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We all lined up in order to meet the new president. He shook everyone's hand one by one, flashing his warm and comforting smile.

I could hear his campaign jingle in my head, the cheerful little tune made to win over voters. His charisma won us over, any person, male or female could easily fall for him.

The President slowly began nearing me as he made his way down the line.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled at each person.

"You have a wonderful blouse." He complimented one girl. I was heated with jealousy.

I watched as he was three people down, then two, then one person—

"And what is your name?" The President asked as he looked me directly in the eye.

I hesitated, he didn't ask anyone else what their name was. "Janis. Janis Decker."

I probably sounded like an idiot.

"Well, you'll be a great addition to our team, Janis." He smiled and held out his hand. It was almost as if in slow motion I reached out to touch him. It felt like electricity shot up my arm. "Are you ready to serve your country?"

What? Why was he talking to me for so long?

"Excuse me?" I asked, not hearing exactly what he said.

"Are you ready to change America?" He asked differently. What he said was drastic, and probably not realistic. However coming from his mouth, it meant everything.

"Of course, Mr. President." I nodded with a smile. He nodded, and then went to the next person on line.

What made him act that way with me? Why was he so interested in what I thought? My head filled with fairytales, but I was snapped back to reality once he finished greeting everyone.

"Alright, everyone. I expect you all to work hard, lead with determination and have boundless ambition." The President said as he stood boldly in front of the group of people.

Then he looked me directly in the eye. "I believe you will be able to do it."

I rose my eyebrows, at first I thought he was speaking directly to me. But no, I was wrong of course. He was speaking to everyone standing in the room, the young people eager to make a change in the world.

He had a sexual magnetic energy as he left the room, all the girls swooned once he fully exited. I stood there awkwardly, not really believing that I had just engaged with the Leader Of The Free World.

I couldn't wait to see him again.

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