her last moment of peace

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The two walked down the sacred stone grounds where the East Gate of Lanayru lies, the princess's head was down, with nothing but shame in her heart, the knight, the man himself could barely keep himself together simply looking at how much self-hatred she spit out in his face, was all she said true of what she thought of herself?
Silence emerged between the two, lingering like a haunting essence, her heels clacking one step of another, while his sword's blade gently hit the sheath to make a sound to accompany her heels.
It was almost sundown, the dawn of sun that shone over her broke him. He couldn't bare to see her just holding back all of her cries, he knew it, he knew how horrible she felt right now.
This was her last shot.
And nothing..nothing happened.
His face showed nothing but concern and guilt, as every now and then he glanced shortly over at her just to make sure she was okay, and every now and then to see if the horse's were still following their trail.

He slowed down his paces, so the champions could greet her alone, perhaps they didn't need him to interfere right now. All they even know him as is the reminder of her own failures, as much as he wished not to be, he refused to talk about this.
Princess Amber lowered her head even more as her shortcut sideburns wavered in the gentle winds blowing from the mountains, the champion, the first to speak began to follow her before she suddenly stopped, the Champion, Papyrus, of the Rito spoke in a gentle tone, "What happened, princess? Did anything happen there on the mountain? Did..it awaken?"

Amber shook her head no, tears burning the edges of her eyes as she clenched her fists, holding back anything she could, she refused to show anymore weakness. She just, wanted the day to be over. She hated this feeling, everytime, coming back from these cursed springs it was always the same and she just wished..she just wished she hadn't let everyone down.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the Gerudo Champion, Chara, put a hand underneath the princess's chin, she was surprised by this since she had been bashing on herself mentally so much in, probably just a few seconds as the champion looked at her with a sincere look.
"My dear Amber, it is not over yet, we must not dwell on what is not the present, plus, that wasn't your last shot, we still have other springs, so we have a chance to awaken that..thing, still." The champion said enthusiastically as a warm smile overcame her stern yet confident look, dull words were answered to the champion, a simple, "Yes, thank you." , then, the Goron Champion gave her a gentle pat on the back with his rough hands, the guy giving a sincere smile as she shook his head.
"Don't look so down because of this princess, you are worth more then you think. These gods just wont see it yet, so have patience you small—human..haha!" The princess simply made a short smile which again, quickly faded into an empty dull face.
Everyone was kind of out of ideas to help, they looked at one another, confused yet so concerned for the little one, then, the Zora Champion, Undyne, suddenly spoke, stepping right in front of the princess as she lowered her head to meet with her eyes, the princess acknowledged this as she rose her head the slightest.
"May I, princess?"

"Yes. Of course."

The Zora female laughed a little as she lowered her head, "I, I wanted to share something with you—w-well with all of you! It..it is quite embarrassing for me to admit but..it's..it's what I do when I'm healing, perhaps."
This caught Bete Noire's attention, raising his head as he faced Undyne, as she continued on with now an uneasy voice, being pressured with all of their looks, ESPECIALLY his, "Its, It's what I think of, who I think of—and it helps—it helps when I—I think about—"

Her soft voice was cut off by a rough shake in the ground as all the champions nearly lost their stand, however the knight kept up the princess as she fell into his arms, The Goron champion hit the rock that was blocking their view..to see what they feared most, fearful gasps escaping each and every one of them. The Zora champion swiftly turned to look at the beast, beginning to erupt from Hyrule Castle, all of their fear and sudden freezes were interrupted as an infuriating yet frustrated scream echoed, "MY FATHER! NO! I CANNOT LEAVE HIM THERE TO DIE!!" The princess yelled abruptly, "NOIRE! PLEASE! WE MUST SAVE HIM! WE CANT!! LEAVE HIM THERE!!!!" She yelled and cried out loud, releasing her arm from his grip as the Gerudo champion caught her in her arms, gently taking her back up to her own stand. "Amber, my sweet little angel please, calm yourself, we are prepared for this day, we will save him, and we will save you, come, we should go."

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