Part Two - Chapter Ten: Moving Forward

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Lionel smiled as he headed upstairs with the pizza that had just arrived, he really didn’t care what the nutritionist had to say about his break in diet; he was happier with the turn of events that had taken places earlier that night.

Lucia had finally forgiven him for what he had done and Lionel had called in a favor from one of his friends to cover him under the excuse that Lucia wasn’t feeling well enough to come to the charity auction.

The footballer had spent most of the night pampering his very pregnant wife, he wasn’t going to stop just because she had forgiven him; she deserved the best and Lionel was determined to treat her like a queen.

“Pizza’s here,” Lionel announced as he padded into the master bedroom and smiled at Lucia who was settled comfortable in the centre of the bed; she had the duvet wrapped around her and several pillows propped up so she was comfortable.

Lucia perked at the smell of the pizza, her stomach grumbling as Lionel sat down on the bed beside her with the pizza box; she was wearing a navy print maternity camisole and bottoms.

“You look comfortable amor,” Lionel mused knowing that the hot bath and foot rub had done wonders for her, he knew that she was gratefully that she hadn’t had to go to the charity event especially so close to her due date.

Lucia nodded her head as she rested a hand on her bump, the baby was moving a lot more now and she couldn’t wait until her daughter was born.

Lionel handed her a slice of pepperoni pizza, he was glad that she was finally comfortable and he couldn’t imagine what it was like for her to carry their ever growing daughter.

“Are you going to move your stuff back in here?” Lucia asked cautiously taking a bit of the pizza, now would be as good a time as any.

Lionel looked at his wife, he was a little taken back that she had asked him that question; it wasn’t something that he had thought about since they had kissed and now he wasn’t sure how to respond.

“Would you like me to?” Lionel asked carefully as he looked at his wife, he didn’t want to do anything that would make her uncomfortable; he hadn’t slept in their room since she had gone to Rome, now that she was back and had forgiven him it changed things.

Lucia nodded her head knowing that it was time that they moved forward with their lives, she had forgiven him and it was time for them to let go of the past.

“I don’t want to rush things with you Lia,” Lionel said carefully watching his wife, he would wait forever to be ready for her and he really didn’t mind.

They had been through so much already and he was just glad that she had forgiven him for his emotional affair, he would handle everything else when he was ready.

“I want you back in here Leo, what am I going to do if I go into labour during the night? Text you?” Lucia said as she tried to joke, they had yet to really discuss what would happen when she went into labour they hadn’t even prepared a bag yet so that they would be ready to go to the hospital.

Lionel chuckled knowing that she meant it as a joke, he was dreading the moment when she went into labour; he wished that she’d consider having a C-section or something instead of a natural birth.


Lucia grinned as she watched Lionel slowly move his things back into the room, she was still relaxing in bed as she watched him.

The footballer had refused her help and insisted on her staying in bed while he moved back into the mast bedroom; he didn’t want her doing any heavy lifting, she was heavily pregnant and he wanted to protect her.

“So what would we need to take to the hospital?” Lionel asked as he looked over at his wife who had a pen and notepad, she had been listing what they would need since they had decided that they needed to start preparing.

The footballer was determined to be ready for when their baby was due, he didn’t want to miss a moment of her birth because they had forgotten something important.

“For me, I’ll need bathrobe, two nightgowns, slippers, socks, toiletries, underwear and an outfit to go home in,” Lucia said as she listed all the important items, she hadn’t included anything that was for entertainment since she knew that could be added later.

Lionel looked at his wife knowing that this list was only going to get longer, he hoped that this was all going to fit into at least two bags; he didn’t want to be bring everything plus the kitchen sink with them when they were having their baby.

“For the baby, she’ll need an installed car seat, a going-home outfit and a receiving blanket,” Lucia said knowing that a hospital would provide a lot of essential things for their baby, she had checked with the midwife when she’d had a check-up.

Lionel paused knowing that it wasn’t much, he didn’t want paparazzi stalking the corridors of the hospital to get a picture of his newborn daughter.

Lionel was doing all he could in advance to make sure that it didn’t happen, he couldn’t wait for his little girl to be born and he wouldn’t miss it for the world no matter what.

“You will need a camera with batteries, charger and memory card, toiletries, comfortable shoes, a few changes of comfortable clothes and swimming shorts,” Lucia said as she read out the list that she had made for him, she looked up as she chewed on her lip knowing that this was going to be interesting; she couldn’t think of anything else for them to take.

Lionel looked at her as he moved to put his clothes into his draws, he had to admit that he was surprised at how much he was going to need for the birth.

“Swimming shorts?” Lionel asked raising an eyebrow at her, he wasn’t quite sure that a hospital would allow him to go swimming at any time while she was having his baby; even if he was Lionel Messi star of Barcelona football club.

Lucia nodded her head as she smiled at her husband, she knew that he was curious about why he would need them; however she wasn’t quite sure how he would feel about the answer.

“In case I want to take a bath or shower during labour, you may need to get in with me,” Lucia said carefully as she watched Lionel’s face curiously, she smiled as he blushed at her reply knowing that it wasn’t what he had expected.

Lionel looked away focusing on what he was doing, he hadn’t really thought of that and he had been doing a lot of research on what he should expect when Lucia’s went into labour.

The couple were silent as they thought about their baby girl, she would be loved when she arrived and they had done everything in their power to prepare for her birth.

“So do you think we’ll be ready for her?” Lucia asked as she smiled at him, she rested a hand on her bump, she was a little nervous about what was to come; she had been to enough classes to know this wouldn’t be easy.

Lionel nodded his head as if sensing her nervousness from across the room, his brown eyes watching her knowing he would never allow anything to happen to Lucia.

The footballer was protective of his wife and would be the same when his daughter was born, he doubted any man would be good enough for his daughter.

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