunk in, he certainly hadn’t been expecting that sort of announcement when he had heard that she had been ill while he was in Argentina.

“We’re having another baby,” Lionel breathed in awe as he moved to rest a hand on her flat stomach a smile formed on his face as he realised that this really was happening.

Lucia nodded her head as she smiled back, it hadn’t been planned like Maia but it was still an extra special gift that they got to share together.

“We are… I’m ten weeks,” Lucia whispered as she rested her head against Lionel’s, she knew that she hadn’t expected to be so far along but it was a nice surprise especially when she thought about having another baby.


“I can’t believe we’re having another baby,” Lionel whispered cuddling Maia in his arms, he loved the idea of having another and he knew that his daughter would be a brilliant older sister.

Lucia nodded her head as she sat down, she brushed some hair from her face knowing that this was a wonderful surprise and she hoped that the next one looked like Lionel especially since Maia had inherited so much of her.

“Someone for Maia to play with,” Lionel continued hugging his daughter, he couldn’t believe that this was happening and he actually got to enjoy this part.

The last time they had found out Lucia was pregnant, Lionel’s emotional affair had put his wife in hospital and Lucia had proceeded to leave the country.

Lucia nodded her head pressing kiss to her husband’s lips, she knew what he was thinking and this time everything was going to be okay; they were happy now and the past was behind them.

“I think it’ll be another girl,” Lionel mused pulling back from his wife, his brown eyes looking at her flat stomach knowing that he didn’t mind.

Maia was wonderful and Lionel could see himself having another daughter, he most men wanted sons but he really didn’t mind this time.

“I don’t know,” Lucia said knowing that they had weeks before they would find out what she was having, the world cup was the main thing right now and they would deal with everything else later on.

“I love you,” Lionel said with a smile as he watched his wife, he couldn’t believe that in about seven months’ time that they would have another baby; it seemed so magical right now.

Lionel knew that having two very young children wasn’t going to be easy but that didn’t mean that it wouldn’t be an experience; Lionel was excited about having another child with his beautiful wife.

“I love you too,” Lucia said pressing another kiss to his lips, she knew that she would support him until the very end and she would be proud of him no matter what happened.

Lucia had every confidence that they could make it until the end, the blonde just hoped that her husband was strong enough to do this; she brushed her fingers through his hair as she hugged him.

The last thing that Lucia wanted was him to blame himself if anything went wrong, Argentina were more than just one man, they were a team.

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