Part One - Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Forgotten

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Lucia sipped on her coffee as she watched Lionel dash around the kitchen as he prepared a special picnic for him and Antonella.

Lucia sat quietly as she wondered if he even knew what today was, they had been married for four months now and it had been over a month since Antonella had first arrived in Barcelona.

“Are you coming with us Lucia?” Antonella asked as she looked over at Lucia, Lionel had been ignoring her a lot lately and she was doing everything that she could to try and make him see that what he was doing was wrong.

Lucia looked at Antonella and shook her head, she sipped on her coffee as Lionel didn’t even pause to see what she had answered.

“I have plans today,” Lucia said softly as she snuck a glance at her husband wondering when he would remember what today was, she chewed on her lip doubting that he would remember before the day was out.

Antonella nodded her head curious about what Lucia had planned, she looked at Lionel as she wondered if he knew what his wife was going to do.

Lionel smiled as he finished what he was doing and turned to smile at the two women, he knew that this would be a good time to be with Antonella and he wanted to tell her how he felt about her.

“Okay we won’t be back until late… so don’t wait up,” Lionel said as he collected the picnic basket and smiled at Lucia, he didn’t even see the hurt that flashed through his wife’s eyes.

Antonella opened her mouth to say something when Lucia nodded her head and signalled for them to leave, she looked at Lucia sadly before Lionel ushered her from the house.

Lucia closed her eyes as the front door closed, she knew that she should have expected this; she just couldn’t believe that Lionel had forgotten her birthday.


“Feliz cumpleaños,” Shakira squealed in excitement as she through her arms around Lucia and hugged her, she smiled at her friend as she stepped back and looked around eagerly trying to spot Lionel.

The singer frowned a little confused about why Lionel hadn’t come with Lucia to the party that they were throwing for her birthday.

“He’s on a picnic with Antonella,” Lucia said knowing who Shakira was looking for, she offered Shakira a weak smile as she ignored the twinge in her stomach; she wasn’t going to cry at her party about this.

Shakira pursed her lips as she looked at Lucia sadly, she couldn’t believe that Lionel hadn’t come to Lucia’s birthday party; she was sure that Gerard would have reminded him about it.

“It’s fine… it’s not like he remembered it’s my birthday,” Lucia muttered bitterly as she swallowed the lump in her throat, she took a deep breath knowing that she had come to have a good time and not think about what her husband was doing.

Shakira’s jaw dropped in horror that Lionel had forgotten Lucia’s birthday, she could see that her friend was trying to hide the hurt and the singer cursed him because everyone was going to ask about Lionel and what he had gotten her for her birthday.

“Lucy, it’s great to see you,” Gerard boomed as he hurried over to greet Lucia, he didn’t notice the tension that hung in the air as he pulled Lucia into a hug.

Cesc Fàbregas hovered a little way back knowing that he was going to greet Lucia, he hadn’t been warm to her and he had pleaded with Daniella to be nice with Lucia even if she didn’t like her.

“So what did Leo get you?” Gerard asked curiously, he had been dropping hints at his friend all week about the party and her birthday.

Shakira quickly shook her head as she stared wide-eyed at her boyfriend, he meant well and didn’t know what had happened but she could see that Lucia was hurting.

“Excuse me,” Lucia said as she voice broke and she hurried away for the bathroom so no one would see her cry.

Lucia had dressed in a coral lace dress with contrast lining and sweetheart neckline paired with silver high heels and golden glitter frame clutch bag in attempt to try and cheer herself up.

Gerard furrowed his brow as he watched Lucia hurry away, he didn’t know what he had said to upset her; it was her birthday and she shouldn’t be crying.

“Messi forgot her birthday,” Shakira explained bitterly as Cesc moved forward wondering what had happened, they all knew that Lionel had been obsessed with Antonella since she has arrived but none of them thought he’d forget something this important.

Gerard and Cesc stared at the Colombian as her words sunk in, they couldn’t believe that their best friend would do that; he had admitted that he had fallen in love with Lucia at his birthday six weeks ago and now all of that was gone.

“I’m going to kill him,” Gerard snapped as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair, he had hoped that Lionel would snap out of this and see that Antonella didn’t want him back but it wasn’t happening.

Cesc felt guilty chew away at his stomach knowing that Daniella had been pushing Antonella to spend more time with Lionel and now he could see the damage that his girlfriend’s actions had caused.

“Cesc go and tell everyone not to mention Leo, Gerard go and get Milan… I’ll see if I can get Lucia to come out,” Shakira said as she looked at her boyfriend and his friend, she was determined to make up for Lionel’s stupid mistake.


Lucia sniffled as she rested a hand against her stomach and tried to ignore the stabbing pain that she felt, she really didn’t need her time of the month right now.

“Are you okay?” Shakira asked as she stepped into the bathroom, she hated that Lionel had done this to Lucia when she had done so much for him.

Lucia nodded her head as she offered the older woman a weak smile, everyone was going to be looking at her in pity and she didn’t want that.

“I’ve been through worse,” Lucia said as she recalled the abuse that she had suffered just before she had met Lionel; if she could handle that then she could handle this.

Shakira nodded her head as she hugged the younger woman, she was going to murder Lionel when she saw him; she’d hunt him down if she had to for what he was doing to Lucia.

“Don’t let him get you down,” Shakira said as she tried to cheer her friend up, she wanted Lucia to enjoy her birthday even if Lionel had let her down.

Lucia nodded her head as she felt another stabbing pain in her stomach, she took a shaky breath as Shakira pulled back from her; she wiped her nose knowing that she needed to go back downstairs.

“Shall we go downstairs and celebrate you turning twenty-six?” Shakira asked with a smile, she was impressed with how strong her friend was even if no one else saw it.

Lucia nodded her head and got to her feet, she pulled her dress down at the back and frowned as she felt something wet there making her look down at her hand.

“Is that blood?” Shakira whispered in horror as Lucia stared shocked at her hand that was now covered in dark red blood, she swallowed realising that there was something very wrong happening right now.

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