Chapter Seven

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*** Ria's POV

I woke up startled to see Dylan sitting in the chair beside the bed. He was fast asleep and his breathing was soothing, he looked peaceful. I actually hadn't noticed how attractive he looked- I never payed attention to the people in school, not since what happened the last time I tried to make friends. His head was positioned at an awkward angle and he looked uncomfortable. I often fell asleep that way, leaving me with a very sore back and hunched shoulders. Standing up for the first time in hours I cracked my back and stretched out my arms tiredly. I made my way over to him, gently lifting his head so as not to wake him up, before placing a pillow at his head.

He shifted a bit and somehow took hold of my arm. 

"Janice... please..." He whispered. Eugh. Maybe that's who he was visiting?

I sat down on the bed, his hand still slightly gripping on to my sleeve. I can let this slide, besides, he's probably going through a rough time too. 

He mumbled in his sleep, moving about until eventually, his head was rested on my lap. I tucked his hair behind his ear, stroking his brown curls softly. He was a beautiful human being, his warmth reaching to my heart. You'd never guess what people go through each day. I never would have taken him for a softy at school. His skin was clear like glass, free of any blemishes, and even though his eyebrows were unplucked, he still looked good. This was the most content I've felt since Mum and Dad left, even though he was practically a stranger. The feeling of somebody being here for me, knowing Finn was alright upstairs.

Finn... I glanced at the clock, nearly choking on my own spit at the realisation that I had been here for a very long time. I hope he didn't get worried. I couldn't leave now, Dylan had just fallen asleep and he stayed with me the whole day. For some reason, I felt like I now had to return the favour. 


I must have dozed off for a while, as I woke up to find Dylan staring at me. He was sitting upright in the chair and I was lying on my side, facing him. I hope I didn't drool. A smile washed over his face as he noticed my awakening. My heart started to beat a little faster at his grin, observing how his eyes warmed up. It was now evening and I should have been gone back to Finn ages ago. Something about Dylan's presence begged me to stay. We both stood up drowsily, almost too close. His breath panned over my face as he towered over me. 

"Are you gonna go home?" he inquired. I shook my head. 

"Can't. You should probably go though. Thanks for staying with me." I smiled weakly in the presence of someone other than Finn for the first time in a while. 

We both stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. He scratched the back of his head, making his way to the door. "You sure you don't want me to drive you home?" He offered politely. I shook my head again. 

"I'm fine really. Um, could you maybe, not mention our encounter to anyone at school?" I looked down at the floor, avoiding his eyes reluctantly. 

"Oh.. Um.. Ria, you can trust me. I won't bother you." his voice was soothing and sincere, but I wasn't going to take any chances.

"I trust no one. But please, just don't mention it to anyone." He nodded slightly before flashing a smirk. 

"I have something to bribe you with now."

Dammit. I knew he wanted something.Honestly, I didn't care if he spread rumours about him and I doing inappropriate things, even though we didn't. I just didn't want anyone to know this was the hospital I went to, that Finn was here. 

I punched his shoulder and squinted my eyes at him. "Don't you dare O'Grady!" 

He laughed at me and patted my head playfully. 

"Don't worry Tate. I'll make sure I won't unless it's necessary." With that, he smiled and turned around, strolling out the door. He walked me to the elevator, making sure I made it there safely. 

"You forgot this," he handed me the chocolate bar, insinuating that I had left it behind. So that's why he ran after me.

We exchanged an awkward goodbye wave, and he was gone.

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