~ Paciencia Mi Amor ~

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Me and the boys had a very busy day of filming yesterday and so we didn't get much time to relax or even eat. That's why it comes as no surprise to me that I'm so hungry as soon as I wake up. I'm not really sure of the plan for today yet either so I just throw on the first pair of boxers and a hoodie that I find and trudge downstairs towards the kitchen.

When I open the door to the kitchen I'm met by the sight of Brooklyn and Jack with their tongues down each others throats, it's slightly too sickening to see in the morning but it certainly isn't the first time so I make a couple of fake gagging noises and move on to making myself some cereal.


"Excuse me please"  Rye says whilst trying to lightly shove Jacklyn out of the way of the hot chocolate cupboard. Upon hearing the Spanish falling from Rye's lips Jack pulls back from Brook and swivels round to face Rye completely.

"You know I don't speak Spanish mate" Jack laughs "What do you want?" but if Rye's look of total confusion was anything to go by, the poor kid had no clue what Jack was saying. In response, Jack and Brook shared a quick glance before bursting into fits of laughter.

Their laughter grew so loud that eventually they managed to wake up the whole house and after a good ten minutes of laughing together they'd drawn all the boys towards the kitchen to see what all the noise was about. By this time however, Rye had grown bored of the boys' laughter and had carried on making his breakfast whilst singing a Spanish song he used to love growing up.

Once the boys had calmed down enough to explain their laughing they sat the boys down and told them about Rye's Spanish question and his following look of confusion. During this discussion though, Rye's confusion had only grown as he couldn't understand a word being said.

"Why can't I understand you?"  Rye asked the boys, slightly teary, but of course the inability to communicate extended both ways resulting in nervous laughter from the other boys.

Once Mikey google translated Rye's words he explained quickly to the other boys and just shrugged his shoulders at Rye. How the hell should he know?

After that the day goes on as normal. Well, as normal as it can go when one member of the boyband can't understand what any of the others are saying...


"What are we doing today?"  Rye asked, looking at us expectantly as if we could understand a word he was saying.

"We don't have time to mess around today Rye, we have so much to get done so just stop playing around and get ready to go out" Andy replied whilst rolling his eyes and going to get ready himself.

Something doesn't feel right about this though so I Google translate Rye's question and then fill him in on the plan for today - In Spanish of course. He gives me an appreciative smile in response and then walks off, presumably to get ready like Andy asked.


The first thing on our agenda for today was filming a 'vlogmas' video, but of course Rye's still speaking in Spanish so not much of it is actually getting filmed.

"For God's sake Rye, we've only got a couple of these left to film and then we get to go home so just cut it out and help us film this!" Jack shouted towards Rye. Understandable considering he's always been the most excited to go home but a bit uncalled for too as something's clearly wrong with Rye, he wouldn't keep it up this long if it was a joke.

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