Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Nine: Some Quiet Time

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Lucia smiled feeling Lionel’s arm wrap around her waist and pull her closer, the couple were alone in his hotel room and Maia was safely in Argentina with Annabelle and Lionel’s parents.

Argentina had beaten Nigeria the night before to go straight through to the round of sixteen were they would be facing Switzerland; they were doing so well and Lucia was proud of Lionel.

Turning over, Lucia cuddled into Lionel’s arms as she enjoyed the lie-in with her husband after a busy week; they were going strong after what had happened with Antonella and Lionel was determined to forget all about his ex-girlfriend.

“Buenos días,” Lionel murmured holding Lucia close, she now had a small bump and he couldn’t have been happier; he was excited to find out what they were having even if he secretly did want a baby boy.

Lucia smiled pressing a kiss to his lips, she couldn’t believe how sweet he had been since the Antonella incident; she had heard his friends warning about Antonella and she was surprised at how Lionel had handed it.

“Buenos días,” Lucia replied watching her husband, he didn’t have training until late that evening and she was glad that she got him to herself for a while; her stomach grumbled making Lionel grin as he rolled out of bed.

Lucia watched him curiously as he padded to get one of the menus for room service, she smiled knowing that this alone time was just as important to him as it was to her.

“What do you fancy?” Lionel asked padding back to the bed and handed Lucia the menu, he didn’t want to eat with his team-mates who were sure to have similar plans to him today.


“Have I told you how much I love you?” Lionel asked kissing Lucia, he was being so sweet that morning that it was making Lucia a little suspicious; she knew he had something big planned for them.

Lionel pulled back hearing someone knock on the hotel room door, he smiled going to answer it knowing it would be room service with their breakfast.

Lucia wrapped her robe around her and padded to the balcony, it was still pretty early but the view from the hotel room was amazing, it looked out over the beach and it made Lucia’s heart race at how beautiful it was.

“Lia,” Lionel called making her look back at him, she smiled as she stepped back into the room glad that they were alone today.

Lucia didn’t want to seem selfish but she wanted Lionel to herself today, she hadn’t had time alone with him since Maia had been born and they had conceived their baby.

“Blueberry pancakes,” Lionel beamed looking at Lucia, he would never get enough of her and he was thankful that training was late that night; he wanted to spend more time with his wife alone.

Lucia sat down at the small table in the room, she sipped on the orange juice that was on the table; she missed caffeine but couldn’t have any since she was pregnant.

Lionel had also cut back on his own caffeine consumption since he didn’t want to tempt his wife or rub it in her face; he sat down to enjoy his breakfast as they enjoyed the quiet of the morning.

“Gracias,” Lucia said smiling at Lionel, she was aware that he was doing his best to comfort her over the fact that Antonella had tried to seduce him; it wasn’t his fault and Lucia didn’t blame him.


“This is nice,” Lucia mused looking at Lionel, they were walking down one of the local beaches and the couple were enjoying their alone time.

Lionel nodded his head as he wrapped an arm around his wife, it was relaxing to have some time with her and he was sure that they would have to do this again before the baby was born.

“I’ve missed having you to myself,” Lucia said cuddling into Lionel’s side, she was happy and she knew that in a week Maia would be back and they had the rest of the tournament to face.

Lionel sighed as he looked down at the waves that lapped at his feet as he walked along the shore line, he was so relaxed and after the match yesterday this was what he needed right now.

“I’ve miss this as well,” Lionel said trying to recall the last time he had felt so relaxed, he didn’t have anything to worry about and he couldn’t wait to go on holiday when the world cup was over.

It would be two weeks in the sun with his family, something that he was looking forward to; he had everything arranged and Lionel couldn’t wait.

“So where are we going on holiday?” Lucia asked looking up at her husband, he hadn’t told her where they were going and she was curious; she had no idea what Lionel had planned for a summer holiday for them.

Lionel chuckled looking at Lucia and kissed her softly, he loved that he had a surprise set out for them and he wasn’t going to tell her anytime soon.

“Por favor,” Lucia said pouting a little, in hopes that Lionel would tell her where they were going; she wanted to know so she knew how to pack for the trip.


“You look happy,” Sergio teased spotting the couple returning to the hotel, he was happy for them and he had worried that Antonella’s stunt would have caused them some trouble.

Lionel nodded his head as Lucia pressed a kiss to his cheek, she moved away from him as she headed towards the ladies room; she needed to pee and she was sure that Lionel wouldn’t disappear without saying goodbye.

“You are a lucky man,” Sergio said watching Lucia leave, he wasn’t sure how his friend would ever cope if he didn’t have Lucia in his life.

Lionel nodded his head observing his wife disappeared, he was thankful every day that Lucia hadn’t divorced him and taken Maia away; he deserved it after what he had done last year.

“I know…” Lionel said with a fond smile, he had never thought when Lucia had announced that she was leaving for Italy that this was where they would be an entire year later.

Lionel had spent months worrying about his fractured marriage and he was going to spend the rest of his life making sure that Lucia knew just how much he loved her and the children.

“So when are you both announcing the pregnancy?” Sergio asked turning to look at Lionel, he knew that the couple were expecting and the press were bound to notice sooner or later that Lucia was pregnant again.

Lionel smiled and shook his head, they would wait a couple more months before they announced that they were having another baby; it all seemed so unreal and he couldn’t wait.

“Don’t screw up again Leo… I’m not sure Lucia will wait around for you again,” Sergio said watching his friend, he had been through so much and after the stunt that Antonella had pulled two days ago.

Lionel nodded his head, he had no interest in what was happening with his ex-girlfriend and he wanted to make sure that nothing ever happened again.

Lucia, Maia and the baby were everything to him and he knew that whatever happened next that they would be there for him.

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